247 lines
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247 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace RootMotion.FinalIK {
/// <summary>
/// Procedural recoil using FBBIK.
/// </summary>
public class Recoil : OffsetModifier {
public class RecoilOffset {
[Tooltip("Offset vector for the associated effector when doing recoil.")]
public Vector3 offset;
[Tooltip("When firing before the last recoil has faded, how much of the current recoil offset will be maintained?")]
[Range(0f, 1f)] public float additivity = 1f;
[Tooltip("Max additive recoil for automatic fire.")]
public float maxAdditiveOffsetMag = 0.2f;
// Linking this to an effector
public class EffectorLink {
[Tooltip("Type of the FBBIK effector to use")]
public FullBodyBipedEffector effector;
[Tooltip("Weight of using this effector")]
public float weight;
[Tooltip("Linking this recoil offset to FBBIK effectors.")]
public EffectorLink[] effectorLinks;
private Vector3 additiveOffset;
private Vector3 lastOffset;
// Start recoil
public void Start() {
if (additivity <= 0f) return;
additiveOffset = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(lastOffset * additivity, maxAdditiveOffsetMag);
// Apply offset to FBBIK effectors
public void Apply(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, Quaternion rotation, float masterWeight, float length, float timeLeft) {
additiveOffset = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, additiveOffset, timeLeft / length);
lastOffset = (rotation * (offset * masterWeight)) + (rotation * additiveOffset);
foreach (EffectorLink e in effectorLinks) {
solver.GetEffector(e.effector).positionOffset += lastOffset * e.weight;
public enum Handedness {
[Tooltip("Reference to the AimIK component. Optional, only used to getting the aiming direction.")]
public AimIK aimIK;
[Tooltip("Set this true if you are using IKExecutionOrder.cs or a custom script to force AimIK solve after FBBIK.")]
public bool aimIKSolvedLast;
[Tooltip("Which hand is holding the weapon?")]
public Handedness handedness;
[Tooltip("Check for 2-handed weapons.")]
public bool twoHanded = true;
[Tooltip("Weight curve for the recoil offsets. Recoil procedure is as long as this curve.")]
public AnimationCurve recoilWeight;
[Tooltip("How much is the magnitude randomized each time Recoil is called?")]
public float magnitudeRandom = 0.1f;
[Tooltip("How much is the rotation randomized each time Recoil is called?")]
public Vector3 rotationRandom;
[Tooltip("Rotating the primary hand bone for the recoil (in local space).")]
public Vector3 handRotationOffset;
[Tooltip("Time of blending in another recoil when doing automatic fire.")]
public float blendTime;
[Tooltip("FBBIK effector position offsets for the recoil (in aiming direction space).")]
public RecoilOffset[] offsets;
[HideInInspector] public Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.identity;
private float magnitudeMlp = 1f;
private float endTime = -1f;
private Quaternion handRotation, secondaryHandRelativeRotation, randomRotation;
private float length = 1f;
private bool initiated;
private float blendWeight;
private float w;
private Quaternion primaryHandRotation = Quaternion.identity;
//private Quaternion secondaryHandRotation = Quaternion.identity;
private bool handRotationsSet;
private Vector3 aimIKAxis;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if recoil has finished or has not been called at all.
/// </summary>
public bool isFinished {
get {
return Time.time > endTime;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the starting rotations for the hands for 1 frame. Use this if the final rotation of the hands will not be the same as before FBBIK solves.
/// </summary>
public void SetHandRotations(Quaternion leftHandRotation, Quaternion rightHandRotation) {
if (handedness == Handedness.Left) {
primaryHandRotation = leftHandRotation;
//secondaryHandRotation = rightHandRotation;
} else {
primaryHandRotation = rightHandRotation;
//secondaryHandRotation = leftHandRotation;
handRotationsSet = true;
/// <summary>
/// Starts the recoil procedure.
/// </summary>
public void Fire(float magnitude) {
float rnd = magnitude * UnityEngine.Random.value * magnitudeRandom;
magnitudeMlp = magnitude + rnd;
randomRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotationRandom * UnityEngine.Random.value);
foreach (RecoilOffset offset in offsets) {
if (Time.time < endTime) blendWeight = 0f;
else blendWeight = 1f;
Keyframe[] keys = recoilWeight.keys;
length = keys[keys.Length - 1].time;
endTime = Time.time + length;
protected override void OnModifyOffset() {
if (aimIK != null) aimIKAxis = aimIK.solver.axis;
if (Time.time >= endTime) {
rotationOffset = Quaternion.identity;
if (!initiated && ik != null) {
initiated = true;
ik.solver.OnPostUpdate += AfterFBBIK;
if (aimIK != null) aimIK.solver.OnPostUpdate += AfterAimIK;
blendTime = Mathf.Max(blendTime, 0f);
if (blendTime > 0f) blendWeight = Mathf.Min(blendWeight + Time.deltaTime * (1f / blendTime), 1f);
else blendWeight = 1f;
// Current weight of offset
float wTarget = recoilWeight.Evaluate(length - (endTime - Time.time)) * magnitudeMlp;
w = Mathf.Lerp(w, wTarget, blendWeight);
// Find the rotation space of the recoil
Quaternion lookRotation = aimIK != null && aimIK.solver.transform != null && !aimIKSolvedLast? Quaternion.LookRotation(aimIK.solver.IKPosition - aimIK.solver.transform.position, ik.references.root.up): ik.references.root.rotation;
lookRotation = randomRotation * lookRotation;
// Apply FBBIK effector positionOffsets
foreach (RecoilOffset offset in offsets) {
offset.Apply(ik.solver, lookRotation, w, length, endTime - Time.time);
if (!handRotationsSet) {
primaryHandRotation = primaryHand.rotation;
//if (twoHanded) secondaryHandRotation = secondaryHand.rotation;
handRotationsSet = false;
// Rotation offset of the primary hand
rotationOffset = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, Quaternion.Euler(randomRotation * primaryHandRotation * handRotationOffset), w);
handRotation = rotationOffset * primaryHandRotation;
// Fix the secondary hand relative to the primary hand
if (twoHanded) {
Vector3 secondaryHandRelativePosition = Quaternion.Inverse(primaryHand.rotation) * (secondaryHand.position - primaryHand.position);
secondaryHandRelativeRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(primaryHand.rotation) * secondaryHand.rotation;
Vector3 primaryHandPosition = primaryHand.position + primaryHandEffector.positionOffset;
Vector3 secondaryHandPosition = primaryHandPosition + handRotation * secondaryHandRelativePosition;
secondaryHandEffector.positionOffset += secondaryHandPosition - (secondaryHand.position + secondaryHandEffector.positionOffset);
if (aimIK != null && aimIKSolvedLast) aimIK.solver.axis = Quaternion.Inverse(ik.references.root.rotation) * Quaternion.Inverse(rotationOffset) * aimIKAxis;
private void AfterFBBIK() {
if (Time.time >= endTime) return;
// Rotate the hand bones
primaryHand.rotation = handRotation;
if (twoHanded) secondaryHand.rotation = primaryHand.rotation * secondaryHandRelativeRotation;
private void AfterAimIK() {
if (aimIKSolvedLast) aimIK.solver.axis = aimIKAxis;
// Shortcuts
private IKEffector primaryHandEffector {
get {
if (handedness == Handedness.Right) return ik.solver.rightHandEffector;
return ik.solver.leftHandEffector;
private IKEffector secondaryHandEffector {
get {
if (handedness == Handedness.Right) return ik.solver.leftHandEffector;
return ik.solver.rightHandEffector;
private Transform primaryHand {
get {
return primaryHandEffector.bone;
private Transform secondaryHand {
get {
return secondaryHandEffector.bone;
protected override void OnDestroy() {
if (ik != null && initiated) {
ik.solver.OnPostUpdate -= AfterFBBIK;
if (aimIK != null) aimIK.solver.OnPostUpdate -= AfterAimIK;