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254 lines
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[AddComponentMenu("Breakable Windows/Breakable Window")]
public class BreakableWindow : MonoBehaviour {
[Tooltip("Layer should be TransparentFX or your own layer for breakable windows.")]
public LayerMask layer;
public int partsX = 5;
[Range(2, 25)]
public int partsY = 5;
public bool preCalculate = true;
public bool addTorques = true;
public bool hideSplintersInHierarchy = true;
public bool useCollision = true;
[Tooltip("Use 0 for breaking immediately if a collision is detected.")]
public float health = 0;
[Tooltip("Seconds after window is broken that physics have to be destroyed.")]
public float destroyPhysicsTime = 5;
public bool destroyColliderWithPhysics = true;
[Tooltip("Seconds after window is broken that splinters have to be destroyed.")]
public float destroySplintersTime = 0;
public AudioClip breakingSound;
public bool isBroken = false;
public List<GameObject> splinters;
private Vector3[] vertices;
private Vector3[] normals;
private bool allreadyCalculated = false;
private GameObject splinterParent;
int[] tris;
void Start()
if (preCalculate == true && allreadyCalculated == false)
allreadyCalculated = true;
if (transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x != 0 || transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z != 0)
Debug.LogWarning("Warning: Window must not be rotated around x and z!");
private void bakeVertices(bool trianglesToo = false)
vertices = new Vector3[(partsX + 1) * (partsY + 1)];
normals = new Vector3[(partsX + 1) * (partsY + 1)];
for (int y = 0; y < partsY + 1; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < partsX + 1; x++)
float randomX = Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value / partsX : -Random.value / partsX;
float randomY = Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value / partsY : -Random.value / partsY;
vertices[y * (partsX + 1) + x] = new Vector3((float)x / (float)partsX - 0.5f + randomX, (float)y / (float)partsY - 0.5f + randomY, 0);
normals[y * (partsX + 1) + x] = -Vector3.forward;
if (trianglesToo == true)
tris = new int[partsX * partsY * 6];
int pos = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < partsY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < partsX; x++)
tris[pos + 0] = y * (partsX + 1) + x;
tris[pos + 1] = y * (partsX + 1) + x + 1;
tris[pos + 2] = (y + 1) * (partsX + 1) + x;
pos += 3;
tris[pos + 0] = (y + 1) * (partsX + 1) + x;
tris[pos + 1] = y * (partsX + 1) + x + 1;
tris[pos + 2] = (y + 1) * (partsX + 1) + x + 1;
pos += 3;
private void generateSingleSplinter(int[] tris, Transform parent)
Vector3[] v = new Vector3[3];
Vector3[] n = new Vector3[3];
int[] t = new int[6];
v[0] = Vector3.zero;
v[1] = vertices[tris[1]] - vertices[tris[0]];
v[2] = vertices[tris[2]] - vertices[tris[0]];
n[0] = normals[t[0]];
n[1] = normals[t[1]];
n[2] = normals[t[2]];
t[0] = 0;
t[1] = 1;
t[2] = 2;
t[3] = 2;
t[4] = 1;
t[5] = 0;
Mesh m = new Mesh();
m.vertices = v;
m.normals = n;
m.triangles = t;
GameObject obj = new GameObject();
obj.transform.position = new Vector3(vertices[tris[0]].x * transform.localScale.x + transform.position.x, vertices[tris[0]].y * transform.localScale.y + transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
obj.transform.RotateAround(transform.position, transform.up, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y);
obj.transform.localScale = transform.localScale;
obj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
obj.layer = layer.value;
obj.name = "Glass Splinter";
if (destroySplintersTime > 0)
Destroy(obj, destroySplintersTime);
if (preCalculate == true)
obj.transform.parent = parent;
if (hideSplintersInHierarchy) obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
MeshFilter mf = obj.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
mf.mesh = m;
MeshCollider col = obj.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
col.inflateMesh = true;
col.convex = true;
if (destroyPhysicsTime > 0 && destroyColliderWithPhysics) Destroy(col, destroyPhysicsTime);
Rigidbody rigid = obj.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
rigid.centerOfMass = (v[0] + v[1] + v[2]) / 3f;
if (addTorques && preCalculate == false) rigid.AddTorque(new Vector3(Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value * 50 : -Random.value * 50, Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value * 50 : -Random.value * 50, Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value * 50 : -Random.value * 50));
if (destroyPhysicsTime > 0) Destroy(rigid, destroyPhysicsTime);
MeshRenderer mr = obj.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
mr.materials = GetComponent<Renderer>().materials;
private void bakeSplinters()
int[] t = new int[3];
splinters = new List<GameObject>();
splinterParent = new GameObject("Splinters");
splinterParent.transform.parent = transform;
if (preCalculate) splinterParent.SetActive(false);
for (int y = 0; y < partsY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < partsX; x++)
t[0] = y * (partsX + 1) + x;
t[1] = y * (partsX + 1) + x + 1;
t[2] = (y + 1) * (partsX + 1) + x;
generateSingleSplinter(t, splinterParent.transform);
t[0] = (y + 1) * (partsX + 1) + x;
t[1] = y * (partsX + 1) + x + 1;
t[2] = (y + 1) * (partsX + 1) + x + 1;
generateSingleSplinter(t, splinterParent.transform);
/// <summary>
/// Breaks the window and returns an array of all splinter gameobjects.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns an array of all splinter gameobjects.</returns>
public GameObject[] breakWindow()
if (isBroken == false)
if (allreadyCalculated == true)
if (addTorques)
for (int i = 0; i < splinters.Count; i++)
splinters[i].GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddTorque(new Vector3(Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value * 50 : -Random.value * 50, Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value * 50 : -Random.value * 50, Random.value > 0.5f ? Random.value * 50 : -Random.value * 50));
Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(layer.value, layer.value, true);
isBroken = true;
if (breakingSound != null)
GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip = breakingSound;
return splinters.ToArray();
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
if (useCollision == true)
if (health > 0)
health -= col.impulse.magnitude;
if (health < 0)
health = 0;
else breakWindow();