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text: 'This scene demonstrates adding recoil to aiming animations using the FullBodyBipedIK
Recoil.cs on the "Dummy Legacy" game object is a FBBIK effector position offset
modifier (like Inertia, Amplifier and others that extend OffsetModifier.cs). It
means that it works by adding to the positionOffset value of the effectors each
frame. Effector position and positionWeight override positionOffset so you can
use Recoil, and still be free to pin the hands or use the Interaction System whenever
you need. Another advantage of that design is that you are also able to use multiple
offset modifiers simultaneously, the position offsets will work additively.
The recoil procedure is defined in the inspector of Recoil.cs, the procedure is
triggered by Recoil.Fire(float magnitude);
Also see RecoilTest.cs.'
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