using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using GLTF; using GLTF.Schema; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityGLTF.Cache; using UnityGLTF.Extensions; namespace UnityGLTF { public class GLTFSceneImporter { public enum MaterialType { PbrMetallicRoughness, KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness, CommonConstant, CommonPhong, CommonBlinn, CommonLambert } private enum LoadType { Uri, Stream } protected GameObject _lastLoadedScene; protected readonly Transform _sceneParent; protected readonly Dictionary _shaderCache = new Dictionary(); public int MaximumLod = 300; protected readonly GLTF.Schema.Material DefaultMaterial = new GLTF.Schema.Material(); protected string _gltfUrl; protected string _gltfDirectoryPath; protected Stream _gltfStream; protected GLTFRoot _root; protected AssetCache _assetCache; protected AsyncAction _asyncAction; protected bool _addColliders = false; byte[] _gltfData; LoadType _loadType; /// /// Creates a GLTFSceneBuilder object which will be able to construct a scene based off a url /// /// URL to load /// /// Option to add mesh colliders to primitives public GLTFSceneImporter(string gltfUrl, Transform parent = null, bool addColliders = false) { _gltfUrl = gltfUrl; _gltfDirectoryPath = AbsoluteUriPath(gltfUrl); _sceneParent = parent; _asyncAction = new AsyncAction(); _loadType = LoadType.Uri; _addColliders = addColliders; } public GLTFSceneImporter(string rootPath, Stream stream, Transform parent = null, bool addColliders = false) { _gltfUrl = rootPath; _gltfDirectoryPath = AbsoluteFilePath(rootPath); _gltfStream = stream; _sceneParent = parent; _asyncAction = new AsyncAction(); _loadType = LoadType.Stream; _addColliders = addColliders; } public GameObject LastLoadedScene { get { return _lastLoadedScene; } } /// /// Configures shaders in the shader cache for a given material type /// /// Material type to setup shader for /// Shader object to apply public virtual void SetShaderForMaterialType(MaterialType type, Shader shader) { _shaderCache.Add(type, shader); } /// /// Loads via a web call the gltf file and then constructs a scene /// /// Index into scene to load. -1 means load default /// Whether to do loading operation on a thread /// public IEnumerator Load(int sceneIndex = -1, bool isMultithreaded = false) { if (_loadType == LoadType.Uri) { var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(_gltfUrl); yield return www.Send(); if (www.responseCode >= 400 || www.responseCode == 0) { throw new WebRequestException(www); } _gltfData =; } else if (_loadType == LoadType.Stream) { // todo optimization: add stream support to parsing layer int streamLength = (int)(_gltfStream.Length - _gltfStream.Position); _gltfData = new byte[streamLength]; _gltfStream.Read(_gltfData, 0, streamLength); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid load type specified: " + _loadType); } _root = GLTFParser.ParseJson(_gltfData); yield return ImportScene(sceneIndex, isMultithreaded); } /// /// Creates a scene based off loaded JSON. Includes loading in binary and image data to construct the meshes required. /// /// The index of scene in gltf file to load /// Whether to use a thread to do loading /// protected IEnumerator ImportScene(int sceneIndex = -1, bool isMultithreaded = false) { Scene scene; if (sceneIndex >= 0 && sceneIndex < _root.Scenes.Count) { scene = _root.Scenes[sceneIndex]; } else { scene = _root.GetDefaultScene(); } if (scene == null) { throw new Exception("No default scene in gltf file."); } _assetCache = new AssetCache( _root.Images != null ? _root.Images.Count : 0, _root.Textures != null ? _root.Textures.Count : 0, _root.Materials != null ? _root.Materials.Count : 0, _root.Buffers != null ? _root.Buffers.Count : 0, _root.Meshes != null ? _root.Meshes.Count : 0 ); if (_lastLoadedScene == null) { if (_root.Buffers != null) { // todo add fuzzing to verify that buffers are before uri for (int i = 0; i < _root.Buffers.Count; ++i) { GLTF.Schema.Buffer buffer = _root.Buffers[i]; if (buffer.Uri != null) { yield return LoadBuffer(_gltfDirectoryPath, buffer, i); } else //null buffer uri indicates GLB buffer loading { byte[] glbBuffer; GLTFParser.ExtractBinaryChunk(_gltfData, i, out glbBuffer); _assetCache.BufferCache[i] = glbBuffer; } } } if (_root.Images != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _root.Images.Count; ++i) { Image image = _root.Images[i]; yield return LoadImage(_gltfDirectoryPath, image, i); } } #if !WINDOWS_UWP // generate these in advance instead of as-needed if (isMultithreaded) { yield return _asyncAction.RunOnWorkerThread(() => BuildAttributesForMeshes()); } #endif } var sceneObj = CreateScene(scene); if (_sceneParent != null) { sceneObj.transform.SetParent(_sceneParent, false); } _lastLoadedScene = sceneObj; } protected virtual void BuildAttributesForMeshes() { for (int i = 0; i < _root.Meshes.Count; ++i) { GLTF.Schema.Mesh mesh = _root.Meshes[i]; if (_assetCache.MeshCache[i] == null) { _assetCache.MeshCache[i] = new MeshCacheData[mesh.Primitives.Count]; } for(int j = 0; j < mesh.Primitives.Count; ++j) { _assetCache.MeshCache[i][j] = new MeshCacheData(); var primitive = mesh.Primitives[j]; BuildMeshAttributes(primitive, i, j); } } } protected virtual void BuildMeshAttributes(MeshPrimitive primitive, int meshID, int primitiveIndex) { if (_assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex].MeshAttributes.Count == 0) { Dictionary attributeAccessors = new Dictionary(primitive.Attributes.Count + 1); foreach (var attributePair in primitive.Attributes) { AttributeAccessor AttributeAccessor = new AttributeAccessor() { AccessorId = attributePair.Value, Buffer = _assetCache.BufferCache[attributePair.Value.Value.BufferView.Value.Buffer.Id] }; attributeAccessors[attributePair.Key] = AttributeAccessor; } if (primitive.Indices != null) { AttributeAccessor indexBuilder = new AttributeAccessor() { AccessorId = primitive.Indices, Buffer = _assetCache.BufferCache[primitive.Indices.Value.BufferView.Value.Buffer.Id] }; attributeAccessors[SemanticProperties.INDICES] = indexBuilder; } GLTFHelpers.BuildMeshAttributes(ref attributeAccessors); _assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex].MeshAttributes = attributeAccessors; } } protected virtual GameObject CreateScene(Scene scene) { var sceneObj = new GameObject(scene.Name ?? "GLTFScene"); foreach (var node in scene.Nodes) { var nodeObj = CreateNode(node.Value); nodeObj.transform.SetParent(sceneObj.transform, false); } return sceneObj; } protected virtual GameObject CreateNode(Node node) { var nodeObj = new GameObject(node.Name ?? "GLTFNode"); Vector3 position; Quaternion rotation; Vector3 scale; node.GetUnityTRSProperties(out position, out rotation, out scale); nodeObj.transform.localPosition = position; nodeObj.transform.localRotation = rotation; nodeObj.transform.localScale = scale; // TODO: Add support for skin/morph targets if (node.Mesh != null) { CreateMeshObject(node.Mesh.Value, nodeObj.transform, node.Mesh.Id); } /* TODO: implement camera (probably a flag to disable for VR as well) if (camera != null) { GameObject cameraObj = camera.Value.Create(); cameraObj.transform.parent = nodeObj.transform; } */ if (node.Children != null) { foreach (var child in node.Children) { var childObj = CreateNode(child.Value); childObj.transform.SetParent(nodeObj.transform, false); } } return nodeObj; } protected virtual void CreateMeshObject(GLTF.Schema.Mesh mesh, Transform parent, int meshId) { if(_assetCache.MeshCache[meshId] == null) { _assetCache.MeshCache[meshId] = new MeshCacheData[mesh.Primitives.Count]; } for(int i = 0; i < mesh.Primitives.Count; ++i) { var primitive = mesh.Primitives[i]; var primitiveObj = CreateMeshPrimitive(primitive, meshId, i); primitiveObj.transform.SetParent(parent, false); primitiveObj.SetActive(true); } } protected virtual GameObject CreateMeshPrimitive(MeshPrimitive primitive, int meshID, int primitiveIndex) { var primitiveObj = new GameObject("Primitive"); var meshFilter = primitiveObj.AddComponent(); if (_assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex] == null) { _assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex] = new MeshCacheData(); } if (_assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex].LoadedMesh == null) { if (_assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex].MeshAttributes.Count == 0) { BuildMeshAttributes(primitive, meshID, primitiveIndex); } var meshAttributes = _assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex].MeshAttributes; var vertexCount = primitive.Attributes[SemanticProperties.POSITION].Value.Count; // todo optimize: There are multiple copies being performed to turn the buffer data into mesh data. Look into reducing them UnityEngine.Mesh mesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh { vertices = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.POSITION) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.POSITION].AccessorContent.AsVertices.ToUnityVector3() : null, normals = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.NORMAL) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.NORMAL].AccessorContent.AsNormals.ToUnityVector3() : null, uv = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.TexCoord(0)) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.TexCoord(0)].AccessorContent.AsTexcoords.ToUnityVector2() : null, uv2 = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.TexCoord(1)) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.TexCoord(1)].AccessorContent.AsTexcoords.ToUnityVector2() : null, uv3 = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.TexCoord(2)) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.TexCoord(2)].AccessorContent.AsTexcoords.ToUnityVector2() : null, uv4 = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.TexCoord(3)) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.TexCoord(3)].AccessorContent.AsTexcoords.ToUnityVector2() : null, colors = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.Color(0)) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.Color(0)].AccessorContent.AsColors.ToUnityColor() : null, triangles = primitive.Indices != null ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.INDICES].AccessorContent.AsTriangles : MeshPrimitive.GenerateTriangles(vertexCount), tangents = primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.TANGENT) ? meshAttributes[SemanticProperties.TANGENT].AccessorContent.AsTangents.ToUnityVector4() : null }; _assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex].LoadedMesh = mesh; } meshFilter.sharedMesh = _assetCache.MeshCache[meshID][primitiveIndex].LoadedMesh; var materialWrapper = CreateMaterial( primitive.Material != null ? primitive.Material.Value : DefaultMaterial, primitive.Material != null ? primitive.Material.Id : -1 ); var meshRenderer = primitiveObj.AddComponent(); meshRenderer.material = materialWrapper.GetContents(primitive.Attributes.ContainsKey(SemanticProperties.Color(0))); if (_addColliders) { var meshCollider = primitiveObj.AddComponent(); meshCollider.sharedMesh = meshFilter.mesh; } return primitiveObj; } protected virtual MaterialCacheData CreateMaterial(GLTF.Schema.Material def, int materialIndex) { MaterialCacheData materialWrapper = null; if (materialIndex < 0 || _assetCache.MaterialCache[materialIndex] == null) { Shader shader; // get the shader to use for this material try { if (_root.ExtensionsUsed != null && _root.ExtensionsUsed.Contains("KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness")) shader = _shaderCache[MaterialType.KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness]; else if (def.PbrMetallicRoughness != null) shader = _shaderCache[MaterialType.PbrMetallicRoughness]; else if (_root.ExtensionsUsed != null && _root.ExtensionsUsed.Contains("KHR_materials_common") && def.CommonConstant != null) shader = _shaderCache[MaterialType.CommonConstant]; else shader = _shaderCache[MaterialType.PbrMetallicRoughness]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("No shader supplied for type of glTF material {0}, using Standard fallback", def.Name); shader = Shader.Find("Standard"); } shader.maximumLOD = MaximumLod; var material = new UnityEngine.Material(shader); if (def.AlphaMode == AlphaMode.MASK) { material.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", "TransparentCutout"); material.SetInt("_SrcBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One); material.SetInt("_DstBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero); material.SetInt("_ZWrite", 1); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON"); material.renderQueue = (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.AlphaTest; material.SetFloat("_Cutoff", (float) def.AlphaCutoff); } else if (def.AlphaMode == AlphaMode.BLEND) { material.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", "Transparent"); material.SetInt("_SrcBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha); material.SetInt("_DstBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha); material.SetInt("_ZWrite", 0); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON"); material.renderQueue = (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.Transparent; } else { material.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", "Opaque"); material.SetInt("_SrcBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One); material.SetInt("_DstBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero); material.SetInt("_ZWrite", 1); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON"); material.renderQueue = -1; } if (def.DoubleSided) { material.SetInt("_Cull", (int) CullMode.Off); } else { material.SetInt("_Cull", (int) CullMode.Back); } if (def.PbrMetallicRoughness != null) { var pbr = def.PbrMetallicRoughness; material.SetColor("_Color", pbr.BaseColorFactor.ToUnityColor()); if (pbr.BaseColorTexture != null) { var textureDef = pbr.BaseColorTexture.Index.Value; material.SetTexture("_MainTex", CreateTexture(textureDef)); ApplyTextureTransform(pbr.BaseColorTexture, material, "_MainTex"); } material.SetFloat("_Metallic", (float) pbr.MetallicFactor); if (pbr.MetallicRoughnessTexture != null) { var texture = pbr.MetallicRoughnessTexture.Index.Value; material.SetTexture("_MetallicRoughnessMap", CreateTexture(texture)); ApplyTextureTransform(pbr.MetallicRoughnessTexture, material, "_MetallicRoughnessMap"); } material.SetFloat("_Roughness", (float) pbr.RoughnessFactor); } if (def.Extensions != null && def.Extensions.ContainsKey(KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossinessExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_NAME)) { KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossinessExtension specGloss = def.Extensions[KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossinessExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_NAME] as KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossinessExtension; if (specGloss.DiffuseTexture != null) { var texture = specGloss.DiffuseTexture.Index.Value; material.SetTexture("_MainTex", CreateTexture(texture)); ApplyTextureTransform(specGloss.DiffuseTexture, material, "_MainTex"); } else { material.SetColor("_Color", specGloss.DiffuseFactor.ToUnityColor()); } if (specGloss.SpecularGlossinessTexture != null) { var texture = specGloss.SpecularGlossinessTexture.Index.Value; material.SetTexture("_SpecGlossMap", CreateTexture(texture)); material.EnableKeyword("_SPECGLOSSMAP"); ApplyTextureTransform(specGloss.SpecularGlossinessTexture, material, "_SpecGlossMap"); } else { material.SetVector("_SpecColor", specGloss.SpecularFactor.ToUnityVector3()); material.SetFloat("_Glossiness", (float)specGloss.GlossinessFactor); } } if (def.CommonConstant != null) { material.SetColor("_AmbientFactor", def.CommonConstant.AmbientFactor.ToUnityColor()); if (def.CommonConstant.LightmapTexture != null) { material.EnableKeyword("LIGHTMAP_ON"); var texture = def.CommonConstant.LightmapTexture.Index.Value; material.SetTexture("_LightMap", CreateTexture(texture)); material.SetInt("_LightUV", def.CommonConstant.LightmapTexture.TexCoord); ApplyTextureTransform(def.CommonConstant.LightmapTexture, material, "_LightMap"); } material.SetColor("_LightFactor", def.CommonConstant.LightmapFactor.ToUnityColor()); } if (def.NormalTexture != null) { var texture = def.NormalTexture.Index.Value; material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", CreateTexture(texture)); material.SetFloat("_BumpScale", (float) def.NormalTexture.Scale); material.EnableKeyword("_NORMALMAP"); ApplyTextureTransform(def.NormalTexture, material, "_BumpMap"); } if (def.OcclusionTexture != null) { var texture = def.OcclusionTexture.Index; material.SetFloat("_OcclusionStrength", (float) def.OcclusionTexture.Strength); if (def.PbrMetallicRoughness != null && def.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicRoughnessTexture != null && def.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicRoughnessTexture.Index.Id == texture.Id) { material.EnableKeyword("OCC_METAL_ROUGH_ON"); } else { material.SetTexture("_OcclusionMap", CreateTexture(texture.Value)); ApplyTextureTransform(def.OcclusionTexture, material, "_OcclusionMap"); } } if (def.EmissiveTexture != null) { var texture = def.EmissiveTexture.Index.Value; material.EnableKeyword("EMISSION_MAP_ON"); material.EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); material.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", CreateTexture(texture)); material.SetInt("_EmissionUV", def.EmissiveTexture.TexCoord); ApplyTextureTransform(def.EmissiveTexture, material, "_EmissionMap"); } material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", def.EmissiveFactor.ToUnityColor()); materialWrapper = new MaterialCacheData { UnityMaterial = material, UnityMaterialWithVertexColor = new UnityEngine.Material(material), GLTFMaterial = def }; materialWrapper.UnityMaterialWithVertexColor.EnableKeyword("VERTEX_COLOR_ON"); if (materialIndex > 0) { _assetCache.MaterialCache[materialIndex] = materialWrapper; } } return materialIndex > 0 ? _assetCache.MaterialCache[materialIndex] : materialWrapper; } protected virtual UnityEngine.Texture CreateTexture(GLTF.Schema.Texture texture) { if (_assetCache.TextureCache[texture.Source.Id] == null) { var source = _assetCache.ImageCache[texture.Source.Id]; var desiredFilterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; var desiredWrapMode = UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode.Repeat; if (texture.Sampler != null) { var sampler = texture.Sampler.Value; switch (sampler.MinFilter) { case MinFilterMode.Nearest: desiredFilterMode = FilterMode.Point; break; case MinFilterMode.Linear: default: desiredFilterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; break; } switch (sampler.WrapS) { case GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.ClampToEdge: desiredWrapMode = UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode.Clamp; break; case GLTF.Schema.WrapMode.Repeat: default: desiredWrapMode = UnityEngine.TextureWrapMode.Repeat; break; } } if (source.filterMode == desiredFilterMode && source.wrapMode == desiredWrapMode) { _assetCache.TextureCache[texture.Source.Id] = source; } else { var unityTexture = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(source); unityTexture.filterMode = desiredFilterMode; unityTexture.wrapMode = desiredWrapMode; _assetCache.TextureCache[texture.Source.Id] = unityTexture; } } return _assetCache.TextureCache[texture.Source.Id]; } protected virtual void ApplyTextureTransform(TextureInfo def, UnityEngine.Material mat, string texName) { Extension extension; if (_root.ExtensionsUsed != null && _root.ExtensionsUsed.Contains(ExtTextureTransformExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_NAME) && def.Extensions != null && def.Extensions.TryGetValue(ExtTextureTransformExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_NAME, out extension)) { ExtTextureTransformExtension ext = (ExtTextureTransformExtension)extension; Vector2 temp = ext.Offset.ToUnityVector2(); temp = new Vector2(temp.x, -temp.y); mat.SetTextureOffset(texName, temp); mat.SetTextureScale(texName, ext.Scale.ToUnityVector2()); } } protected const string Base64StringInitializer = "^data:[a-z-]+/[a-z-]+;base64,"; protected virtual IEnumerator LoadImage(string rootPath, Image image, int imageID) { if (_assetCache.ImageCache[imageID] == null) { Texture2D texture = null; if (image.Uri != null) { var uri = image.Uri; Regex regex = new Regex(Base64StringInitializer); Match match = regex.Match(uri); if (match.Success) { var base64Data = uri.Substring(match.Length); var textureData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data); texture = new Texture2D(0, 0); texture.LoadImage(textureData); } else if (_loadType == LoadType.Uri) { var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(Path.Combine(rootPath, uri)); www.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerTexture(); yield return www.Send(); // HACK to enable mipmaps :( var tempTexture = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(www); if (tempTexture != null) { texture = new Texture2D(tempTexture.width, tempTexture.height, tempTexture.format, true); texture.SetPixels(tempTexture.GetPixels()); texture.Apply(true); } else { Debug.LogFormat("{0} {1}", www.responseCode, www.url); texture = new Texture2D(16, 16); } } else if (_loadType == LoadType.Stream) { var pathToLoad = Path.Combine(rootPath, uri); var file = File.OpenRead(pathToLoad); byte[] bufferData = new byte[file.Length]; file.Read(bufferData, 0, (int) file.Length); #if !WINDOWS_UWP file.Close(); #else file.Dispose(); #endif texture = new Texture2D(0, 0); texture.LoadImage(bufferData); } } else { texture = new Texture2D(0, 0); var bufferView = image.BufferView.Value; var buffer = bufferView.Buffer.Value; var data = new byte[bufferView.ByteLength]; var bufferContents = _assetCache.BufferCache[bufferView.Buffer.Id]; System.Buffer.BlockCopy(bufferContents, bufferView.ByteOffset, data, 0, data.Length); texture.LoadImage(data); } _assetCache.ImageCache[imageID] = texture; } } /// /// Load the remote URI data into a byte array. /// protected virtual IEnumerator LoadBuffer(string sourceUri, GLTF.Schema.Buffer buffer, int bufferIndex) { if (buffer.Uri != null) { byte[] bufferData = null; var uri = buffer.Uri; Regex regex = new Regex(Base64StringInitializer); Match match = regex.Match(uri); if (match.Success) { var base64Data = uri.Substring(match.Length); bufferData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data); } else if (_loadType == LoadType.Uri) { var www = UnityWebRequest.Get(Path.Combine(sourceUri, uri)); yield return www.Send(); bufferData =; } else if (_loadType == LoadType.Stream) { var pathToLoad = Path.Combine(sourceUri, uri); var file = File.OpenRead(pathToLoad); bufferData = new byte[buffer.ByteLength]; file.Read(bufferData, 0, buffer.ByteLength); #if !WINDOWS_UWP file.Close(); #else file.Dispose(); #endif } _assetCache.BufferCache[bufferIndex] = bufferData; } } /// /// Get the absolute path to a gltf uri reference. /// /// The path to the gltf file /// A path without the filename or extension protected static string AbsoluteUriPath(string gltfPath) { var uri = new Uri(gltfPath); var partialPath = uri.AbsoluteUri.Remove(uri.AbsoluteUri.Length - uri.Query.Length - uri.Segments[uri.Segments.Length - 1].Length); return partialPath; } /// /// Get the absolute path a gltf file directory /// /// The path to the gltf file /// A path without the filename or extension protected static string AbsoluteFilePath(string gltfPath) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(gltfPath); var lastIndex = gltfPath.IndexOf(fileName); var partialPath = gltfPath.Substring(0, lastIndex); return partialPath; } } }