import logging import functools from time import sleep from enum import Enum from typing import Any, List from import write as writewav import sounddevice as sd import soundfile as sf from . import gpio_pins from picamera import PiCamera from gpiozero import Button import serial logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Constants VIDEO_RES = (1920, 1080) # Video Resolution PHOTO_RES = (2592, 1944) # Photo Resolution AUDIO_REC_SR = 44100 # Audio Recording Samplerate SERIAL_DEV = '/dev/serial0' SERIAL_BAUDRATE = 9600 class SerialCommands(Enum): MOTOR_VERT = 'V' MOTOR_HOR = 'H' BACKLIGHT = 'B' FRONTLIGHT = 'F' USER_INTERACTION = 'U' RECORD = 'C' REWIND = 'R' class PizzaHAL: """ This class holds a represenation of the pizza box hardware and provides methods to interact with it. - lights upper/lower on/off - motor up-down/left-right speed distance - scroll up-down/left-right positions - lid open/closed detectors - user interface buttons """ def __init__(self, serialdev: str = SERIAL_DEV, baudrate: int = SERIAL_BAUDRATE): self.serialcon = serial.Serial(serialdev, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=None) self.btn_start = Button(gpio_pins.BTN_START) = None self.soundcache = {} self.blocked = False def send_cmd(self, command: SerialCommands, *options): self.blocked = True opt_str = '+'.join(str(x) for x in options) cmd_str = f'{command.value}:{opt_str}\n' self.serialcon.write(cmd_str.encode('utf-8')) resp = self.serialcon.readline() self.blocked = False return resp def blocking(func): @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): hal = kwargs.get('hal', None) if hal is not None: logger.debug('blocking...') while hal.blocked: pass hal.blocked = True func(*args, **kwargs) if hal is not None: logger.debug('unblocking') hal.blocked = False sleep(0.1) return _wrapper @blocking def move_vert(hal: PizzaHAL, steps: int): """ Move the motor controlling the vertical scroll a given distance. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.MOTOR_VERT, steps) def move_hor(hal: PizzaHAL, steps: int): """ Move the motor controlling the horizontal scroll a given distance. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.MOTOR_HOR, steps) @blocking def rewind(hal: PizzaHAL): """ Rewind both scrolls. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.REWIND) def turn_off(hal: PizzaHAL): """ Turn off everything. """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.BACKLIGHT, 0) hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.FRONTLIGHT, 0) def wait_for_input(hal: PizzaHAL, go_callback: Any, back_callback: Any, to_callback: Any, timeout=120, **kwargs): """ Blink leds on buttons. Wait until the user presses a button, then execute the appropriate callback :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param go_callback: called when button 'go' is pressed :param back_callback: called whan button 'back' is pressed :param to_callback: called on timeout :param timeout: inactivity timeout in seconds (default 120) """ resp = hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.USER_INTERACTION, timeout).strip() if resp == b'B': go_callback(**kwargs) elif resp == b'R': back_callback(**kwargs) else: to_callback(**kwargs) @blocking def light_layer(hal: PizzaHAL, intensity: float, fade: float = 0.0, steps: int = 100, **kwargs): """ Turn on the light to illuminate the upper scroll :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param fade: float Default 0, time in seconds to fade in or out :param intensity: float Intensity of the light in percent :param steps: int How many steps for the fade (default: 100) """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.FRONTLIGHT, int(intensity * 100), int(fade * 1000), steps) @blocking def backlight(hal: PizzaHAL, intensity: float, fade: float = 0.0, steps: int = 100, **kwargs): """ Turn on the backlight :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param fade: float Default 0, time in seconds to fade in or out :param intensity: float Intensity of the light in percent :param steps: int How many steps for the fade (default: 100) """ hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.BACKLIGHT, int(intensity * 100), int(fade * 1000), steps) @blocking def play_sound(hal: PizzaHAL, sound: Any, **kwargs): """ Play a sound. :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param sound: The sound to be played """ # Extract data and sampling rate from file try: data, fs = hal.soundcache.get(str(sound),, dtype='float32')), fs) sd.wait() # Wait until file is done playing except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.debug('skipped playback') # sd.stop() @blocking def record_sound(hal: PizzaHAL, filename: Any, duration: int, cache: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Record sound using the microphone :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param filename: The path of the file to record to :param duration: The time to record in seconds :param cache: `True` to save recording to cache. Default is `False` """ myrecording = sd.rec(int(duration * AUDIO_REC_SR), samplerate=AUDIO_REC_SR, channels=2) resp = hal.send_cmd(SerialCommands.RECORD, duration).strip() if resp == b'I': sd.stop() else: sd.wait() # Wait until recording is finished # TODO test # myrecording = np.int16(myrecording) # song = pydub.AudioSegment(myrecording.tobytes(), frame_rate=AUDIO_REC_SR, sample_width=2, channels=2) # song.export(str(filename), format="mp3", bitrate="44.1k") writewav(str(filename), AUDIO_REC_SR, myrecording) if cache: hal.soundcache[str(filename)] = (myrecording, AUDIO_REC_SR) @blocking def record_video(hal: PizzaHAL, filename: Any, duration: float, **kwargs): """ Record video using the camera :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param filename: The path of the file to record to :param duration: The time to record in seconds """ = VIDEO_RES @blocking def take_photo(hal: PizzaHAL, filename: Any, **kwargs): """ Take a foto with the camera :param hal: The hardware abstraction object :param filename: The path of the filename for the foto """ = PHOTO_RES @blocking def init_sounds(hal: PizzaHAL, sounds: List): """ Load prerecorded Sounds into memory :param hal: :param sounds: A list of sound files """ if hal.soundcache is None: hal.soundcache = {} for sound in sounds: # Extract data and sampling rate from file data, fs =, dtype='float32') hal.soundcache[str(sound)] = (data, fs) @blocking def init_camera(hal: PizzaHAL): if is None: = PiCamera(sensor_mode=5)