holopy3/Assets/Normal/Realtime/Session Capture/SessionCaptureFileStream.cs

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2020-12-10 14:25:12 +00:00
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using UnityEngine;
using Normal.Realtime.Serialization;
namespace Normal.Realtime {
public class SessionCaptureFileStream {
public enum Mode {
private string _filePath;
public string filePath { get { return _filePath; } }
private Mode _mode;
public Mode mode { get { return _mode; } }
private FileStream _fileStream;
private GZipStream _gzipStream;
private bool _writing;
public bool writing { get { return _writing; } }
private bool _reading;
public bool reading { get { return _reading; } }
private double _startTimestamp;
public double startTimestamp { get { return _startTimestamp; } }
// Reading
private int _clientID;
public int clientID { get { return _clientID; } }
private uint _nextUpdateDeltaTimestamp;
public SessionCaptureFileStream(string filePath, Mode mode) {
_filePath = filePath;
_mode = mode;
// Create streams
_fileStream = new FileStream(_filePath, mode == Mode.Write ? FileMode.Create : FileMode.Open);
_gzipStream = new GZipStream(_fileStream, mode == Mode.Write ? CompressionMode.Compress : CompressionMode.Decompress);
// NOTE: This may not be called on the same thread that we created the session capture file stream with. It's recommended Dispose() is called manually to prevent any issues.
~SessionCaptureFileStream() {
// Clean up unmanaged code
// Ideally called whenever someone is done using a client.
public void Dispose() {
private void Dispose(bool disposing) {
// Flush streams
// Dispose streams
if (_gzipStream != null) {
_gzipStream = null;
if (_fileStream != null) {
_fileStream = null;
//// Writing
public void WriteHeader(int clientIndex, double startTimestamp, byte[] data) {
if (_mode != Mode.Write) {
Debug.LogError("SessionCaptureFileStream: Cannot call WriteHeader on read stream.");
if (_writing) {
Debug.LogError("SessionCaptureFileStream: WriteHeader() has been called twice. Ignoring. This is a bug!");
// Keep track of start timestamps so all future timestamps can be written as deltas
_startTimestamp = startTimestamp;
// Write local client ID
WriteVarint32ToStream(_gzipStream, WriteStream.ConvertNegativeOneIntToUInt(clientIndex));
// Write start timestamp
WriteDoubleToStream(_gzipStream, _startTimestamp);
// Initial datastore data length
WriteVarint32ToStream(_gzipStream, (uint)data.Length);
// Initial datastore data
_gzipStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
_writing = true;
public void Flush() {
if (_gzipStream != null)
if (_fileStream != null)
public void WriteDeltaUpdate(double timestamp, int sender, byte[] data, int dataLength, bool reliable, uint updateID, bool incoming) {
if (!_writing) {
Debug.LogError("SessionCaptureFileStream: Attempting to write delta update before file header has been written. Ignoring update. This is a bug!");
// Calculate delta timestamp
double deltaTimestamp = timestamp - _startTimestamp;
if (deltaTimestamp < 0) {
Debug.LogError("SessionCaptureFileStream: Attempting to write update with timestamp that's before the header start timestamp. Ignoring update. This is a bug!");
// Timestamp (serialize with 10ms precision)
WriteVarint32ToStream(_gzipStream, (uint)System.Math.Round(deltaTimestamp * 100.0));
// Sender + reliable + send/receive
WriteVarint32ToStream(_gzipStream, CombineSenderReliableAndIncoming(sender, reliable, incoming));
// Update ID
if (reliable)
WriteVarint32ToStream(_gzipStream, updateID);
// We only care about outgoing unreliable messages and incoming reliable messages.
bool shouldWriteData = (!incoming && !reliable) || (incoming && reliable);
if (shouldWriteData) {
// Data length
WriteVarint32ToStream(_gzipStream, (uint)dataLength);
// Data
_gzipStream.Write(data, 0, dataLength);
} else {
// No data
WriteVarint32ToStream(_gzipStream, 0);
//// Reading
public byte[] ReadHeader() {
if (_mode != Mode.Read) {
Debug.LogError("SessionCaptureFileStream: Cannot call ReadHeader() on write stream.");
return null;
if (_reading) {
Debug.LogError("SessionCaptureFileStream: ReadHeader() has been called on a session that's already reading. Ignoring. This is a bug!");
return null;
// Read local client ID
uint clientIDUInt;
if (!ReadVarint32FromStream(_gzipStream, out clientIDUInt)) {
return null;
_clientID = ReadStream.ConvertUIntToNegativeOneInt(clientIDUInt);
// Read start timestamp
_startTimestamp = ReadDoubleFromStream(_gzipStream);
// Read initial datastore
uint dataLengthUInt;
if (!ReadVarint32FromStream(_gzipStream, out dataLengthUInt)) {
return null;
int dataLength = (int)dataLengthUInt;
byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];
int bytesRead = _gzipStream.Read(data, 0, dataLength);
if (bytesRead != dataLength) {
return null;
// Start reading
_reading = true;
// Read next update timestamp
if (!_reading)
Debug.Log("SessionCaptureFileStream: No delta updates found after initial datastore snapshot. Reading stopped.");
return data;
public bool PeekNextUpdateDeltaTimestamp(out double deltaTimestamp) {
if (!_reading) {
deltaTimestamp = 0.0;
return false;
// Check if it's time to deserialize the next timestamp
deltaTimestamp = _nextUpdateDeltaTimestamp / 100.0;
return true;
public bool ReadDeltaUpdate(double playbackTime, ref double timestamp, ref int sender, ref byte[] data, ref bool reliable, ref uint updateID, ref bool incoming) {
if (!_reading)
return false;
// Timestamp
timestamp = _startTimestamp + (_nextUpdateDeltaTimestamp / 100.0);
// Check if this update is too new
if (timestamp > playbackTime)
return false;
// Sender + reliable + send/receive
uint senderReliableAndIncoming;
if (!ReadVarint32FromStream(_gzipStream, out senderReliableAndIncoming)) {
return false;
SplitSenderReliableAndIncoming(senderReliableAndIncoming, out sender, out reliable, out incoming);
// Update ID
if (reliable) {
if (!ReadVarint32FromStream(_gzipStream, out updateID)) {
return false;
} else {
updateID = 0;
// Data length
uint dataLengthUInt;
if (!ReadVarint32FromStream(_gzipStream, out dataLengthUInt)) {
return false;
int dataLength = (int)dataLengthUInt;
// Data
data = new byte[dataLength];
int bytesRead = _gzipStream.Read(data, 0, dataLength);
if (bytesRead != dataLength) {
return false;
// Prime for the next update
return true;
public void SkipToTime(double playbackTime) {
if (!_reading)
double timestamp = 0.0;
int sender = 0;
byte[] data = null;
bool reliable = false;
uint updateID = 0;
bool incoming = false;
while (ReadDeltaUpdate(playbackTime, ref timestamp, ref sender, ref data, ref reliable, ref updateID, ref incoming));
private void ReadNextUpdateDeltaTimestamp() {
if (!ReadVarint32FromStream(_gzipStream, out _nextUpdateDeltaTimestamp)) {
Debug.Log("SessionCaptureFileStream: Reached end of session. Reading stopped.");
_reading = false;
private void PrematurelyReachedEndOfStream() {
Debug.LogError("SessionCaptureFileStream: Prematurely reached end of stream. This usually means the session file was terminated improperly or is corrupt. Reading stopped.");
_reading = false;
//// Utility
private static void WriteVarint32ToStream(Stream stream, uint value) {
// Write 7 bits of the value (with the varint flag bit set) until we've got 7 bits or less left.
while (value > 0x7F) {
stream.WriteByte((byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80));
value >>= 7;
// Write the final 7 bits without the flag set.
private static bool ReadVarint32FromStream(Stream stream, out uint value) {
int varintByte = 0;
int varint = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Read byte
varintByte = stream.ReadByte();
if (varintByte < 0) {
value = 0;
return false;
// Apply the bits to our value (and strip the varint flag bit)
varint |= (varintByte & 0x7F) << i*7;
// Return if we've hit the final byte in the varint.
if (varintByte < 0x80) {
value = (uint)varint;
return true;
// If we hit this point, we haven't read the final varint byte. This is either a 64bit varint or an invalid varint.
// Try to skip to the end of a 64bit varint data to keep the position of the stream correct. Return a varint with the lower 32 bits.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (stream.ReadByte() < 0x80) {
value = (uint)varint;
return true;
// If we've hit this point, all 10 bytes had the varint flag set. This is an invalid varint.
Debug.LogError("Session Capture: ReadVarint32 uncovered invalid varint value. This is a bug!");
value = 0;
return false;
private static void WriteDoubleToStream(Stream stream, double value) {
// Convert to bytes
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
if (bytes.Length != 8) {
Debug.LogError("Session Capture: BitConverter double -> bytes returned the wrong number of bytes! This is a bug! (" + bytes.Length + ", 8)");
bytes = new byte[8]; // Write zero
// Write
stream.Write(bytes, 0, 8);
private static double ReadDoubleFromStream(Stream stream) {
// Read bytes
byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
stream.Read(bytes, 0, 8);
// Flip the bytes if we're on big endian
if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// Decode
return BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 0);
private static uint CombineSenderReliableAndIncoming(int sender, bool reliable, bool incoming) {
uint senderUInt = WriteStream.ConvertNegativeOneIntToUInt(sender);
uint reliableUInt = reliable ? 1u : 0u;
uint incomingUInt = incoming ? 1u : 0u;
return (senderUInt << 2) | (reliableUInt << 1) | (incomingUInt << 0);
private static void SplitSenderReliableAndIncoming(uint value, out int sender, out bool reliable, out bool incoming) {
uint senderUInt = (value >> 2);
uint reliableUInt = (value >> 1) & 0x1;
uint incomingUInt = (value >> 0) & 0x1;
sender = ReadStream.ConvertUIntToNegativeOneInt(senderUInt);
reliable = reliableUInt != 0 ? true : false;
incoming = incomingUInt != 0 ? true : false;