holopy3/Assets/Plugins/RootMotion/Shared Demo Assets/Scripts/Character Controllers/CharacterAnimationBase.cs

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2020-12-10 14:25:12 +00:00
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace RootMotion.Demos {
/// <summary>
/// The base abstract class for all character animation controllers.
/// </summary>
public abstract class CharacterAnimationBase: MonoBehaviour {
public bool smoothFollow = true;
public float smoothFollowSpeed = 20f;
protected bool animatePhysics;
private Vector3 lastPosition;
private Vector3 localPosition;
private Quaternion localRotation;
private Quaternion lastRotation;
// Gets the rotation pivot of the character
public virtual Vector3 GetPivotPoint() {
return transform.position;
// Is the animator playing the grounded state?
public virtual bool animationGrounded {
get {
return true;
// Gets angle around y axis from a world space direction
public float GetAngleFromForward(Vector3 worldDirection) {
Vector3 local = transform.InverseTransformDirection(worldDirection);
return Mathf.Atan2 (local.x, local.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
protected virtual void Start() {
if (transform.parent.GetComponent<CharacterBase>() == null) {
Debug.LogWarning("Animation controllers should be parented to character controllers!", transform);
lastPosition = transform.position;
localPosition = transform.localPosition;
lastRotation = transform.rotation;
localRotation = transform.localRotation;
protected virtual void LateUpdate() {
if (animatePhysics) return;
// Smooth interpolation of character position. Helps to smooth out hectic rigidbody motion
protected virtual void FixedUpdate() {
if (!animatePhysics) return;
private void SmoothFollow() {
if (smoothFollow) {
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(lastPosition, transform.parent.TransformPoint(localPosition), Time.deltaTime * smoothFollowSpeed);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(lastRotation, transform.parent.rotation * localRotation, Time.deltaTime * smoothFollowSpeed);
} else
transform.localPosition = localPosition;
transform.localRotation = localRotation;
lastPosition = transform.position;
lastRotation = transform.rotation;