395 lines
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395 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using RootMotion;
namespace RootMotion.FinalIK {
/// <summary>
/// Managing Interactions for a single FBBIK effector.
/// </summary>
public class InteractionEffector {
// The type of the effector
public FullBodyBipedEffector effectorType { get; private set; }
// Has the interaction been paused?
public bool isPaused { get; private set; }
// The current InteractionObject (null if there is no interaction going on)
public InteractionObject interactionObject { get; private set; }
// Is this InteractionEffector currently in the middle of an interaction?
public bool inInteraction { get { return interactionObject != null; }}
// Internal values
private Poser poser;
private IKEffector effector;
private float timer, length, weight, fadeInSpeed, defaultPositionWeight, defaultRotationWeight, defaultPull, defaultReach, defaultPush, defaultPushParent, defaultBendGoalWeight, resetTimer;
private bool positionWeightUsed, rotationWeightUsed, pullUsed, reachUsed, pushUsed, pushParentUsed, bendGoalWeightUsed;
private bool pickedUp, defaults, pickUpOnPostFBBIK;
private Vector3 pickUpPosition, pausePositionRelative;
private Quaternion pickUpRotation, pauseRotationRelative;
private InteractionTarget interactionTarget;
private Transform target;
private List<bool> triggered = new List<bool>();
private InteractionSystem interactionSystem;
private bool started;
// The custom constructor
public InteractionEffector (FullBodyBipedEffector effectorType) {
this.effectorType = effectorType;
// Initiate this, get the default values
public void Initiate(InteractionSystem interactionSystem) {
this.interactionSystem = interactionSystem;
// Find the effector if we haven't already
if (effector == null) {
effector = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetEffector(effectorType);
poser = effector.bone.GetComponent<Poser>();
private void StoreDefaults() {
defaultPositionWeight = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetEffector(effectorType).positionWeight;
defaultRotationWeight = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetEffector(effectorType).rotationWeight;
//defaultPoserWeight = poser != null? poser.weight: 0f;
defaultPull = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).pull;
defaultReach = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).reach;
defaultPush = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).push;
defaultPushParent = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).pushParent;
defaultBendGoalWeight = interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).bendConstraint.weight;
// Interpolate to default values when currently not in interaction
public bool ResetToDefaults(float speed) {
if (inInteraction) return false;
if (isPaused) return false;
if (defaults) return false;
resetTimer = Mathf.MoveTowards(resetTimer, 0f, Time.deltaTime * speed);
// Pull and Reach
if (effector.isEndEffector) {
if (pullUsed) interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).pull = Mathf.Lerp(defaultPull, interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).pull, resetTimer);
if (reachUsed) interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).reach = Mathf.Lerp(defaultReach, interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).reach, resetTimer);
if (pushUsed) interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).push = Mathf.Lerp(defaultPush, interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).push, resetTimer);
if (pushParentUsed) interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).pushParent = Mathf.Lerp(defaultPushParent, interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).pushParent, resetTimer);
if (bendGoalWeightUsed) interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).bendConstraint.weight = Mathf.Lerp(defaultBendGoalWeight, interactionSystem.ik.solver.GetChain(effectorType).bendConstraint.weight, resetTimer);
// Effector weights
if (positionWeightUsed) effector.positionWeight = Mathf.Lerp(defaultPositionWeight, effector.positionWeight, resetTimer);
if (rotationWeightUsed) effector.rotationWeight = Mathf.Lerp(defaultRotationWeight, effector.rotationWeight, resetTimer);
if (resetTimer <= 0f) {
pullUsed = false;
reachUsed = false;
pushUsed = false;
pushParentUsed = false;
positionWeightUsed = false;
rotationWeightUsed = false;
bendGoalWeightUsed = false;
//poserUsed = false;
defaults = true;
return true;
// Pause this interaction
public bool Pause() {
if (!inInteraction) return false;
isPaused = true;
pausePositionRelative = target.InverseTransformPoint(effector.position);
pauseRotationRelative = Quaternion.Inverse(target.rotation) * effector.rotation;
if (interactionSystem.OnInteractionPause != null) {
interactionSystem.OnInteractionPause(effectorType, interactionObject);
return true;
// Resume a paused interaction
public bool Resume() {
if (!inInteraction) return false;
isPaused = false;
if (interactionSystem.OnInteractionResume != null) interactionSystem.OnInteractionResume(effectorType, interactionObject);
return true;
// Start interaction
public bool Start(InteractionObject interactionObject, string tag, float fadeInTime, bool interrupt) {
// If not in interaction, set effector positions to their bones
if (!inInteraction) {
effector.position = effector.bone.position;;
effector.rotation = effector.bone.rotation;;
} else {
if (!interrupt) return false;
else defaults = false;
// Get the InteractionTarget
target = interactionObject.GetTarget(effectorType, tag);
if (target == null) return false;
interactionTarget = target.GetComponent<InteractionTarget>();
// Start the interaction
this.interactionObject = interactionObject;
if (interactionSystem.OnInteractionStart != null) interactionSystem.OnInteractionStart(effectorType, interactionObject);
// Cleared triggered events
for (int i = 0; i < interactionObject.events.Length; i++) {
// Posing the hand/foot
if (poser != null) {
if (poser.poseRoot == null) poser.weight = 0f;
if (interactionTarget != null) poser.poseRoot = target.transform;
else poser.poseRoot = null;
// See which InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Types are used
positionWeightUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.PositionWeight);
rotationWeightUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.RotationWeight);
pullUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.Pull);
reachUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.Reach);
pushUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.Push);
pushParentUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.PushParent);
bendGoalWeightUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.BendGoalWeight);
//poserUsed = interactionObject.CurveUsed(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.PoserWeight);
if (defaults) StoreDefaults();
// Reset internal values
timer = 0f;
weight = 0f;
fadeInSpeed = fadeInTime > 0f? 1f / fadeInTime: 1000f;
length = interactionObject.length;
isPaused = false;
pickedUp = false;
pickUpPosition = Vector3.zero;
pickUpRotation = Quaternion.identity;
if (interactionTarget != null) interactionTarget.RotateTo(effector.bone.position);
started = true;
return true;
// Update the (possibly) ongoing interaction
public void Update(Transform root, float speed) {
if (!inInteraction) {
// If the InteractionObject has been destroyed, reset to defaults
if (started) {
isPaused = false;
pickedUp = false;
defaults = false;
resetTimer = 1f;
started = false;
// Rotate target
if (interactionTarget != null && !interactionTarget.rotateOnce) interactionTarget.RotateTo(effector.bone.position);
if (isPaused) {
effector.position = target.TransformPoint(pausePositionRelative);
effector.rotation = target.rotation * pauseRotationRelative;
// Apply the current interaction state to the solver
interactionObject.Apply(interactionSystem.ik.solver, effectorType, interactionTarget, timer, weight);
// Advance the interaction timer and weight
timer += Time.deltaTime * speed * (interactionTarget != null? interactionTarget.interactionSpeedMlp: 1f);
weight = Mathf.Clamp(weight + Time.deltaTime * fadeInSpeed * speed, 0f, 1f);
// Interaction events
bool pickUp = false;
bool pause = false;
TriggerUntriggeredEvents(true, out pickUp, out pause);
// Effector target positions and rotations
Vector3 targetPosition = pickedUp? pickUpPosition: target.position;
Quaternion targetRotation = pickedUp? pickUpRotation: target.rotation;
// Interpolate effector position and rotation
effector.position = Vector3.Lerp(effector.bone.position, targetPosition, weight);
effector.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(effector.bone.rotation, targetRotation, weight);
// Apply the current interaction state to the solver
interactionObject.Apply(interactionSystem.ik.solver, effectorType, interactionTarget, timer, weight);
if (pickUp) PickUp(root);
if (pause) Pause();
// Hand poser weight
float poserWeight = interactionObject.GetValue (InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.PoserWeight, interactionTarget, timer);
if (poser != null) {
poser.weight = Mathf.Lerp (poser.weight, poserWeight, weight);
} else {
if (poserWeight > 0f) {
Warning.Log("InteractionObject " + interactionObject.name + " has a curve/multipler for Poser Weight, but the bone of effector " + effectorType.ToString() + " has no HandPoser/GenericPoser attached.", effector.bone);
if (timer >= length) Stop();
// Get the normalized progress of the interaction
public float progress {
get {
if (!inInteraction) return 0f;
if (length == 0f) return 0f;
return timer / length;
// Go through all the InteractionObject events to trigger the ones that have not yet triggered
private void TriggerUntriggeredEvents(bool checkTime, out bool pickUp, out bool pause) {
pickUp = false;
pause = false;
for (int i = 0; i < triggered.Count; i++) {
// If this event has not been triggered by this effector
if (!triggered[i]) {
// If time has passed...
if (!checkTime || interactionObject.events[i].time < timer) {
// Activate the event
// Picking up
if (interactionObject.events[i].pickUp) {
if (timer >= interactionObject.events[i].time) timer = interactionObject.events[i].time;
pickUp = true;
// Pausing
if (interactionObject.events[i].pause) {
if (timer >= interactionObject.events[i].time) timer = interactionObject.events[i].time;
pause = true;
if (interactionSystem.OnInteractionEvent != null) interactionSystem.OnInteractionEvent(effectorType, interactionObject, interactionObject.events[i]);
triggered[i] = true;
// Trigger the interaction object
private void PickUp(Transform root) {
// Picking up the object
pickUpPosition = effector.position;
pickUpRotation = effector.rotation;
pickUpOnPostFBBIK = true;
pickedUp = true;
var rigidbody = interactionObject.targetsRoot.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (rigidbody != null) {
if (!rigidbody.isKinematic) {
rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
// Ignore collisions between the character and the colliders of the interaction object
var rootCollider = root.GetComponent<Collider>();
if (rootCollider != null) {
var colliders = interactionObject.targetsRoot.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider>();
foreach (Collider collider in colliders) {
if (!collider.isTrigger && collider.enabled) Physics.IgnoreCollision(rootCollider, collider);
if (interactionSystem.OnInteractionPickUp != null) interactionSystem.OnInteractionPickUp(effectorType, interactionObject);
// Stop the interaction
public bool Stop() {
if (!inInteraction) return false;
bool pickUp = false;
bool pause = false;
TriggerUntriggeredEvents(false, out pickUp, out pause);
if (interactionSystem.OnInteractionStop != null) interactionSystem.OnInteractionStop(effectorType, interactionObject);
// Reset the interaction target
if (interactionTarget != null) interactionTarget.ResetRotation();
// Reset the internal values
interactionObject = null;
weight = 0f;
timer = 0f;
isPaused = false;
target = null;
defaults = false;
resetTimer = 1f;
if (poser != null && !pickedUp) poser.weight = 0f;
pickedUp = false;
started = false;
return true;
// Called after FBBIK update
public void OnPostFBBIK() {
if (!inInteraction) return;
// Rotate the hands/feet to the RotateBoneWeight curve
float rotateBoneWeight = interactionObject.GetValue(InteractionObject.WeightCurve.Type.RotateBoneWeight, interactionTarget, timer) * weight;
if (rotateBoneWeight > 0f) {
Quaternion r = pickedUp? pickUpRotation: effector.rotation;
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(effector.bone.rotation, r, rotateBoneWeight * rotateBoneWeight);
effector.bone.localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(effector.bone.parent.rotation) * targetRotation;
// Positioning the interaction object to the effector (not the bone, because it is still at it's animated translation)
if (pickUpOnPostFBBIK) {
Vector3 bonePosition = effector.bone.position;
effector.bone.position = pickUpPosition;
interactionObject.targetsRoot.parent = effector.bone;
effector.bone.position = bonePosition;
pickUpOnPostFBBIK = false;