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380 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class MeshCombiner : MonoBehaviour
private const int Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit = 65535;
private bool createMultiMaterialMesh = false, combineInactiveChildren = false, deactivateCombinedChildren = true,
deactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers = false, destroyCombinedChildren = false;
private string folderPath = "Prefabs/CombinedMeshes";
[Tooltip("MeshFilters with Meshes which we don't want to combine into one Mesh.")]
private MeshFilter[] meshFiltersToSkip = new MeshFilter[0];
public bool CreateMultiMaterialMesh { get { return createMultiMaterialMesh; } set { createMultiMaterialMesh = value; } }
public bool CombineInactiveChildren { get { return combineInactiveChildren; } set { combineInactiveChildren = value; } }
public bool DeactivateCombinedChildren
get { return deactivateCombinedChildren; }
deactivateCombinedChildren = value;
public bool DeactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers
get { return deactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers; }
deactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers = value;
public bool DestroyCombinedChildren
get { return destroyCombinedChildren; }
destroyCombinedChildren = value;
public string FolderPath { get { return folderPath; } set { folderPath = value; } }
private void CheckDeactivateCombinedChildren()
if(deactivateCombinedChildren || deactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers)
destroyCombinedChildren = false;
private void CheckDestroyCombinedChildren()
deactivateCombinedChildren = false;
deactivateCombinedChildrenMeshRenderers = false;
/// <summary>
/// Combine children's Meshes into one Mesh. Set 'showCreatedMeshInfo' to true if want to show info about created Mesh in the console.
/// </summary>
public void CombineMeshes(bool showCreatedMeshInfo)
#region Save our parent scale and our Transform and reset it temporarily:
// When we are unparenting and get parent again then sometimes scale is a little bit different so save scale before unparenting:
Vector3 oldScaleAsChild = transform.localScale;
// If we have parent then his scale will affect to our new combined Mesh scale so unparent us:
int positionInParentHierarchy = transform.GetSiblingIndex();
Transform parent = transform.parent;
transform.parent = null;
// Thanks to this the new combined Mesh will have same position and scale in the world space like its children:
Quaternion oldRotation = transform.rotation;
Vector3 oldPosition = transform.position;
Vector3 oldScale = transform.localScale;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
transform.position = Vector3.zero;
transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
#endregion Save Transform and reset it temporarily.
#region Combine Meshes into one Mesh:
#endregion Combine Meshes into one Mesh.
#region Set old Transform values:
// Bring back the Transform values:
transform.rotation = oldRotation;
transform.position = oldPosition;
transform.localScale = oldScale;
// Get back parent and same hierarchy position:
transform.parent = parent;
// Set back the scale value as child:
transform.localScale = oldScaleAsChild;
#endregion Set old Transform values.
private MeshFilter[] GetMeshFiltersToCombine()
// Get all MeshFilters belongs to this GameObject and its children:
MeshFilter[] meshFilters = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>(combineInactiveChildren);
// Delete first MeshFilter belongs to this GameObject in meshFiltersToSkip array:
meshFiltersToSkip = meshFiltersToSkip.Where((meshFilter) => meshFilter != meshFilters[0]).ToArray();
// Delete null values in meshFiltersToSkip array:
meshFiltersToSkip = meshFiltersToSkip.Where((meshFilter) => meshFilter != null).ToArray();
for(int i = 0; i < meshFiltersToSkip.Length; i++)
meshFilters = meshFilters.Where((meshFilter) => meshFilter != meshFiltersToSkip[i]).ToArray();
return meshFilters;
private void CombineMeshesWithSingleMaterial(bool showCreatedMeshInfo)
// Get all MeshFilters belongs to this GameObject and its children:
MeshFilter[] meshFilters = GetMeshFiltersToCombine();
// First MeshFilter belongs to this GameObject so we don't need it:
CombineInstance[] combineInstances = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length-1];
// If it will be over 65535 then use the 32 bit index buffer:
long verticesLength = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < meshFilters.Length-1; i++) // Skip first MeshFilter belongs to this GameObject in this loop.
combineInstances[i].subMeshIndex = 0;
combineInstances[i].mesh = meshFilters[i+1].sharedMesh;
combineInstances[i].transform = meshFilters[i+1].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
verticesLength += combineInstances[i].mesh.vertices.Length;
// Set Material from child:
MeshRenderer[] meshRenderers = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>(combineInactiveChildren);
if(meshRenderers.Length >= 2)
meshRenderers[0].sharedMaterials = new Material[1];
meshRenderers[0].sharedMaterial = meshRenderers[1].sharedMaterial;
meshRenderers[0].sharedMaterials = new Material[0]; // Reset the MeshRenderer's Materials array.
// Create Mesh from combineInstances:
Mesh combinedMesh = new Mesh();
combinedMesh.name = name;
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
if(verticesLength > Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
combinedMesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32; // Only works on Unity 2017.3 or higher.
meshFilters[0].sharedMesh = combinedMesh;
if(verticesLength <= Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
Debug.Log("<color=#00cc00><b>Mesh \""+name+"\" was created from "+combineInstances.Length+" children meshes and has "+verticesLength
+" vertices.</b></color>");
Debug.Log("<color=#ff3300><b>Mesh \""+name+"\" was created from "+combineInstances.Length+" children meshes and has "+verticesLength
+" vertices. Some old devices, like Android with Mali-400 GPU, do not support over 65535 vertices.</b></color>");
if(verticesLength <= Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
meshFilters[0].sharedMesh = combinedMesh;
Debug.Log("<color=#00cc00><b>Mesh \""+name+"\" was created from "+combineInstances.Length+" children meshes and has "+verticesLength
+" vertices.</b></color>");
else if(showCreatedMeshInfo)
Debug.Log("<color=red><b>The mesh vertex limit is 65535! The created mesh had "+verticesLength+" vertices. Upgrade Unity version to"
+" 2017.3 or higher to avoid this limit (some old devices, like Android with Mali-400 GPU, do not support over 65535 vertices).</b></color>");
private void CombineMeshesWithMutliMaterial(bool showCreatedMeshInfo)
#region Get MeshFilters, MeshRenderers and unique Materials from all children:
MeshFilter[] meshFilters = GetMeshFiltersToCombine();
MeshRenderer[] meshRenderers = new MeshRenderer[meshFilters.Length];
meshRenderers[0] = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); // Our (parent) MeshRenderer.
List<Material> uniqueMaterialsList = new List<Material>();
for(int i = 0; i < meshFilters.Length-1; i++)
meshRenderers[i+1] = meshFilters[i+1].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if(meshRenderers[i+1] != null)
Material[] materials = meshRenderers[i+1].sharedMaterials; // Get all Materials from child Mesh.
for(int j = 0; j < materials.Length; j++)
if(!uniqueMaterialsList.Contains(materials[j])) // If Material doesn't exists in the list then add it.
#endregion Get MeshFilters, MeshRenderers and unique Materials from all children.
#region Combine children Meshes with the same Material to create submeshes for final Mesh:
List<CombineInstance> finalMeshCombineInstancesList = new List<CombineInstance>();
// If it will be over 65535 then use the 32 bit index buffer:
long verticesLength = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < uniqueMaterialsList.Count; i++) // Create each Mesh (submesh) from Meshes with the same Material.
List<CombineInstance> submeshCombineInstancesList = new List<CombineInstance>();
for(int j = 0; j < meshFilters.Length-1; j++) // Get only childeren Meshes (skip our Mesh).
if(meshRenderers[j+1] != null)
Material[] submeshMaterials = meshRenderers[j+1].sharedMaterials; // Get all Materials from child Mesh.
for(int k = 0; k < submeshMaterials.Length; k++)
// If Materials are equal, combine Mesh from this child:
if(uniqueMaterialsList[i] == submeshMaterials[k])
CombineInstance combineInstance = new CombineInstance();
combineInstance.subMeshIndex = k; // Mesh may consist of smaller parts - submeshes.
// Every part have different index. If there are 3 submeshes
// in Mesh then MeshRender needs 3 Materials to render them.
combineInstance.mesh = meshFilters[j+1].sharedMesh;
combineInstance.transform = meshFilters[j+1].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
verticesLength += combineInstance.mesh.vertices.Length;
// Create new Mesh (submesh) from Meshes with the same Material:
Mesh submesh = new Mesh();
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
if(verticesLength > Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
submesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32; // Only works on Unity 2017.3 or higher.
submesh.CombineMeshes(submeshCombineInstancesList.ToArray(), true);
// Below Unity 2017.3 if vertices count is above the limit then an error appears in the console when we use the below method.
// Anyway we don't stop the algorithm here beacuse we want to count the entire number of vertices in the children meshes:
if(verticesLength <= Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
submesh.CombineMeshes(submeshCombineInstancesList.ToArray(), true);
CombineInstance finalCombineInstance = new CombineInstance();
finalCombineInstance.subMeshIndex = 0;
finalCombineInstance.mesh = submesh;
finalCombineInstance.transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
#endregion Combine submeshes (children Meshes) with the same Material.
#region Set Materials array & combine submeshes into one multimaterial Mesh:
meshRenderers[0].sharedMaterials = uniqueMaterialsList.ToArray();
Mesh combinedMesh = new Mesh();
combinedMesh.name = name;
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
if(verticesLength > Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
combinedMesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32; // Only works on Unity 2017.3 or higher.
combinedMesh.CombineMeshes(finalMeshCombineInstancesList.ToArray(), false);
meshFilters[0].sharedMesh = combinedMesh;
if(verticesLength <= Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
Debug.Log("<color=#00cc00><b>Mesh \""+name+"\" was created from "+(meshFilters.Length-1)+" children meshes and has "
+finalMeshCombineInstancesList.Count+" submeshes, and "+verticesLength+" vertices.</b></color>");
Debug.Log("<color=#ff3300><b>Mesh \""+name+"\" was created from "+(meshFilters.Length-1)+" children meshes and has "
+finalMeshCombineInstancesList.Count+" submeshes, and "+verticesLength
+" vertices. Some old devices, like Android with Mali-400 GPU, do not support over 65535 vertices.</b></color>");
if(verticesLength <= Mesh16BitBufferVertexLimit)
combinedMesh.CombineMeshes(finalMeshCombineInstancesList.ToArray(), false);
meshFilters[0].sharedMesh = combinedMesh;
Debug.Log("<color=#00cc00><b>Mesh \""+name+"\" was created from "+(meshFilters.Length-1)+" children meshes and has "
+finalMeshCombineInstancesList.Count+" submeshes, and "+verticesLength+" vertices.</b></color>");
else if(showCreatedMeshInfo)
Debug.Log("<color=red><b>The mesh vertex limit is 65535! The created mesh had "+verticesLength+" vertices. Upgrade Unity version to"
+" 2017.3 or higher to avoid this limit (some old devices, like Android with Mali-400 GPU, do not support over 65535 vertices).</b></color>");
#endregion Set Materials array & combine submeshes into one multimaterial Mesh.
private void DeactivateCombinedGameObjects(MeshFilter[] meshFilters)
for(int i = 0; i < meshFilters.Length-1; i++) // Skip first MeshFilter belongs to this GameObject in this loop.
MeshRenderer meshRenderer = meshFilters[i+1].gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
if(meshRenderer != null)
meshRenderer.enabled = false;