using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace RootMotion.FinalIK { /// /// Maps a bone or a collection of bones to a node based %IK solver /// [System.Serializable] public class IKMapping { #region Main Interface /// /// Contains mapping information of a single bone /// [System.Serializable] public class BoneMap { /// /// The transform. /// public Transform transform; /// /// The node in %IK Solver. /// //public IKSolver.Node node; public int chainIndex = -1; public int nodeIndex = -1; public Vector3 defaultLocalPosition; public Quaternion defaultLocalRotation; public Vector3 localSwingAxis, localTwistAxis, planePosition, ikPosition; public Quaternion defaultLocalTargetRotation; private Quaternion maintainRotation; public float length; public Quaternion animatedRotation; private Transform planeBone1, planeBone2, planeBone3; private int plane1ChainIndex = -1; private int plane1NodeIndex = -1; private int plane2ChainIndex = -1; private int plane2NodeIndex = -1; private int plane3ChainIndex = -1; private int plane3NodeIndex = -1; //private IKSolver.Node planeNode1, planeNode2, planeNode3; public void Initiate(Transform transform, IKSolverFullBody solver) { this.transform = transform; solver.GetChainAndNodeIndexes(transform, out chainIndex, out nodeIndex); //IKSolver.Point point = solver.GetPoint(transform); //this.node = point as IKSolver.Node; } /// /// Gets the current swing direction of the bone in world space. /// public Vector3 swingDirection { get { return transform.rotation * localSwingAxis; } } public void StoreDefaultLocalState() { defaultLocalPosition = transform.localPosition; defaultLocalRotation = transform.localRotation; } public void FixTransform(bool position) { if (position) transform.localPosition = defaultLocalPosition; transform.localRotation = defaultLocalRotation; } #region Reading /* * Does this bone have a node in the IK Solver? * */ public bool isNodeBone { get { return nodeIndex != -1; //return node != null; } } /* * Calculate length of the bone * */ public void SetLength(BoneMap nextBone) { length = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, nextBone.transform.position); } /* * Sets the direction to the swing target in local space * */ public void SetLocalSwingAxis(BoneMap swingTarget) { SetLocalSwingAxis(swingTarget, this); } /* * Sets the direction to the swing target in local space * */ public void SetLocalSwingAxis(BoneMap bone1, BoneMap bone2) { localSwingAxis = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * (bone1.transform.position - bone2.transform.position); } /* * Sets the direction to the twist target in local space * */ public void SetLocalTwistAxis(Vector3 twistDirection, Vector3 normalDirection) { Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normalDirection, ref twistDirection); localTwistAxis = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * twistDirection; } /* * Sets the 3 points defining a plane for this bone * */ public void SetPlane(IKSolverFullBody solver, Transform planeBone1, Transform planeBone2, Transform planeBone3) { this.planeBone1 = planeBone1; this.planeBone2 = planeBone2; this.planeBone3 = planeBone3; solver.GetChainAndNodeIndexes(planeBone1, out plane1ChainIndex, out plane1NodeIndex); solver.GetChainAndNodeIndexes(planeBone2, out plane2ChainIndex, out plane2NodeIndex); solver.GetChainAndNodeIndexes(planeBone3, out plane3ChainIndex, out plane3NodeIndex); //this.planeNode1 = planeNode1; //this.planeNode2 = planeNode2; //this.planeNode3 = planeNode3; UpdatePlane(true, true); } /* * Updates the 3 plane points * */ public void UpdatePlane(bool rotation, bool position) { Quaternion t = lastAnimatedTargetRotation; if (rotation) defaultLocalTargetRotation = QuaTools.RotationToLocalSpace(transform.rotation, t); if (position) planePosition = Quaternion.Inverse(t) * (transform.position - planeBone1.position); } /* * Sets the virtual position for this bone * */ public void SetIKPosition() { ikPosition = transform.position; } /* * Stores the current rotation for later use. * */ public void MaintainRotation() { maintainRotation = transform.rotation; } #endregion Reading #region Writing /* * Moves the bone to its virtual position * */ public void SetToIKPosition() { transform.position = ikPosition; } /* * Moves the bone to the solver position of it's node * */ public void FixToNode(IKSolverFullBody solver, float weight, IKSolver.Node fixNode = null) { if (fixNode == null) fixNode = solver.GetNode(chainIndex, nodeIndex); if (weight >= 1f) { transform.position = fixNode.solverPosition; return; } transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, fixNode.solverPosition, weight); } /* * Gets the bone's position relative to it's 3 plane nodes * */ public Vector3 GetPlanePosition(IKSolverFullBody solver) { return solver.GetNode(plane1ChainIndex, plane1NodeIndex).solverPosition + (GetTargetRotation(solver) * planePosition); //return planeNode1.solverPosition + (targetRotation * planePosition); } /* * Positions the bone relative to it's 3 plane nodes * */ public void PositionToPlane(IKSolverFullBody solver) { transform.position = GetPlanePosition(solver); } /* * Rotates the bone relative to it's 3 plane nodes * */ public void RotateToPlane(IKSolverFullBody solver, float weight) { Quaternion r = GetTargetRotation(solver) * defaultLocalTargetRotation; if (weight >= 1f) { transform.rotation = r; return; } transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, r, weight); } /* * Swings to the swing target * */ public void Swing(Vector3 swingTarget, float weight) { Swing(swingTarget, transform.position, weight); } /* * Swings to a direction from pos2 to pos1 * */ public void Swing(Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2, float weight) { Quaternion r = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.rotation * localSwingAxis, pos1 - pos2) * transform.rotation; if (weight >= 1f) { transform.rotation = r; return; } transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, r, weight); } /* * Twists to the twist target * */ public void Twist(Vector3 twistDirection, Vector3 normalDirection, float weight) { Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normalDirection, ref twistDirection); Quaternion r = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.rotation * localTwistAxis, twistDirection) * transform.rotation; if (weight >= 1f) { transform.rotation = r; return; } transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, r, weight); } /* * Rotates back to the last animated local rotation * */ public void RotateToMaintain(float weight) { if (weight <= 0f) return; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, maintainRotation, weight); } /* * Rotates to match the effector rotation * */ public void RotateToEffector(IKSolverFullBody solver, float weight) { if (!isNodeBone) return; float w = weight * solver.GetNode(chainIndex, nodeIndex).effectorRotationWeight; if (w <= 0f) return; if (w >= 1f) { transform.rotation = solver.GetNode(chainIndex, nodeIndex).solverRotation; return; } transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, solver.GetNode(chainIndex, nodeIndex).solverRotation, w); } #endregion Writing /* * Rotation of plane nodes in the solver * */ private Quaternion GetTargetRotation(IKSolverFullBody solver) { Vector3 p1 = solver.GetNode(plane1ChainIndex, plane1NodeIndex).solverPosition; Vector3 p2 = solver.GetNode(plane2ChainIndex, plane2NodeIndex).solverPosition; Vector3 p3 = solver.GetNode(plane3ChainIndex, plane3NodeIndex).solverPosition; if (p1 == p3) return Quaternion.identity; return Quaternion.LookRotation(p2 - p1, p3 - p1); //if (planeNode1.solverPosition == planeNode3.solverPosition) return Quaternion.identity; //return Quaternion.LookRotation(planeNode2.solverPosition - planeNode1.solverPosition, planeNode3.solverPosition - planeNode1.solverPosition); } /* * Rotation of plane nodes in the animation * */ private Quaternion lastAnimatedTargetRotation { get { if (planeBone1.position == planeBone3.position) return Quaternion.identity; return Quaternion.LookRotation(planeBone2.position - planeBone1.position, planeBone3.position - planeBone1.position); } } } /// /// Determines whether this IKMapping is valid. /// public virtual bool IsValid(IKSolver solver, ref string message) { return true; } #endregion Main Interface public virtual void Initiate(IKSolverFullBody solver) {} protected bool BoneIsValid(Transform bone, IKSolver solver, ref string message, Warning.Logger logger = null) { if (bone == null) { message = "IKMappingLimb contains a null reference."; if (logger != null) logger(message); return false; } if (solver.GetPoint(bone) == null) { message = "IKMappingLimb is referencing to a bone '" + + "' that does not excist in the Node Chain."; if (logger != null) logger(message); return false; } return true; } /* * Interpolates the joint position to match the bone's length */ protected Vector3 SolveFABRIKJoint(Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2, float length) { return pos2 + (pos1 - pos2).normalized * length; } } }