# pizzabox-parts Interactive theatre performance in a pizza box. This repository contains all design files needed to reproduce the physical components. ## File Structure . ├── Design [Editable 2D and 3D part design] │   ├── 2D-Printer │   ├── 3D-Printer │   └── Lasercutter ├── Production [Files used for production] │ └── SIBI [Sub-Folders per prototyping version] │ ... └── Archive [Design files of previous prototyping versions] ## Style Guide Files must only be added in the appropriate subdirectories. `Production` folder contains one subdirectory per prototyped version, for documentation processes. Design files are named to reflect the prototype version they are intended for as a prefix, i.e. all files related to *SIBI* begin with `sibi_`. Design files for old prototype versions may be moved to the `Archive`. File names are lower case only, no white space characters. ## Ignored files FreeCAD creates backup files with the file ending `FCStd1`. These are only useful in the case of a program crash, and have been added to the `.gitignore` file.