using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace RootMotion.Demos { /// /// Third person character controller. This class is based on the ThirdPersonCharacter.cs of the Unity Exmaple Assets. /// public class CharacterThirdPerson : CharacterBase { // Is the character always rotating to face the move direction or is he strafing? [System.Serializable] public enum MoveMode { Directional, Strafe } // Animation state public struct AnimState { public Vector3 moveDirection; // the forward speed public bool jump; // should the character be jumping? public bool crouch; // should the character be crouching? public bool onGround; // is the character grounded public bool isStrafing; // should the character always rotate to face the move direction or strafe? public float yVelocity; // y velocity of the character public bool doubleJump; } [Header("References")] public CharacterAnimationBase characterAnimation; // the animation controller public UserControlThirdPerson userControl; // user input public CameraController cam; // Camera controller (optional). If assigned will update the camera in LateUpdate only if character moves [Header("Movement")] public MoveMode moveMode; // Is the character always rotating to face the move direction or is he strafing? public bool smoothPhysics = true; // If true, will use interpolation to smooth out the fixed time step. public float smoothAccelerationTime = 0.2f; // The smooth acceleration of the speed of the character (using Vector3.SmoothDamp) public float linearAccelerationSpeed = 3f; // The linear acceleration of the speed of the character (using Vector3.MoveTowards) public float platformFriction = 7f; // the acceleration of adapting the velocities of moving platforms public float groundStickyEffect = 4f; // power of 'stick to ground' effect - prevents bumping down slopes. public float maxVerticalVelocityOnGround = 3f; // the maximum y velocity while the character is grounded public float velocityToGroundTangentWeight = 0f; // the weight of rotating character velocity vector to the ground tangent [Header("Rotation")] public bool lookInCameraDirection; // should the character be looking in the same direction that the camera is facing public float turnSpeed = 5f; // additional turn speed added when the player is moving (added to animation root rotation) public float stationaryTurnSpeedMlp = 1f; // additional turn speed added when the player is stationary (added to animation root rotation) [Header("Jumping and Falling")] public bool smoothJump = true; // If true, adds jump force over a few fixed time steps, not in a single step public float airSpeed = 6f; // determines the max speed of the character while airborne public float airControl = 2f; // determines the response speed of controlling the character while airborne public float jumpPower = 12f; // determines the jump force applied when jumping (and therefore the jump height) public float jumpRepeatDelayTime = 0f; // amount of time that must elapse between landing and being able to jump again public bool doubleJumpEnabled; public float doubleJumpPowerMlp = 1f; [Header("Wall Running")] public LayerMask wallRunLayers; // walkable vertical surfaces public float wallRunMaxLength = 1f; // max duration of a wallrun public float wallRunMinMoveMag = 0.6f; // the minumum magnitude of the user control input move vector public float wallRunMinVelocityY = -1f; // the minimum vertical velocity of doing a wall run public float wallRunRotationSpeed = 1.5f; // the speed of rotating the character to the wall normal public float wallRunMaxRotationAngle = 70f; // max angle of character rotation public float wallRunWeightSpeed = 5f; // the speed of blending in/out the wall running effect [Header("Crouching")] public float crouchCapsuleScaleMlp = 0.6f; // the capsule collider scale multiplier while crouching public bool onGround { get; private set; } public AnimState animState = new AnimState(); protected Vector3 moveDirection; // The current move direction of the character in Strafe move mode private Animator animator; private Vector3 normal, platformVelocity, platformAngularVelocity; private RaycastHit hit; private float jumpLeg, jumpEndTime, forwardMlp, groundDistance, lastAirTime, stickyForce; private Vector3 wallNormal = Vector3.up; private Vector3 moveDirectionVelocity; private float wallRunWeight; private float lastWallRunWeight; private Vector3 fixedDeltaPosition; private Quaternion fixedDeltaRotation = Quaternion.identity; private bool fixedFrame; private float wallRunEndTime; private Vector3 gravity; private Vector3 verticalVelocity; private float velocityY; private bool doubleJumped; private bool jumpReleased; // Use this for initialization protected override void Start () { base.Start(); animator = GetComponent(); if (animator == null) animator = characterAnimation.GetComponent(); wallNormal = -gravity.normalized; onGround = true; animState.onGround = true; if (cam != null) cam.enabled = false; } void OnAnimatorMove() { Move (animator.deltaPosition, animator.deltaRotation); } // When the Animator moves public override void Move(Vector3 deltaPosition, Quaternion deltaRotation) { // Accumulate delta position, update in FixedUpdate to maintain consitency fixedDeltaPosition += deltaPosition; fixedDeltaRotation *= deltaRotation; } void FixedUpdate() { gravity = GetGravity(); verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(r.velocity, gravity, 1f); velocityY = verticalVelocity.magnitude; if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) > 0f) velocityY = -velocityY; /* if (animator != null && animator.updateMode == AnimatorUpdateMode.AnimatePhysics) { smoothPhysics = false; characterAnimation.smoothFollow = false; } */ // Smoothing out the fixed time step r.interpolation = smoothPhysics? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate: RigidbodyInterpolation.None; characterAnimation.smoothFollow = smoothPhysics; // Move MoveFixed(fixedDeltaPosition); fixedDeltaPosition =; r.MoveRotation(transform.rotation * fixedDeltaRotation); fixedDeltaRotation = Quaternion.identity; Rotate(); GroundCheck (); // detect and stick to ground // Friction if (userControl.state.move == && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f) HighFriction(); else ZeroFriction(); bool stopSlide = onGround && userControl.state.move == && r.velocity.magnitude < 0.5f && groundDistance < airborneThreshold * 0.5f; // Individual gravity if (gravityTarget != null) { r.useGravity = false; if (!stopSlide) r.AddForce(gravity); } if (stopSlide) { r.useGravity = false; r.velocity =; } else if (gravityTarget == null) r.useGravity = true; if (onGround) { // Jumping animState.jump = Jump(); jumpReleased = false; doubleJumped = false; } else { if (!userControl.state.jump) jumpReleased = true; //r.AddForce(gravity * gravityMultiplier); if (jumpReleased && userControl.state.jump && !doubleJumped && doubleJumpEnabled) { jumpEndTime = Time.time + 0.1f; animState.doubleJump = true; Vector3 jumpVelocity = userControl.state.move * airSpeed; r.velocity = jumpVelocity; r.velocity += transform.up * jumpPower * doubleJumpPowerMlp; doubleJumped = true; } } // Scale the capsule colllider while crouching ScaleCapsule(userControl.state.crouch? crouchCapsuleScaleMlp: 1f); fixedFrame = true; } protected virtual void Update() { // Fill in animState animState.onGround = onGround; animState.moveDirection = GetMoveDirection(); animState.yVelocity = Mathf.Lerp(animState.yVelocity, velocityY, Time.deltaTime * 10f); animState.crouch = userControl.state.crouch; animState.isStrafing = moveMode == MoveMode.Strafe; } protected virtual void LateUpdate() { if (cam == null) return; cam.UpdateInput(); if (!fixedFrame && r.interpolation == RigidbodyInterpolation.None) return; // Update camera only if character moves cam.UpdateTransform(r.interpolation == RigidbodyInterpolation.None? Time.fixedDeltaTime: Time.deltaTime); fixedFrame = false; } private void MoveFixed(Vector3 deltaPosition) { // Process horizontal wall-running WallRun(); Vector3 velocity = deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime; // Add velocity of the rigidbody the character is standing on velocity += V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(platformVelocity, gravity, 1f); if (onGround) { // Rotate velocity to ground tangent if (velocityToGroundTangentWeight > 0f) { Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, normal); velocity = Quaternion.Lerp(Quaternion.identity, rotation, velocityToGroundTangentWeight) * velocity; } } else { // Air move //Vector3 airMove = new Vector3 (userControl.state.move.x * airSpeed, 0f, userControl.state.move.z * airSpeed); Vector3 airMove = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(userControl.state.move * airSpeed, gravity, 1f); velocity = Vector3.Lerp(r.velocity, airMove, Time.deltaTime * airControl); } if (onGround && Time.time > jumpEndTime) { r.velocity = r.velocity - transform.up * stickyForce * Time.deltaTime; } // Vertical velocity Vector3 verticalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractVertical(r.velocity, gravity, 1f); Vector3 horizontalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(velocity, gravity, 1f); if (onGround) { if (Vector3.Dot(verticalVelocity, gravity) < 0f) { verticalVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(verticalVelocity, maxVerticalVelocityOnGround); } } r.velocity = horizontalVelocity + verticalVelocity; // Dampering forward speed on the slopes (Not working since Unity 2017.2) //float slopeDamper = !onGround? 1f: GetSlopeDamper(-deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime, normal); //forwardMlp = Mathf.Lerp(forwardMlp, slopeDamper, Time.deltaTime * 5f); forwardMlp = 1f; } // Processing horizontal wall running private void WallRun() { bool canWallRun = CanWallRun(); // Remove flickering in and out of wall-running if (wallRunWeight > 0f && !canWallRun) wallRunEndTime = Time.time; if (Time.time < wallRunEndTime + 0.5f) canWallRun = false; wallRunWeight = Mathf.MoveTowards(wallRunWeight, (canWallRun? 1f: 0f), Time.deltaTime * wallRunWeightSpeed); if (wallRunWeight <= 0f) { // Reset if (lastWallRunWeight > 0f) { Vector3 frw = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(transform.forward, gravity, 1f); transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(frw, -gravity); wallNormal = -gravity.normalized; } } lastWallRunWeight = wallRunWeight; if (wallRunWeight <= 0f) return; // Make sure the character won't fall down if (onGround && velocityY < 0f) r.velocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(r.velocity, gravity, 1f); // transform.forward flattened Vector3 f = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(transform.forward, gravity, 1f); // Raycasting to find a walkable wall RaycastHit velocityHit = new RaycastHit(); velocityHit.normal = -gravity.normalized; Physics.Raycast(onGround? transform.position:, f, out velocityHit, 3f, wallRunLayers); // Finding the normal to rotate to wallNormal = Vector3.Lerp(wallNormal, velocityHit.normal, Time.deltaTime * wallRunRotationSpeed); // Clamping wall normal to max rotation angle wallNormal = Vector3.RotateTowards(-gravity.normalized, wallNormal, wallRunMaxRotationAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad, 0f); // Get transform.forward ortho-normalized to the wall normal Vector3 fW = transform.forward; Vector3 nW = wallNormal; Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref nW, ref fW); // Rotate from upright to wall normal transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.LookRotation(f, -gravity), Quaternion.LookRotation(fW, wallNormal), wallRunWeight); } // Should the character be enabled to do a wall run? private bool CanWallRun() { if (Time.time < jumpEndTime - 0.1f) return false; if (Time.time > jumpEndTime - 0.1f + wallRunMaxLength) return false; if (velocityY < wallRunMinVelocityY) return false; if (userControl.state.move.magnitude < wallRunMinMoveMag) return false; return true; } // Get the move direction of the character relative to the character rotation private Vector3 GetMoveDirection() { switch(moveMode) { case MoveMode.Directional: moveDirection = Vector3.SmoothDamp(moveDirection, new Vector3(0f, 0f, userControl.state.move.magnitude), ref moveDirectionVelocity, smoothAccelerationTime); moveDirection = Vector3.MoveTowards(moveDirection, new Vector3(0f, 0f, userControl.state.move.magnitude), Time.deltaTime * linearAccelerationSpeed); return moveDirection * forwardMlp; case MoveMode.Strafe: moveDirection = Vector3.SmoothDamp(moveDirection, userControl.state.move, ref moveDirectionVelocity, smoothAccelerationTime); moveDirection = Vector3.MoveTowards(moveDirection, userControl.state.move, Time.deltaTime * linearAccelerationSpeed); return transform.InverseTransformDirection(moveDirection); } return; } // Rotate the character protected virtual void Rotate() { if (gravityTarget != null) r.MoveRotation (Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.up, transform.position - gravityTarget.position) * transform.rotation); if (platformAngularVelocity != r.MoveRotation (Quaternion.Euler(platformAngularVelocity) * transform.rotation); float angle = GetAngleFromForward(GetForwardDirection()); if (userControl.state.move == angle *= (1.01f - (Mathf.Abs(angle) / 180f)) * stationaryTurnSpeedMlp; // Rotating the character //RigidbodyRotateAround(characterAnimation.GetPivotPoint(), transform.up, angle * Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed); r.MoveRotation(Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle * Time.deltaTime * turnSpeed, transform.up) * r.rotation); } // Which way to look at? private Vector3 GetForwardDirection() { bool isMoving = userControl.state.move !=; switch (moveMode) { case MoveMode.Directional: if (isMoving) return userControl.state.move; return lookInCameraDirection? userControl.state.lookPos - r.position: transform.forward; case MoveMode.Strafe: if (isMoving) return userControl.state.lookPos - r.position; return lookInCameraDirection? userControl.state.lookPos - r.position: transform.forward; } return; } protected virtual bool Jump() { // check whether conditions are right to allow a jump: if (!userControl.state.jump) return false; if (userControl.state.crouch) return false; if (!characterAnimation.animationGrounded) return false; if (Time.time < lastAirTime + jumpRepeatDelayTime) return false; // Jump onGround = false; jumpEndTime = Time.time + 0.1f; Vector3 jumpVelocity = userControl.state.move * airSpeed; jumpVelocity += transform.up * jumpPower; if (smoothJump) { StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine(JumpSmooth(jumpVelocity - r.velocity)); } else { r.velocity = jumpVelocity; } return true; } // Add jump velocity smoothly to avoid puppets launching to space when unpinned during jump acceleration private IEnumerator JumpSmooth(Vector3 jumpVelocity) { int steps = 0; int stepsToTake = 3; while (steps < stepsToTake) { r.AddForce((jumpVelocity) / stepsToTake, ForceMode.VelocityChange); steps++; yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate(); } } // Is the character grounded? private void GroundCheck () { Vector3 platformVelocityTarget =; platformAngularVelocity =; float stickyForceTarget = 0f; // Spherecasting hit = GetSpherecastHit(); //normal = hit.normal; normal = transform.up; //groundDistance = r.position.y - hit.point.y; groundDistance = Vector3.Project(r.position - hit.point, transform.up).magnitude; // if not jumping... bool findGround = Time.time > jumpEndTime && velocityY < jumpPower * 0.5f; if (findGround) { bool g = onGround; onGround = false; // The distance of considering the character grounded float groundHeight = !g? airborneThreshold * 0.5f: airborneThreshold; //Vector3 horizontalVelocity = r.velocity; Vector3 horizontalVelocity = V3Tools.ExtractHorizontal(r.velocity, gravity, 1f); float velocityF = horizontalVelocity.magnitude; if (groundDistance < groundHeight) { // Force the character on the ground stickyForceTarget = groundStickyEffect * velocityF * groundHeight; // On moving platforms if (hit.rigidbody != null) { platformVelocityTarget = hit.rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(hit.point); platformAngularVelocity = Vector3.Project(hit.rigidbody.angularVelocity, transform.up); } // Flag the character grounded onGround = true; } } // Interpolate the additive velocity of the platform the character might be standing on platformVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(platformVelocity, platformVelocityTarget, Time.deltaTime * platformFriction); stickyForce = stickyForceTarget;//Mathf.Lerp(stickyForce, stickyForceTarget, Time.deltaTime * 5f); // remember when we were last in air, for jump delay if (!onGround) lastAirTime = Time.time; } } }