1280 lines
30 KiB
1280 lines
30 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using GLTF.Schema;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityGLTF.Extensions;
namespace UnityGLTF
public class GLTFSceneExporter
private Transform[] _rootTransforms;
private GLTFRoot _root;
private BufferId _bufferId;
private GLTF.Schema.Buffer _buffer;
private BinaryWriter _bufferWriter;
private List<Texture2D> _images;
private List<UnityEngine.Texture> _textures;
private List<UnityEngine.Material> _materials;
protected struct PrimKey
public UnityEngine.Mesh Mesh;
public UnityEngine.Material Material;
private readonly Dictionary<PrimKey, MeshId> _primOwner = new Dictionary<PrimKey, MeshId>();
private readonly Dictionary<UnityEngine.Mesh, MeshPrimitive[]> _meshToPrims = new Dictionary<UnityEngine.Mesh, MeshPrimitive[]>();
public bool ExportNames = true;
/// <summary>
/// Create a GLTFExporter that exports out a transform
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootTransforms">Root transform of object to export</param>
public GLTFSceneExporter(Transform[] rootTransforms)
_rootTransforms = rootTransforms;
_root = new GLTFRoot{
Accessors = new List<Accessor>(),
Asset = new Asset {
Version = "2.0"
Buffers = new List<GLTF.Schema.Buffer>(),
BufferViews = new List<BufferView>(),
Images = new List<Image>(),
Materials = new List<GLTF.Schema.Material>(),
Meshes = new List<GLTF.Schema.Mesh>(),
Nodes = new List<Node>(),
Samplers = new List<Sampler>(),
Scenes = new List<Scene>(),
Textures = new List<GLTF.Schema.Texture>(),
_images = new List<Texture2D>();
_materials = new List<UnityEngine.Material>();
_textures = new List<UnityEngine.Texture>();
_buffer = new GLTF.Schema.Buffer();
_bufferId = new BufferId {
Id = _root.Buffers.Count,
Root = _root
/// <summary>
/// Gets the root object of the exported GLTF
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Root parsed GLTF Json</returns>
public GLTFRoot GetRoot() {
return _root;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the path and filename for the GLTF Json and binary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">File path for saving the GLTF and binary files</param>
/// <param name="fileName">The name of the GLTF file</param>
public void SaveGLTFandBin(string path, string fileName)
var binFile = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, fileName + ".bin"));
_bufferWriter = new BinaryWriter(binFile);
_root.Scene = ExportScene(fileName, _rootTransforms);
_buffer.Uri = fileName + ".bin";
_buffer.ByteLength = (int)_bufferWriter.BaseStream.Length;
var gltfFile = File.CreateText(Path.Combine(path, fileName + ".gltf"));
foreach (var image in _images)
var renderTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(image.width, image.height);
Graphics.Blit(image, renderTexture);
RenderTexture.active = renderTexture;
var exportTexture = new Texture2D(image.width, image.height);
exportTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), 0, 0);
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(path, image.name + ".png"), exportTexture.EncodeToPNG());
private SceneId ExportScene(string name, Transform[] rootObjTransforms)
var scene = new Scene();
if (ExportNames)
scene.Name = name;
scene.Nodes = new List<NodeId>(rootObjTransforms.Length);
foreach (var transform in rootObjTransforms)
return new SceneId {
Id = _root.Scenes.Count - 1,
Root = _root
private NodeId ExportNode(Transform nodeTransform)
var node = new Node();
if (ExportNames)
node.Name = nodeTransform.name;
var id = new NodeId {
Id = _root.Nodes.Count,
Root = _root
// children that are primitives get put in a mesh
GameObject[] primitives, nonPrimitives;
FilterPrimitives(nodeTransform, out primitives, out nonPrimitives);
if (primitives.Length > 0)
node.Mesh = ExportMesh(nodeTransform.name, primitives);
// associate unity meshes with gltf mesh id
foreach (var prim in primitives)
var filter = prim.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
var renderer = prim.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
_primOwner[new PrimKey {Mesh = filter.sharedMesh, Material = renderer.sharedMaterial}] = node.Mesh;
// children that are not primitives get added as child nodes
if (nonPrimitives.Length > 0)
node.Children = new List<NodeId>(nonPrimitives.Length);
foreach(var child in nonPrimitives)
return id;
private void FilterPrimitives(Transform transform, out GameObject[] primitives, out GameObject[] nonPrimitives)
var childCount = transform.childCount;
var prims = new List<GameObject>(childCount+1);
var nonPrims = new List<GameObject>(childCount);
// add another primitive if the root object also has a mesh
if (transform.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() != null
&& transform.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>() != null)
for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
var go = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
if (IsPrimitive(go))
primitives = prims.ToArray();
nonPrimitives = nonPrims.ToArray();
private static bool IsPrimitive(GameObject gameObject)
* Primitives have the following properties:
* - have no children
* - have no non-default local transform properties
* - have MeshFilter and MeshRenderer components
return gameObject.transform.childCount == 0
&& gameObject.transform.localPosition == Vector3.zero
&& gameObject.transform.localRotation == Quaternion.identity
&& gameObject.transform.localScale == Vector3.one
&& gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() != null
&& gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>() != null;
private MeshId ExportMesh(string name, GameObject[] primitives)
// check if this set of primitives is already a mesh
MeshId existingMeshId = null;
var key = new PrimKey();
foreach (var prim in primitives)
var filter = prim.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
var renderer = prim.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
key.Mesh = filter.sharedMesh;
key.Material = renderer.sharedMaterial;
MeshId tempMeshId;
if (_primOwner.TryGetValue(key, out tempMeshId) && (existingMeshId == null || tempMeshId == existingMeshId))
existingMeshId = tempMeshId;
existingMeshId = null;
// if so, return that mesh id
if(existingMeshId != null)
return existingMeshId;
// if not, create new mesh and return its id
var mesh = new GLTF.Schema.Mesh();
if (ExportNames)
mesh.Name = name;
mesh.Primitives = new List<MeshPrimitive>(primitives.Length);
foreach (var prim in primitives)
var id = new MeshId
Id = _root.Meshes.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
// a mesh *might* decode to multiple prims if there are submeshes
private MeshPrimitive[] ExportPrimitive(GameObject gameObject)
var filter = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
var meshObj = filter.sharedMesh;
var renderer = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
var materialsObj = renderer.sharedMaterials;
var prims = new MeshPrimitive[meshObj.subMeshCount];
// don't export any more accessors if this mesh is already exported
MeshPrimitive[] primVariations;
if (_meshToPrims.TryGetValue(meshObj, out primVariations)
&& meshObj.subMeshCount == primVariations.Length)
for (var i = 0; i < primVariations.Length; i++)
prims[i] = primVariations[i].Clone();
prims[i].Material = ExportMaterial(materialsObj[i]);
return prims;
AccessorId aPosition = null, aNormal = null, aTangent = null,
aTexcoord0 = null, aTexcoord1 = null, aColor0 = null;
aPosition = ExportAccessor(InvertZ(meshObj.vertices));
if (meshObj.normals.Length != 0)
aNormal = ExportAccessor(InvertZ(meshObj.normals));
if (meshObj.tangents.Length != 0)
aTangent = ExportAccessor(InvertW(meshObj.tangents));
if (meshObj.uv.Length != 0)
aTexcoord0 = ExportAccessor(FlipY(meshObj.uv));
if (meshObj.uv2.Length != 0)
aTexcoord1 = ExportAccessor(FlipY(meshObj.uv2));
if (meshObj.colors.Length != 0)
aColor0 = ExportAccessor(meshObj.colors);
MaterialId lastMaterialId = null;
for (var submesh = 0; submesh < meshObj.subMeshCount; submesh++)
var primitive = new MeshPrimitive();
var triangles = meshObj.GetTriangles(submesh);
primitive.Indices = ExportAccessor(FlipFaces(triangles), true);
primitive.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, AccessorId>();
primitive.Attributes.Add(SemanticProperties.POSITION, aPosition);
if (aNormal != null)
primitive.Attributes.Add(SemanticProperties.NORMAL, aNormal);
if (aTangent != null)
primitive.Attributes.Add(SemanticProperties.TANGENT, aTangent);
if (aTexcoord0 != null)
primitive.Attributes.Add(SemanticProperties.TexCoord(0), aTexcoord0);
if (aTexcoord1 != null)
primitive.Attributes.Add(SemanticProperties.TexCoord(1), aTexcoord1);
if (aColor0 != null)
primitive.Attributes.Add(SemanticProperties.Color(0), aColor0);
if (submesh < materialsObj.Length)
primitive.Material = ExportMaterial(materialsObj[submesh]);
lastMaterialId = primitive.Material;
primitive.Material = lastMaterialId;
prims[submesh] = primitive;
_meshToPrims[meshObj] = prims;
return prims;
private MaterialId ExportMaterial(UnityEngine.Material materialObj)
MaterialId id = GetMaterialId(_root, materialObj);
if (id != null)
return id;
var material = new GLTF.Schema.Material();
if (ExportNames)
material.Name = materialObj.name;
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_Cutoff"))
material.AlphaCutoff = materialObj.GetFloat("_Cutoff");
switch (materialObj.GetTag("RenderType", false, ""))
case "TransparentCutout":
material.AlphaMode = AlphaMode.MASK;
case "Transparent":
material.AlphaMode = AlphaMode.BLEND;
material.AlphaMode = AlphaMode.OPAQUE;
material.DoubleSided = materialObj.HasProperty("_Cull") &&
materialObj.GetInt("_Cull") == (float)UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode.Off;
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_EmissionColor"))
material.EmissiveFactor = materialObj.GetColor("_EmissionColor").ToNumericsColor();
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_EmissionMap"))
var emissionTex = materialObj.GetTexture("_EmissionMap");
if (emissionTex != null)
material.EmissiveTexture = ExportTextureInfo(emissionTex);
ExportTextureTransform(material.EmissiveTexture, materialObj, "_EmissionMap");
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_BumpMap"))
var normalTex = materialObj.GetTexture("_BumpMap");
if (normalTex != null)
material.NormalTexture = ExportNormalTextureInfo(normalTex, materialObj);
ExportTextureTransform(material.NormalTexture, materialObj, "_BumpMap");
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_OcclusionMap"))
var occTex = materialObj.GetTexture("_OcclusionMap");
if (occTex != null)
material.OcclusionTexture = ExportOcclusionTextureInfo(occTex, materialObj);
ExportTextureTransform(material.OcclusionTexture, materialObj, "_OcclusionMap");
switch (materialObj.shader.name)
case "Standard":
case "GLTF/GLTFStandard":
material.PbrMetallicRoughness = ExportPBRMetallicRoughness(materialObj);
case "GLTF/GLTFConstant":
material.CommonConstant = ExportCommonConstant(materialObj);
id = new MaterialId {
Id = _root.Materials.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private void ExportTextureTransform(TextureInfo def, UnityEngine.Material mat, string texName)
Vector2 offset = mat.GetTextureOffset(texName);
Vector2 scale = mat.GetTextureScale(texName);
if (offset == Vector2.zero && scale == Vector2.one) return;
if (_root.ExtensionsUsed == null)
_root.ExtensionsUsed = new List<string>(
new string[] { ExtTextureTransformExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_NAME }
else if (!_root.ExtensionsUsed.Contains(ExtTextureTransformExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_NAME))
if (def.Extensions == null)
def.Extensions = new Dictionary<string, Extension>();
def.Extensions[ExtTextureTransformExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_NAME] = new ExtTextureTransformExtension(
new GLTF.Math.Vector2(offset.x, -offset.y),
new GLTF.Math.Vector2(scale.x, scale.y),
0 // TODO: support UV channels
private NormalTextureInfo ExportNormalTextureInfo(UnityEngine.Texture texture, UnityEngine.Material material)
var info = new NormalTextureInfo();
info.Index = ExportTexture(texture);
if (material.HasProperty("_BumpScale"))
info.Scale = material.GetFloat("_BumpScale");
return info;
private OcclusionTextureInfo ExportOcclusionTextureInfo(UnityEngine.Texture texture, UnityEngine.Material material)
var info = new OcclusionTextureInfo();
info.Index = ExportTexture(texture);
if (material.HasProperty("_OcclusionStrength"))
info.Strength = material.GetFloat("_OcclusionStrength");
return info;
private PbrMetallicRoughness ExportPBRMetallicRoughness(UnityEngine.Material material)
var pbr = new PbrMetallicRoughness();
if (material.HasProperty("_Color"))
pbr.BaseColorFactor = material.GetColor("_Color").ToNumericsColor();
if (material.HasProperty("_MainTex"))
var mainTex = material.GetTexture("_MainTex");
if (mainTex != null)
pbr.BaseColorTexture = ExportTextureInfo(mainTex);
ExportTextureTransform(pbr.BaseColorTexture, material, "_MainTex");
if (material.HasProperty("_Metallic"))
pbr.MetallicFactor = material.GetFloat("_Metallic");
if (material.HasProperty("_Roughness"))
pbr.RoughnessFactor = material.GetFloat("_Roughness");
else if (material.HasProperty("_Glossiness"))
pbr.RoughnessFactor = 1 - material.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
if (material.HasProperty("_MetallicRoughnessMap"))
var mrTex = material.GetTexture("_MetallicRoughnessMap");
if (mrTex != null)
pbr.MetallicRoughnessTexture = ExportTextureInfo(mrTex);
ExportTextureTransform(pbr.MetallicRoughnessTexture, material, "_MetallicRoughnessMap");
else if (material.HasProperty("_MetallicGlossMap"))
var mgTex = material.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap");
if (mgTex != null)
pbr.MetallicRoughnessTexture = ExportTextureInfo(mgTex);
ExportTextureTransform(pbr.MetallicRoughnessTexture, material, "_MetallicGlossMap");
return pbr;
private MaterialCommonConstant ExportCommonConstant(UnityEngine.Material materialObj)
if (_root.ExtensionsUsed == null)
_root.ExtensionsUsed = new List<string>(new string[] { "KHR_materials_common" });
else if(!_root.ExtensionsUsed.Contains("KHR_materials_common"))
var constant = new MaterialCommonConstant();
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_AmbientFactor"))
constant.AmbientFactor = materialObj.GetColor("_AmbientFactor").ToNumericsColor();
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_LightMap"))
var lmTex = materialObj.GetTexture("_LightMap");
if (lmTex != null)
constant.LightmapTexture = ExportTextureInfo(lmTex);
ExportTextureTransform(constant.LightmapTexture, materialObj, "_LightMap");
if (materialObj.HasProperty("_LightFactor"))
constant.LightmapFactor = materialObj.GetColor("_LightFactor").ToNumericsColor();
return constant;
private TextureInfo ExportTextureInfo(UnityEngine.Texture texture)
var info = new TextureInfo();
info.Index = ExportTexture(texture);
return info;
private TextureId ExportTexture(UnityEngine.Texture textureObj)
TextureId id = GetTextureId(_root, textureObj);
if (id != null)
return id;
var texture = new GLTF.Schema.Texture();
//If texture name not set give it a unique name using count
if (textureObj.name == "")
textureObj.name = (_root.Textures.Count + 1).ToString();
if (ExportNames)
texture.Name = textureObj.name;
texture.Source = ExportImage(textureObj);
texture.Sampler = ExportSampler(textureObj);
id = new TextureId {
Id = _root.Textures.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private ImageId ExportImage(UnityEngine.Texture texture)
ImageId id = GetImageId(_root, texture);
if(id != null)
return id;
var image = new Image();
if (ExportNames)
image.Name = texture.name;
_images.Add(texture as Texture2D);
image.Uri = Uri.EscapeUriString(texture.name + ".png");
id = new ImageId {
Id = _root.Images.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private SamplerId ExportSampler(UnityEngine.Texture texture)
var samplerId = GetSamplerId(_root, texture);
if (samplerId != null)
return samplerId;
var sampler = new Sampler();
if (texture.wrapMode == TextureWrapMode.Clamp)
sampler.WrapS = GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.ClampToEdge;
sampler.WrapT = GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.ClampToEdge;
sampler.WrapS = GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.Repeat;
sampler.WrapT = GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.Repeat;
if(texture.filterMode == FilterMode.Point)
sampler.MinFilter = MinFilterMode.NearestMipmapNearest;
sampler.MagFilter = MagFilterMode.Nearest;
else if(texture.filterMode == FilterMode.Bilinear)
sampler.MinFilter = MinFilterMode.NearestMipmapLinear;
sampler.MagFilter = MagFilterMode.Linear;
sampler.MinFilter = MinFilterMode.LinearMipmapLinear;
sampler.MagFilter = MagFilterMode.Linear;
samplerId = new SamplerId
Id = _root.Samplers.Count,
Root = _root
return samplerId;
private Vector2[] FlipY(Vector2[] arr)
var len = arr.Length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
arr[i].y = 1 - arr[i].y;
return arr;
private Vector3[] InvertZ(Vector3[] arr)
var len = arr.Length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
arr[i].z = -arr[i].z;
return arr;
private Vector4[] InvertW(Vector4[] arr)
var len = arr.Length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
arr[i].w = -arr[i].w;
return arr;
private int[] FlipFaces(int[] arr)
var triangles = new int[arr.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i += 3)
triangles[i + 2] = arr[i];
triangles[i + 1] = arr[i + 1];
triangles[i] = arr[i + 2];
return triangles;
private AccessorId ExportAccessor(int[] arr, bool isIndices = false)
var count = arr.Length;
if (count == 0)
throw new Exception("Accessors can not have a count of 0.");
var accessor = new Accessor();
accessor.Count = count;
accessor.Type = GLTFAccessorAttributeType.SCALAR;
int min = arr[0];
int max = arr[0];
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++)
var cur = arr[i];
if (cur < min)
min = cur;
if (cur > max)
max = cur;
var byteOffset = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position;
if (max <= byte.MaxValue && min >= byte.MinValue)
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.UnsignedByte;
foreach (var v in arr) {
else if (max <= sbyte.MaxValue && min >= sbyte.MinValue && !isIndices)
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.Byte;
foreach (var v in arr) {
else if (max <= short.MaxValue && min >= short.MinValue && !isIndices)
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.Short;
foreach (var v in arr) {
else if (max <= ushort.MaxValue && min >= ushort.MinValue)
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.UnsignedShort;
foreach (var v in arr) {
else if (min >= uint.MinValue)
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.UnsignedInt;
foreach (var v in arr) {
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.Float;
foreach (var v in arr) {
accessor.Min = new List<double> { min };
accessor.Max = new List<double> { max };
var byteLength = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position - byteOffset;
accessor.BufferView = ExportBufferView((int)byteOffset, (int)byteLength);
var id = new AccessorId {
Id = _root.Accessors.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private AccessorId ExportAccessor(Vector2[] arr)
var count = arr.Length;
if (count == 0)
throw new Exception("Accessors can not have a count of 0.");
var accessor = new Accessor();
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.Float;
accessor.Count = count;
accessor.Type = GLTFAccessorAttributeType.VEC2;
float minX = arr[0].x;
float minY = arr[0].y;
float maxX = arr[0].x;
float maxY = arr[0].y;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++)
var cur = arr[i];
if (cur.x < minX)
minX = cur.x;
if (cur.y < minY)
minY = cur.y;
if (cur.x > maxX)
maxX = cur.x;
if (cur.y > maxY)
maxY = cur.y;
accessor.Min = new List<double> { minX, minY };
accessor.Max = new List<double> { maxX, maxY };
var byteOffset = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position;
foreach (var vec in arr) {
var byteLength = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position - byteOffset;
accessor.BufferView = ExportBufferView((int)byteOffset, (int)byteLength);
var id = new AccessorId {
Id = _root.Accessors.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private AccessorId ExportAccessor(Vector3[] arr)
var count = arr.Length;
if (count == 0)
throw new Exception("Accessors can not have a count of 0.");
var accessor = new Accessor();
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.Float;
accessor.Count = count;
accessor.Type = GLTFAccessorAttributeType.VEC3;
float minX = arr[0].x;
float minY = arr[0].y;
float minZ = arr[0].z;
float maxX = arr[0].x;
float maxY = arr[0].y;
float maxZ = arr[0].z;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++)
var cur = arr[i];
if (cur.x < minX)
minX = cur.x;
if (cur.y < minY)
minY = cur.y;
if (cur.z < minZ)
minZ = cur.z;
if (cur.x > maxX)
maxX = cur.x;
if (cur.y > maxY)
maxY = cur.y;
if (cur.z > maxZ)
maxZ = cur.z;
accessor.Min = new List<double> { minX, minY, minZ };
accessor.Max = new List<double> { maxX, maxY, maxZ };
var byteOffset = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position;
foreach (var vec in arr) {
var byteLength = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position - byteOffset;
accessor.BufferView = ExportBufferView((int)byteOffset, (int)byteLength);
var id = new AccessorId {
Id = _root.Accessors.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private AccessorId ExportAccessor(Vector4[] arr)
var count = arr.Length;
if (count == 0)
throw new Exception("Accessors can not have a count of 0.");
var accessor = new Accessor();
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.Float;
accessor.Count = count;
accessor.Type = GLTFAccessorAttributeType.VEC4;
float minX = arr[0].x;
float minY = arr[0].y;
float minZ = arr[0].z;
float minW = arr[0].w;
float maxX = arr[0].x;
float maxY = arr[0].y;
float maxZ = arr[0].z;
float maxW = arr[0].w;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++)
var cur = arr[i];
if (cur.x < minX)
minX = cur.x;
if (cur.y < minY)
minY = cur.y;
if (cur.z < minZ)
minZ = cur.z;
if (cur.w < minW)
minW = cur.w;
if (cur.x > maxX)
maxX = cur.x;
if (cur.y > maxY)
maxY = cur.y;
if (cur.z > maxZ)
maxZ = cur.z;
if (cur.w > maxW)
maxW = cur.w;
accessor.Min = new List<double> { minX, minY, minZ, minW };
accessor.Max = new List<double> { maxX, maxY, maxZ, maxW };
var byteOffset = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position;
foreach (var vec in arr) {
var byteLength = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position - byteOffset;
accessor.BufferView = ExportBufferView((int)byteOffset, (int)byteLength);
var id = new AccessorId {
Id = _root.Accessors.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private AccessorId ExportAccessor(UnityEngine.Color[] arr)
var count = arr.Length;
if (count == 0)
throw new Exception("Accessors can not have a count of 0.");
var accessor = new Accessor();
accessor.ComponentType = GLTFComponentType.Float;
accessor.Count = count;
accessor.Type = GLTFAccessorAttributeType.VEC4;
float minR = arr[0].r;
float minG = arr[0].g;
float minB = arr[0].b;
float minA = arr[0].a;
float maxR = arr[0].r;
float maxG = arr[0].g;
float maxB = arr[0].b;
float maxA = arr[0].a;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++)
var cur = arr[i];
if (cur.r < minR)
minR = cur.r;
if (cur.g < minG)
minG = cur.g;
if (cur.b < minB)
minB = cur.b;
if (cur.a < minA)
minA = cur.a;
if (cur.r > maxR)
maxR = cur.r;
if (cur.g > maxG)
maxG = cur.g;
if (cur.b > maxB)
maxB = cur.b;
if (cur.a > maxA)
maxA = cur.a;
accessor.Min = new List<double> { minR, minG, minB, minA };
accessor.Max = new List<double> { maxR, maxG, maxB, maxA };
var byteOffset = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position;
foreach (var color in arr) {
var byteLength = _bufferWriter.BaseStream.Position - byteOffset;
accessor.BufferView = ExportBufferView((int)byteOffset, (int)byteLength);
var id = new AccessorId {
Id = _root.Accessors.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
private BufferViewId ExportBufferView(int byteOffset, int byteLength)
var bufferView = new BufferView {
Buffer = _bufferId,
ByteOffset = byteOffset,
ByteLength = byteLength,
var id = new BufferViewId {
Id = _root.BufferViews.Count,
Root = _root
return id;
public MaterialId GetMaterialId(GLTFRoot root, UnityEngine.Material materialObj)
for (var i = 0; i < _materials.Count; i++)
if (_materials[i] == materialObj)
return new MaterialId
Id = i,
Root = root
return null;
public TextureId GetTextureId(GLTFRoot root, UnityEngine.Texture textureObj)
for (var i = 0; i < _textures.Count; i++)
if (_textures[i] == textureObj)
return new TextureId
Id = i,
Root = root
return null;
public ImageId GetImageId(GLTFRoot root, UnityEngine.Texture imageObj)
for (var i = 0; i < _images.Count; i++)
if (_images[i] == imageObj)
return new ImageId
Id = i,
Root = root
return null;
public SamplerId GetSamplerId(GLTFRoot root, UnityEngine.Texture textureObj)
for (var i = 0; i < root.Samplers.Count; i++)
bool filterIsNearest = root.Samplers[i].MinFilter == MinFilterMode.Nearest
|| root.Samplers[i].MinFilter == MinFilterMode.NearestMipmapNearest
|| root.Samplers[i].MinFilter == MinFilterMode.LinearMipmapNearest;
bool filterIsLinear = root.Samplers[i].MinFilter == MinFilterMode.Linear
|| root.Samplers[i].MinFilter == MinFilterMode.NearestMipmapLinear;
bool filterMatched = textureObj.filterMode == FilterMode.Point && filterIsNearest
|| textureObj.filterMode == FilterMode.Bilinear && filterIsLinear
|| textureObj.filterMode == FilterMode.Trilinear && root.Samplers[i].MinFilter == MinFilterMode.LinearMipmapLinear;
bool wrapMatched = textureObj.wrapMode == TextureWrapMode.Clamp && root.Samplers[i].WrapS == GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.ClampToEdge
|| textureObj.wrapMode == TextureWrapMode.Repeat && root.Samplers[i].WrapS != GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.ClampToEdge;
if (filterMatched && wrapMatched)
return new SamplerId
Id = i,
Root = root
return null;