import logging import functools from time import sleep from enum import Enum from typing import Any, List # from import write as writewav import pydub import sounddevice as sd import soundfile as sf import numpy as np from . import gpio_pins from picamera import PiCamera from gpiozero import Button import serial logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Constants VIDEO_RES = (1920, 1080) # Video Resolution PHOTO_RES = (2592, 1944) # Photo Resolution AUDIO_REC_SR = 44100 # Audio Recording Samplerate SERIAL_DEV = '/dev/serial0' SERIAL_BAUDRATE = 9600 class SerialCommands(Enum): MOTOR_VERT = 'V' MOTOR_HOR = 'H' BACKLIGHT = 'B' FRONTLIGHT = 'F' USER_INTERACTION = 'U' RECORD = 'C' REWIND = 'R' class PizzaHAL: """ This class holds a represenation of the pizza box hardware and provides methods to interact with it. - lights upper/lower on/off - motor up-down/left-right speed distance - scroll up-down/left-right positions - lid open/closed detectors - user interface buttons """ def __init__(self, serialdev: str = SERIAL_DEV, baudrate: int = SERIAL_BAUDRATE): self.serialcon = serial.Serial(serialdev, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=None) self.btn_start = Button(gpio_pins.BTN_START) = None self.soundcache = {} self.blocked = False def send_cmd(self, command: SerialCommands, *options): self.blocked = True opt_str = '+'.join(str(x) for x in options) cmd_str = f'{command.value}:{opt_str}\n' self.serialcon.write(cmd_str.encode('utf-8')) resp = self.serialcon.readline() self.blocked = False return resp def blocking(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): hal = kwargs.get('hal', None) if hal is not None: logger.debug('blocking...') while hal.blocked: pass hal.blocked = True func(*args, **kwargs) if hal is not None: logger.debug('unblocking') hal.blocked = False sleep(0.1) return _wrapper @blocking def move_vert(hal: PizzaHAL, steps: int): """ Move the motor controlling the vertical scroll a given distance. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.MOTOR_VERT, steps) def move_hor(hal: PizzaHAL, steps: int): """ Move the motor controlling the horizontal scroll a given distance. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.MOTOR_HOR, steps) @blocking def rewind(hal: PizzaHAL): """ Rewind both scrolls. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.REWIND) def turn_off(hal: PizzaHAL): """ Turn off everything. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.BACKLIGHT, 0) hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.FRONTLIGHT, 0) def wait_for_input(hal: PizzaHAL, go_callback: Any, back_callback: Any, to_callback: Any, timeout=120, **kwargs): """ Blink leds on buttons. Wait until the user presses a button, then execute the appropriate callback :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param go_callback: called when button 'go' is pressed :param back_callback: called whan button 'back' is pressed :param to_callback: called on timeout :param timeout: inactivity timeout in seconds (default 120) """ resp = hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.USER_INTERACTION, timeout).strip() if resp == b'B': go_callback(**kwargs) elif resp == b'R': back_callback(**kwargs) else: to_callback(**kwargs) @blocking def light_layer(hal: PizzaHAL, intensity: float, fade: float = 0.0, steps: int = 100, **kwargs): """ Turn on the light to illuminate the upper scroll :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param fade: float Default 0, time in seconds to fade in or out :param intensity: float Intensity of the light in percent :param steps: int How many steps for the fade (default: 100) """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.FRONTLIGHT, int(intensity * 100), int(fade * 1000), steps) @blocking def backlight(hal: PizzaHAL, intensity: float, fade: float = 0.0, steps: int = 100, **kwargs): """ Turn on the backlight :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param fade: float Default 0, time in seconds to fade in or out :param intensity: float Intensity of the light in percent :param steps: int How many steps for the fade (default: 100) """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.BACKLIGHT, int(intensity * 100), int(fade * 1000), steps) @blocking def play_sound(hal: PizzaHAL, sound: Any, **kwargs): """ Play a sound. :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param sound: The sound to be played """ # Extract data and sampling rate from file try: data, fs = hal.soundcache.get(str(sound),, dtype='float32')), fs) sd.wait() # Wait until file is done playing except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.debug('skipped playback') # sd.stop() @blocking def record_sound(hal: PizzaHAL, filename: Any, duration: int, cache: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Record sound using the microphone :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param filename: The path of the file to record to :param duration: The time to record in seconds :param cache: `True` to save recording to cache. Default is `False` """ myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration * AUDIO_REC_SR), samplerate=AUDIO_REC_SR, channels=2) resp = hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.RECORD, duration).strip() if resp == 'I': sd.stop() else: sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished # TODO test myrecording = np.int16(myrecording) song = pydub.AudioSegment(myrecording.tobytes(), frame_rate=AUDIO_REC_SR, sample_width=2, channels=2) song.export(str(filename), format="mp3", bitrate="320k") # ALTERNATIVE writewav(str(filename), AUDIO_REC_SR, myrecording) if cache: hal.soundcache[str(filename)] = (myrecording, AUDIO_REC_SR) @blocking def record_video(hal: PizzaHAL, filename: Any, duration: float, **kwargs): """ Record video using the camera :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param filename: The path of the file to record to :param duration: The time to record in seconds """ = VIDEO_RES @blocking def take_photo(hal: PizzaHAL, filename: Any, **kwargs): """ Take a foto with the camera :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param filename: The path of the filename for the foto """ = PHOTO_RES @blocking def init_sounds(hal: PizzaHAL, sounds: List): """ Load prerecorded Sounds into memory :param hal: :param sounds: A list of sound files """ if hal.soundcache is None: hal.soundcache = {} for sound in sounds: # Extract data and sampling rate from file data, fs =, dtype='float32') hal.soundcache[str(sound)] = (data, fs) @blocking def init_camera(hal: PizzaHAL): if is None: = PiCamera()