using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.Playables; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace RootMotion { /// /// Base class for animation bakers, handles timing, keyframing and saving AnimationClips. /// [HelpURL("")] [AddComponentMenu("Scripts/RootMotion/Baker")] public abstract class Baker : MonoBehaviour { // Open the User Manual URL [ContextMenu("User Manual")] void OpenUserManual() { Application.OpenURL(""); } // Open the Script Reference URL [ContextMenu("Scrpt Reference")] void OpenScriptReference() { Application.OpenURL(""); } // Link to the Final IK Google Group [ContextMenu("Support Group")] void SupportGroup() { Application.OpenURL("!forum/final-ik"); } // Link to the Final IK Asset Store thread in the Unity Community [ContextMenu("Asset Store Thread")] void ASThread() { Application.OpenURL(""); } [System.Serializable] public enum Mode { AnimationClips = 0, AnimationStates = 1, PlayableDirector = 2, Realtime = 3 } /// /// In AnimationClips, AnimationStates or PlayableDirector mode - the frame rate at which the animation clip will be sampled. In Realtime mode - the frame rate at which the pose will be sampled. With the latter, the frame rate is not guaranteed if the player is not able to reach it. /// [Tooltip("In AnimationClips, AnimationStates or PlayableDirector mode - the frame rate at which the animation clip will be sampled. In Realtime mode - the frame rate at which the pose will be sampled. With the latter, the frame rate is not guaranteed if the player is not able to reach it.")] [Range(1, 90)] public int frameRate = 30; /// /// Maximum allowed error for keyframe reduction. /// [Tooltip("Maximum allowed error for keyframe reduction.")] [Range(0f, 0.1f)] public float keyReductionError = 0.01f; /// /// AnimationClips mode can be used to bake a batch of AnimationClips directly without the need of setting up an AnimatorController. AnimationStates mode is useful for when you need to set up a more complex rig with layers and AvatarMasks in Mecanim. PlayableDirector mode bakes a Timeline. Realtime mode is for continuous baking of gameplay, ragdoll phsysics or PuppetMaster dynamics. /// [Tooltip("AnimationClips mode can be used to bake a batch of AnimationClips directly without the need of setting up an AnimatorController. " + "AnimationStates mode is useful for when you need to set up a more complex rig with layers and AvatarMasks in Mecanim. " + "PlayableDirector mode bakes a Timeline. " + "Realtime mode is for continuous baking of gameplay, ragdoll phsysics or PuppetMaster dynamics.")] public Mode mode; /// /// AnimationClips to bake. /// [Tooltip("AnimationClips to bake.")] public AnimationClip[] animationClips = new AnimationClip[0]; /// /// The name of the AnimationStates to bake (must be on the base layer) in the Animator (Right-click on this component header and select 'Find Animation States' to have Baker fill those in automatically, required that state names match with the names of the clips used in them). /// [Tooltip("The name of the AnimationStates to bake (must be on the base layer) in the Animator above (Right-click on this component header and select 'Find Animation States' to have Baker fill those in automatically, required that state names match with the names of the clips used in them).")] public string[] animationStates = new string[0]; /// /// Sets the baked animation clip to loop time and matches the last frame keys with the first. Note that if you are overwriting a previously baked clip, AnimationClipSettings will be copied from the existing clip. /// [Tooltip("Sets the baked animation clip to loop time and matches the last frame keys with the first. Note that when overwriting a previously baked clip, AnimationClipSettings will be copied from the existing clip.")] public bool loop = true; /// /// The folder to save the baked AnimationClips to. /// [Tooltip("The folder to save the baked AnimationClips to.")] public string saveToFolder = "Assets"; /// /// String that will be added to each clip or animation state name for the saved clip. For example if your animation state/clip names were 'Idle' and 'Walk', then with '_Baked' as Append Name, the Baker will create 'Idle_Baked' and 'Walk_Baked' animation clips. /// [Tooltip("String that will be added to each clip or animation state name for the saved clip. For example if your animation state/clip names were 'Idle' and 'Walk', then with '_Baked' as Append Name, the Baker will create 'Idle_Baked' and 'Walk_Baked' animation clips.")] public string appendName = "_Baked"; /// /// Name of the created AnimationClip file. /// [Tooltip("Name of the created AnimationClip file.")] public string saveName = "Baked Clip"; public bool isBaking { get; private set; } public float bakingProgress { get; private set; } [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] public Animator animator; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] public PlayableDirector director; protected abstract Transform GetCharacterRoot(); protected abstract void OnStartBaking(); protected abstract void OnSetLoopFrame(float time); protected abstract void OnSetCurves(ref AnimationClip clip); protected abstract void OnSetKeyframes(float time, bool lastFrame); protected float clipLength { get; private set; } #if UNITY_EDITOR private AnimationClip[] bakedClips = new AnimationClip[0]; private AnimatorStateInfo currentClipStateInfo; private int currentClipIndex; private float startBakingTime; private float nextKeyframeTime; private bool firstFrame; private int clipFrames; private int clipFrameNo; private bool setKeyframes; private float currentClipTime; private float clipFrameInterval; private const bool setLoopFrame = true; // Makes sure first and last keyframes in the baked clip match up if baking a looping clip. #endif // Start baking an animation state, clip or timeline, also called for each next clip in the baking array public void BakeClip() { #if UNITY_EDITOR switch (mode) { case Mode.AnimationClips: AnimationClipSettings originalSettings = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(animationClips[currentClipIndex]); loop = originalSettings.loopTime; break; } StartBaking(); #endif } public void StartBaking() { #if UNITY_EDITOR isBaking = true; nextKeyframeTime = 0f; bakingProgress = 0f; clipFrameNo = 0; if (bakedClips.Length == 0) { switch (mode) { case Mode.AnimationClips: bakedClips = new AnimationClip[animationClips.Length]; break; case Mode.AnimationStates: bakedClips = new AnimationClip[animationStates.Length]; break; default: bakedClips = new AnimationClip[1]; break; } } OnStartBaking(); firstFrame = true; #endif } public void StopBaking() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!isBaking) return; if (mode != Mode.Realtime && loop && setLoopFrame) { OnSetLoopFrame(clipLength); } bakedClips[currentClipIndex] = new AnimationClip(); bakedClips[currentClipIndex].frameRate = frameRate; OnSetCurves(ref bakedClips[currentClipIndex]); bakedClips[currentClipIndex].EnsureQuaternionContinuity(); if (mode == Mode.Realtime) { isBaking = false; SaveClips(); } #endif } #if UNITY_EDITOR [ContextMenu("Find Animation States")] public void FindAnimationStates() { animator = GetComponent(); if (animator == null) { Debug.LogError("No Animator found on Baker GameObject. Can not find animation states."); return; } if (animator.runtimeAnimatorController == null) { Debug.LogError("Animator does not have a valid Controller. Can not find animation states."); return; } var clips = animator.runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips; animationStates = new string[clips.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++) { animationStates[i] = clips[i].name; } } void Update() { // Baking procedure if (isBaking) { if (mode != Mode.Realtime) { if (firstFrame) { transform.position =; transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; GetCharacterRoot().position =; GetCharacterRoot().rotation = Quaternion.identity; StartAnimationUpdate(); currentClipTime = 0f; firstFrame = false; } switch (mode) { case Mode.AnimationClips: clipLength = animationClips[currentClipIndex].length; bakingProgress = currentClipTime / clipLength; break; case Mode.AnimationStates: currentClipStateInfo = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); bakingProgress = currentClipStateInfo.normalizedTime; if (currentClipStateInfo.speed <= 0f) { Debug.LogError("Baker can not bake a clip with 0 speed."); return; } clipLength = currentClipStateInfo.length / currentClipStateInfo.speed / animator.speed; break; case Mode.PlayableDirector: clipLength = (float)director.duration; bakingProgress = (float)director.time / clipLength; break; } clipFrames = (int)(clipLength * (frameRate)); clipFrameInterval = clipLength / (float)(clipFrames); setKeyframes = true; // Stop clip baking if the clip is finished, start baking the next clip if possible if (clipFrameNo > clipFrames) { StopBaking(); currentClipIndex++; if (currentClipIndex >= bakedClips.Length) { currentClipIndex = 0; StopAnimationUpdate(); isBaking = false; SaveClips(); return; } else { BakeClip(); setKeyframes = false; } } if (!firstFrame) AnimationUpdate(); } } } void LateUpdate() { if (!isBaking) return; if (mode != Mode.Realtime) { if (setKeyframes) { OnSetKeyframes(clipFrameNo * clipFrameInterval, clipFrameNo >= clipFrames); clipFrameNo++; setKeyframes = false; } } else { if (firstFrame) { startBakingTime = Time.time; firstFrame = false; } if (Time.time < nextKeyframeTime) return; OnSetKeyframes(Time.time - startBakingTime, false); nextKeyframeTime = Time.time + (1f / (float)frameRate); } } private void StartAnimationUpdate() { switch (mode) { case Mode.AnimationClips: if (!AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode(); AnimationMode.BeginSampling(); AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip(gameObject, animationClips[currentClipIndex], 0f); AnimationMode.EndSampling(); break; case Mode.AnimationStates: animator.enabled = false; animator.Play(animationStates[currentClipIndex], 0, 0f); break; case Mode.PlayableDirector: director.enabled = false; director.time = 0f; director.Evaluate(); break; } } private void StopAnimationUpdate() { switch (mode) { case Mode.AnimationClips: if (AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) AnimationMode.StopAnimationMode(); break; case Mode.AnimationStates: animator.enabled = true; break; case Mode.PlayableDirector: director.enabled = true; break; } } private void AnimationUpdate() { switch (mode) { case Mode.AnimationClips: if (!AnimationMode.InAnimationMode()) AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode(); AnimationMode.BeginSampling(); AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip(gameObject, animationClips[currentClipIndex], currentClipTime); AnimationMode.EndSampling(); currentClipTime += clipFrameInterval; break; case Mode.AnimationStates: animator.Update(clipFrameInterval); break; case Mode.PlayableDirector: director.time = currentClipTime; director.Evaluate(); currentClipTime += clipFrameInterval; break; } } public void SaveClips() { var clips = GetBakedClips(); AnimationClip savedClip = null; for (int i = 0; i < clips.Length; i++) { string path = GetFullPath(i); switch (mode) { case Baker.Mode.Realtime: break; case Baker.Mode.AnimationClips: AnimationClipSettings originalSettings = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(animationClips[i]); SetClipSettings(clips[i], originalSettings); AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(clips[i], originalSettings); break; default: AnimationClipSettings settings = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clips[i]); settings.loopTime = loop; SetClipSettings(clips[i], settings); AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(clips[i], settings); break; } var existing = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip; if (existing != null) { // Overwrite with existing settings AnimationClipSettings existingSettings = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(existing); AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClipSettings(clips[i], existingSettings); EditorUtility.CopySerialized(clips[i], existing); } else { // Create new asset AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clips[i], path); } AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); savedClip = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip; Debug.Log(path + " successfully baked."); } Selection.activeObject = savedClip; ClearBakedClips(); } protected virtual void SetClipSettings(AnimationClip clip, AnimationClipSettings settings) {} private string GetFullPath(int clipIndex) { switch (mode) { case Baker.Mode.AnimationClips: return saveToFolder + "/" + animationClips[clipIndex].name + appendName + ".anim"; case Baker.Mode.AnimationStates: return saveToFolder + "/" + animationStates[clipIndex] + appendName + ".anim"; case Baker.Mode.PlayableDirector: return saveToFolder + "/" + saveName + ".anim"; default: return saveToFolder + "/" + saveName + ".anim"; } } private AnimationClip[] GetBakedClips() { return bakedClips; } private void ClearBakedClips() { bakedClips = new AnimationClip[0]; } #endif } }