using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections; using System; namespace RootMotion.FinalIK { /* * Custom inspector and scene view tools for IKSolverLookAt * */ public class IKSolverLookAtInspector: IKSolverInspector { #region Public methods /* * Draws the custom inspector for IKSolverLookAt * */ public static void AddInspector(SerializedProperty prop, bool editHierarchy, bool showReferences) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("target"), new GUIContent("Target", "The target Transform. Solver IKPosition will be automatically set to the position of the target.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("IKPositionWeight"), new GUIContent("Weight", "Solver weight for smooth blending.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("bodyWeight"), new GUIContent("Body Weight", "Weight of rotating spine to target.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("headWeight"), new GUIContent("Head Weight", "Weight of rotating head to target.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("eyesWeight"), new GUIContent("Eyes Weight", "Weight of rotating eyes to target.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("clampWeight"), new GUIContent("Clamp Weight", "Clamping rotation of spine and head. 0 is free rotation, 1 is completely clamped to forward.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("clampWeightHead"), new GUIContent("Clamp Weight Head", "Clamping rotation of the head. 0 is free rotation, 1 is completely clamped to forward.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("clampWeightEyes"), new GUIContent("Clamp Weight Eyes", "Clamping rotation of the eyes. 0 is free rotation, 1 is completely clamped to forward.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("clampSmoothing"), new GUIContent("Clamp Smoothing", "Number of sine smoothing iterations applied on clamping to make the clamping point smoother.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("spineWeightCurve"), new GUIContent("Spine Weight Curve", "Weight distribution between spine bones (first bone is evaluated at time 0.0, last bone at 1.0).")); // References if (showReferences) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(prop.FindPropertyRelative("head.transform"), new GUIContent("Head", "The head bone.")); EditorGUILayout.Space(); AddArray(prop.FindPropertyRelative("spine"), new GUIContent("Spine", string.Empty), editHierarchy, false, null, null, DrawArrayElementLabelBone); EditorGUILayout.Space(); AddArray(prop.FindPropertyRelative("eyes"), new GUIContent("Eyes", string.Empty), editHierarchy, false, null, null, DrawArrayElementLabelBone); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); } /* * Draws the scene view helpers for IKSolverLookAt * */ public static void AddScene(IKSolverLookAt solver, Color color, bool modifiable) { // Protect from null reference errors if (Application.isPlaying && !solver.initiated) return; if (!Application.isPlaying && !solver.IsValid()) return; // Display the Spine if (solver.spine.Length > 0) { Handles.color = color; GUI.color = color; for (int i = 0; i < solver.spine.Length; i++) { IKSolverLookAt.LookAtBone bone = solver.spine[i]; if (i < solver.spine.Length - 1) Handles.DrawLine(bone.transform.position, solver.spine[i + 1].transform.position); Inspector.SphereCap(0, bone.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(bone.transform.position)); } // Draw a transparent line from last bone to IKPosition if (Application.isPlaying) { Handles.color = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * solver.IKPositionWeight * solver.bodyWeight); Handles.DrawLine(solver.spine[solver.spine.Length - 1].transform.position, solver.IKPosition); } } // Display the eyes if (solver.eyes.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < solver.eyes.Length; i++) { DrawLookAtBoneInScene(solver.eyes[i], solver.IKPosition, color, solver.IKPositionWeight * solver.eyesWeight); } } // Display the head if (solver.head.transform != null) { DrawLookAtBoneInScene(solver.head, solver.IKPosition, color, solver.IKPositionWeight * solver.headWeight); } Handles.color = color; GUI.color = color; // Selecting joint and manipulating IKPosition if (Application.isPlaying && solver.IKPositionWeight > 0) { if (modifiable) { Inspector.SphereCap(0, solver.IKPosition, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(solver.IKPosition)); // Manipulating position if ( == null) solver.IKPosition = Handles.PositionHandle(solver.IKPosition, Quaternion.identity); } } Handles.color = Color.white; GUI.color = Color.white; } #endregion Public methods private static void DrawArrayElementLabelBone(SerializedProperty bone, bool editHierarchy) { AddObjectReference(bone.FindPropertyRelative("transform"), GUIContent.none, editHierarchy, 0, 300); } private static void DrawLookAtBoneInScene(IKSolverLookAt.LookAtBone bone, Vector3 IKPosition, Color color, float lineWeight) { Handles.color = color; GUI.color = color; Inspector.SphereCap(0, bone.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(bone.transform.position)); // Draw a transparent line from last bone to IKPosition if (Application.isPlaying && lineWeight > 0) { Handles.color = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * lineWeight); Handles.DrawLine(bone.transform.position, IKPosition); } } } }