using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using RootMotion.FinalIK; namespace RootMotion.FinalIK { /// /// Prevents body parts from penetrating scene geometry by offsetting effectors away from the colliders. /// public class PenetrationAvoidance : OffsetModifier { /// /// Definition of avoidance and raycasting info. /// [System.Serializable] public class Avoider { /// /// Linking this to an effector /// [System.Serializable] public class EffectorLink { [Tooltip("Effector to apply the offset to.")] public FullBodyBipedEffector effector; [Tooltip("Multiplier of the offset value, can be negative.")] public float weight; } [Tooltip("Bones to start the raycast from. Multiple raycasts can be used by assigning more than 1 bone.")] public Transform[] raycastFrom; [Tooltip("The Transform to raycast towards. Usually the body part that you want to keep from penetrating.")] public Transform raycastTo; [Tooltip("If 0, will use simple raycasting, if > 0, will use sphere casting (better, but slower).")] [Range(0f, 1f)] public float raycastRadius; [Tooltip("Linking this to FBBIK effectors.")] public EffectorLink[] effectors; [Tooltip("The time of smooth interpolation of the offset value to avoid penetration.")] public float smoothTimeIn = 0.1f; [Tooltip("The time of smooth interpolation of the offset value blending out of penetration avoidance.")] public float smoothTimeOut = 0.3f; [Tooltip("Layers to keep penetrating from.")] public LayerMask layers; private Vector3 offset; private Vector3 offsetTarget; private Vector3 offsetV; public void Solve(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver, float weight) { // Get the offset to interpolate to offsetTarget = GetOffsetTarget(solver); // Interpolating the offset value float smoothDampTime = offsetTarget.sqrMagnitude > offset.sqrMagnitude? smoothTimeIn: smoothTimeOut; offset = Vector3.SmoothDamp(offset, offsetTarget, ref offsetV, smoothDampTime); // Apply offset to the FBBIK effectors foreach (EffectorLink link in effectors) { solver.GetEffector(link.effector).positionOffset += offset * weight * link.weight; } } // Multiple raycasting to accumulate the offset private Vector3 GetOffsetTarget(IKSolverFullBodyBiped solver) { Vector3 t =; foreach (Transform from in raycastFrom) { t += Raycast(from.position, raycastTo.position + t); } return t; } // Raycast, return the offset that would not penetrate any colliders private Vector3 Raycast(Vector3 from, Vector3 to) { Vector3 direction = to - from; float distance = direction.magnitude; RaycastHit hit; if (raycastRadius <= 0f) { Physics.Raycast(from, direction, out hit, distance, layers); } else { Physics.SphereCast(from, raycastRadius, direction, out hit, distance, layers); } if (hit.collider == null) return; return Vector3.Project(-direction.normalized * (distance - hit.distance), hit.normal); } } [Tooltip("Definitions of penetration avoidances.")] public Avoider[] avoiders; // Called by IKSolverFullBody before updating protected override void OnModifyOffset() { foreach (Avoider avoider in avoiders) avoider.Solve(ik.solver, weight); } } }