implemented test suite

This commit is contained in:
Peter L 2021-11-10 18:08:51 +01:00
parent 67a53cbb08
commit da47717400
1 changed files with 122 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from machine import UART, Pin, Timer
from machine import UART, Pin, PWM, Timer
import time
led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
@ -8,6 +8,113 @@ btn_red = Pin(3, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
led_blu = Pin(4, Pin.OUT)
led_red = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
_PWM_MAX = const(65535)
_PWM_FREQ = const(2000)
_PIN_EN_MOTOR_VERT = const(14)
_PIN_A_MOTOR_VERT = const(12)
_PIN_B_MOTOR_VERT = const(13)
_PIN_EN_MOTOR_HOR = const(15)
_PIN_A_MOTOR_HOR = const(10)
_PIN_B_MOTOR_HOR = const(11)
_PIN_EN_BACKLIGHT = const(17)
_PIN_A_BACKLIGHT = const(18)
_PIN_B_BACKLIGHT = const(19)
_PIN_EN_FRONTLIGHT = const(16)
_PIN_A_FRONTLIGHT = const(20)
_PIN_B_FRONTLIGHT = const(21)
_PIN_LED_RED_BTN = const(2)
_PIN_LED_BLU_BTN = const(4)
_PIN_RED_BTN = const(3)
_PIN_BLU_BTN = const(5)
_PIN_SENS_END_VERT = const(9)
_PIN_SENS_CNT_VERT = const(7)
_PIN_SENS_END_HOR = const(6)
_PIN_SENS_CNT_HOR = const(8)
CMD_MOT_V = 'V' # run vertical motor
CMD_MOT_H = 'H' # run horizontal motor
CMD_BL = 'B' # backlight
CMD_FL = 'F' # frontlight
CMD_UI = 'U' # user interaction
CMD_RC = 'C' # recording
CMD_RW = 'R' # rewind
LED = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
class Scroll:
def __init__(self, cnt_pin:Pin, end_pin:Pin, en_pin:PWM, a_pin:Pin, b_pin:Pin) -> None:
self.c = 0
self._dir = 0
self._speed = 0
self.en_pin = en_pin
self.a_pin = a_pin
self.b_pin = b_pin
self.c_pin = cnt_pin
self.c_pin.irq(self._count, Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING)
self.e_pin = end_pin
self.e_pin.irq(self._stop, Pin.IRQ_RISING)
def _count(self, pin):
self.c += self._dir
def _stop(self, pin):
self.speed = 0
def dir(self):
return self._dir
def dir(self, d):
self.a_pin.value(1 if d > 0 else 0)
self.b_pin.value(1 if d < 0 else 0)
self._dir = d
def speed(self):
return self._speed * self._dir
def speed(self, speed):
self.en_pin.duty_u16(abs(speed) * (_PWM_MAX // 100))
self.dir = (1 if speed > 0 else
(-1 if speed < 0 else 0))
self._speed = speed
pwm_bl = PWM(Pin(_PIN_EN_BACKLIGHT))
pwm_mv = PWM(Pin(_PIN_EN_MOTOR_VERT))
pwm_mh = PWM(Pin(_PIN_EN_MOTOR_HOR))
pin_mv_a = Pin(_PIN_A_MOTOR_VERT, Pin.OUT)
pin_mv_b = Pin(_PIN_B_MOTOR_VERT, Pin.OUT)
pin_mh_a = Pin(_PIN_A_MOTOR_HOR, Pin.OUT)
pin_mh_b = Pin(_PIN_B_MOTOR_HOR, Pin.OUT)
pin_bl_a = Pin(_PIN_A_BACKLIGHT, Pin.OUT)
pin_bl_b = Pin(_PIN_B_BACKLIGHT, Pin.OUT)
pin_fl_a = Pin(_PIN_A_FRONTLIGHT, Pin.OUT)
pin_fl_b = Pin(_PIN_B_FRONTLIGHT, Pin.OUT)
cnt_v = Pin(_PIN_SENS_CNT_VERT, Pin.IN)
cnt_h = Pin(_PIN_SENS_CNT_HOR, Pin.IN)
end_v = Pin(_PIN_SENS_END_VERT, Pin.IN)
end_h = Pin(_PIN_SENS_END_HOR, Pin.IN)
scroll_h = Scroll(cnt_h, end_h, pwm_mh, pin_mh_a, pin_mh_b)
scroll_v = Scroll(cnt_v, end_v, pwm_mv, pin_mv_a, pin_mv_b)
def user_interaction(timeout):
def _toggle_leds(timer):
@ -40,9 +147,7 @@ def recording(timeout):
return 'OK'
if __name__ == '__main__':
def uart_comm():
uart0 = UART(0, baudrate=9600, tx=Pin(0), rx=Pin(1))
rxData = ''
while True:
@ -51,4 +156,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
rxData += rxBuf.decode('utf-8')
if rxData.endswith('\n'):
rxData = ''
rxData = ''
def test_sensors():
for i in range(4):
pin = Pin(i+6, Pin.IN)
print(f'pin {i+6}: {pin.value()}')
if __name__ == '__main__':