using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; public class GLTFTextureUtils { public enum TextureExportOption { None = 0, JPG = 1, PNG = 2 } private static string _flipTexture = "GLTF/FlipTexture"; private static string _packOcclusionMetalRough = "GLTF/PackOcclusionMetalRough"; private static string _convertBump = "GLTF/BumpToNormal"; public static bool _useOriginalImages = true; public static TextureExportOption textureOption = TextureExportOption.None; public static int JPGQuality = 75; public static void setUseOriginalImage(bool useOriginal) { _useOriginalImages = useOriginal; } public static void setSRGB(bool useSRGB) { GL.sRGBWrite = useSRGB; } public static string writeTextureOnDisk(Texture2D texture, string outputPath, bool updateExtension=false) { string finalOutputPath = outputPath; string ext = Path.GetExtension(finalOutputPath); byte[] finalImageData; if (textureOption == TextureExportOption.PNG) { finalImageData = texture.EncodeToPNG(); if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg") { finalOutputPath = finalOutputPath.Substring(0, finalOutputPath.Length - ext.Length); finalOutputPath += ".png"; } } else if (textureOption == TextureExportOption.JPG) { finalImageData = texture.EncodeToJPG(JPGQuality); if (ext == ".png") { finalOutputPath = finalOutputPath.Substring(0, finalOutputPath.Length - ext.Length); finalOutputPath += ".jpg"; } } else { finalImageData = ext == ".jpg" ? texture.EncodeToJPG(JPGQuality) : texture.EncodeToPNG(); } File.WriteAllBytes(finalOutputPath, finalImageData); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); return finalOutputPath; } // Export public static Texture2D bumpToNormal(Texture2D texture) { Material convertBump = new Material(Shader.Find(_convertBump)); convertBump.SetTexture("_BumpMap", texture); return processTextureMaterial(texture, convertBump); } public static bool isNormalMapFromGrayScale(ref Texture2D texture) { TextureImporter im = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture)) as TextureImporter; if (im == null) return false; return im.convertToNormalmap; } public static Texture2D packOcclusionMetalRough(Texture2D metallicSmoothnessMap, Texture2D occlusionMap) { if(metallicSmoothnessMap == null && occlusionMap == null) { return null; } bool srgb = GL.sRGBWrite; GL.sRGBWrite = false; Material packMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(_packOcclusionMetalRough)); Texture2D tex = null; if(metallicSmoothnessMap) { tex = metallicSmoothnessMap; packMaterial.SetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap", metallicSmoothnessMap); } if(occlusionMap) { if(tex == null) { tex = occlusionMap; } packMaterial.SetTexture("_OcclusionMap", occlusionMap); } Texture2D result = processTextureMaterial(tex, packMaterial); GL.sRGBWrite = srgb; return result; } // CORE private static Texture2D processTextureMaterial(Texture2D texture, Material blitMaterial, bool isRGB=false) { var exportTexture = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height, (isRGB ? TextureFormat.RGB24 : TextureFormat.ARGB32), false); =; var renderTexture = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(texture.width, texture.height, 32, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); Graphics.Blit(exportTexture, renderTexture, blitMaterial); = renderTexture; exportTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), 0, 0); exportTexture.Apply(); RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(renderTexture); return exportTexture; } // Normal map should be exported with srgb true public static Texture2D handleNormalMap(Texture2D input) { TextureImporter im = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(input)) as TextureImporter; if(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(input).Length == 0 || im == null || im.convertToNormalmap) { Debug.Log("Convert bump to normal " +; return bumpToNormal(input); } else { return getTexture(input); } } private static Texture2D getTexture(Texture2D texture) { Texture2D temp = new Texture2D(4, 4); =; if (_useOriginalImages) { if (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture).Length > 0) { temp.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture))); =; } else { temp = texture; Debug.Log("Texture asset is not serialized. Cannot use uncompressed version for " +; } } else { temp = texture; } return temp; } public static Texture2D flipTexture(Texture2D texture) { Material flipMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(_flipTexture)); Texture2D temp = texture; flipMaterial.SetTexture("_TextureToFlip", temp); return processTextureMaterial(temp, flipMaterial, useJPGTexture(texture)); } public static bool useJPGTexture(Texture2D texture) { if (textureOption == TextureExportOption.PNG) { return false; } if (textureOption == TextureExportOption.JPG) { return true; } switch(texture.format) { case TextureFormat.RGB24: case TextureFormat.DXT1: return true; default: return false; } } } class GLTFTextureUtilsCache { private Dictionary, Texture2D> _packedTextures; private Dictionary _convertedBump; private Dictionary _flippedTextures; public GLTFTextureUtilsCache() { _packedTextures = new Dictionary, Texture2D>(); _convertedBump = new Dictionary(); _flippedTextures = new Dictionary(); } public Texture2D packOcclusionMetalRough(Texture2D metalSmooth, Texture2D occlusion) { KeyValuePair key = new KeyValuePair(metalSmooth, occlusion); if (!_packedTextures.ContainsKey(key)) { Texture2D tex = GLTFTextureUtils.packOcclusionMetalRough(metalSmooth, occlusion); _packedTextures.Add(key, tex); } return _packedTextures[key]; } public Texture2D handleNormalMap(Texture2D texture) { if(!_convertedBump.ContainsKey(texture)) { Texture2D tex = GLTFTextureUtils.handleNormalMap(texture); _convertedBump.Add(texture, tex); } return _convertedBump[texture]; } public Texture2D flipTexture(Texture2D texture) { if(!_flippedTextures.ContainsKey(texture)) { Texture2D flipped = GLTFTextureUtils.flipTexture(texture); _flippedTextures.Add(texture, flipped); } return _flippedTextures[texture]; } }