571 lines
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571 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace RootMotion
public static class BakerUtilities
public static void ReduceKeyframes(AnimationCurve curve, float maxError)
if (maxError <= 0f) return;
curve.keys = GetReducedKeyframes(curve, maxError);
// TODO Flatten outTangent for keys that have the next key and testAfter sampled to the same value in the original clip. Same thing for the inTangent
public static Keyframe[] GetReducedKeyframes(AnimationCurve curve, float maxError)
Keyframe[] keys = curve.keys;
int i = 1;
while (i < keys.Length - 1 && keys.Length > 2)
Keyframe[] testKeys = new Keyframe[keys.Length - 1];
int c = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < keys.Length; n++)
if (i != n)
testKeys[c] = new Keyframe(keys[n].time, keys[n].value, keys[n].inTangent, keys[n].outTangent);
AnimationCurve testCurve = new AnimationCurve();
testCurve.keys = testKeys;
float test0 = Mathf.Abs(testCurve.Evaluate(keys[i].time) - keys[i].value);
float beforeTime = keys[i].time + (keys[i - 1].time - keys[i].time) * 0.5f;
float afterTime = keys[i].time + (keys[i + 1].time - keys[i].time) * 0.5f;
float testBefore = Mathf.Abs(testCurve.Evaluate(beforeTime) - curve.Evaluate(beforeTime));
float testAfter = Mathf.Abs(testCurve.Evaluate(afterTime) - curve.Evaluate(afterTime));
if (test0 < maxError && testBefore < maxError && testAfter < maxError)
keys = testKeys;
return keys;
public static void SetLoopFrame(float time, AnimationCurve curve)
Keyframe[] keys = curve.keys;
keys[keys.Length - 1].value = keys[0].value;
float inTangent = Mathf.Lerp(keys[0].inTangent, keys[keys.Length - 1].inTangent, 0.5f);
keys[0].inTangent = inTangent;
keys[keys.Length - 1].inTangent = inTangent;
float outTangent = Mathf.Lerp(keys[0].outTangent, keys[keys.Length - 1].outTangent, 0.5f);
keys[0].outTangent = outTangent;
keys[keys.Length - 1].outTangent = outTangent;
keys[keys.Length - 1].time = time;
curve.keys = keys;
public static void SetTangentMode(AnimationCurve curve)
if (curve.length < 2) return;
for (int i = 1; i < curve.length - 1; i++)
UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.SetKeyLeftTangentMode(curve, i, UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.TangentMode.ClampedAuto);
UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.SetKeyRightTangentMode(curve, i, UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.TangentMode.ClampedAuto);
// Realigns quaternion keys to ensure shortest interpolation paths.
public static Quaternion EnsureQuaternionContinuity(Quaternion lastQ, Quaternion q)
Quaternion flipped = new Quaternion(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w);
Quaternion midQ = new Quaternion(
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.x, q.x, 0.5f),
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.y, q.y, 0.5f),
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.z, q.z, 0.5f),
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.w, q.w, 0.5f)
Quaternion midQFlipped = new Quaternion(
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.x, flipped.x, 0.5f),
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.y, flipped.y, 0.5f),
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.z, flipped.z, 0.5f),
Mathf.Lerp(lastQ.w, flipped.w, 0.5f)
float angle = Quaternion.Angle(lastQ, midQ);
float angleFlipped = Quaternion.Angle(lastQ, midQFlipped);
return angleFlipped < angle ? flipped : q;
//Manages the Animation Curves for Humanoid Q/T channels.
public class BakerHumanoidQT
private Transform transform;
private string Qx, Qy, Qz, Qw;
private string Tx, Ty, Tz;
// Animation curves for each channel of the Transform
public AnimationCurve rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotW;
public AnimationCurve posX, posY, posZ;
private AvatarIKGoal goal;
private Quaternion lastQ;
private bool lastQSet;
// The custom constructor
public BakerHumanoidQT(string name)
Qx = name + "Q.x";
Qy = name + "Q.y";
Qz = name + "Q.z";
Qw = name + "Q.w";
Tx = name + "T.x";
Ty = name + "T.y";
Tz = name + "T.z";
public BakerHumanoidQT(Transform transform, AvatarIKGoal goal, string name)
this.transform = transform;
this.goal = goal;
Qx = name + "Q.x";
Qy = name + "Q.y";
Qz = name + "Q.z";
Qw = name + "Q.w";
Tx = name + "T.x";
Ty = name + "T.y";
Tz = name + "T.z";
// Clear all curves
public void Reset()
rotX = new AnimationCurve();
rotY = new AnimationCurve();
rotZ = new AnimationCurve();
rotW = new AnimationCurve();
posX = new AnimationCurve();
posY = new AnimationCurve();
posZ = new AnimationCurve();
lastQ = Quaternion.identity;
lastQSet = false;
public void SetIKKeyframes(float time, Avatar avatar, float humanScale, Vector3 bodyPosition, Quaternion bodyRotation)
// TODO Use character scale
TQ IKTQ = AvatarUtility.GetIKGoalTQ(avatar, humanScale, goal, new TQ(bodyPosition, bodyRotation), new TQ(transform.position, transform.rotation));
Quaternion rot = IKTQ.q;
if (lastQSet) rot = BakerUtilities.EnsureQuaternionContinuity(lastQ, IKTQ.q);
lastQ = rot;
lastQSet = true;
rotX.AddKey(time, rot.x);
rotY.AddKey(time, rot.y);
rotZ.AddKey(time, rot.z);
rotW.AddKey(time, rot.w);
Vector3 pos = IKTQ.t;
posX.AddKey(time, pos.x);
posY.AddKey(time, pos.y);
posZ.AddKey(time, pos.z);
public void SetKeyframes(float time, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
// Rotation flipping already prevented in HumanoidBaker.UpdateHumanPose().
rotX.AddKey(time, rot.x);
rotY.AddKey(time, rot.y);
rotZ.AddKey(time, rot.z);
rotW.AddKey(time, rot.w);
posX.AddKey(time, pos.x);
posY.AddKey(time, pos.y);
posZ.AddKey(time, pos.z);
public void MoveLastKeyframes(float time)
MoveLastKeyframe(time, rotX);
MoveLastKeyframe(time, rotY);
MoveLastKeyframe(time, rotZ);
MoveLastKeyframe(time, rotW);
MoveLastKeyframe(time, posX);
MoveLastKeyframe(time, posY);
MoveLastKeyframe(time, posZ);
// Add a copy of the first frame to the specified time
public void SetLoopFrame(float time)
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, rotX);
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, rotY);
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, rotZ);
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, rotW);
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, posX);
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, posY);
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, posZ);
private void MoveLastKeyframe(float time, AnimationCurve curve)
Keyframe[] keys = curve.keys;
keys[keys.Length - 1].time = time;
curve.keys = keys;
public void MultiplyLength(AnimationCurve curve, float mlp)
Keyframe[] keys = curve.keys;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
keys[i].time *= mlp;
curve.keys = keys;
// Add curves to the AnimationClip for each channel
public void SetCurves(ref AnimationClip clip, float maxError, float lengthMlp)
MultiplyLength(rotX, lengthMlp);
MultiplyLength(rotY, lengthMlp);
MultiplyLength(rotZ, lengthMlp);
MultiplyLength(rotW, lengthMlp);
MultiplyLength(posX, lengthMlp);
MultiplyLength(posY, lengthMlp);
MultiplyLength(posZ, lengthMlp);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotX, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotY, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotZ, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotW, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(posX, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(posY, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(posZ, maxError);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), Qx, rotX);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), Qy, rotY);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), Qz, rotZ);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), Qw, rotW);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), Tx, posX);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), Ty, posY);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), Tz, posZ);
// Manages the Animation Curves for a single Transform that is a child of the root Transform.
public class BakerMuscle
// Animation curves for each channel of the Transform
public AnimationCurve curve;
private int muscleIndex = -1;
private string propertyName;
// The custom constructor
public BakerMuscle(int muscleIndex)
this.muscleIndex = muscleIndex;
this.propertyName = MuscleNameToPropertyName(HumanTrait.MuscleName[muscleIndex]);
private string MuscleNameToPropertyName(string n)
// Left fingers
if (n == "Left Index 1 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Index.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Index 2 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Index.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Index 3 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Index.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Middle 1 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Middle.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Middle 2 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Middle.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Middle 3 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Middle.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Ring 1 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Ring.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Ring 2 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Ring.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Ring 3 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Ring.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Little 1 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Little.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Little 2 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Little.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Little 3 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Little.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Thumb 1 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Thumb.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Thumb 2 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Thumb.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Thumb 3 Stretched") return "LeftHand.Thumb.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Left Index Spread") return "LeftHand.Index.Spread";
if (n == "Left Middle Spread") return "LeftHand.Middle.Spread";
if (n == "Left Ring Spread") return "LeftHand.Ring.Spread";
if (n == "Left Little Spread") return "LeftHand.Little.Spread";
if (n == "Left Thumb Spread") return "LeftHand.Thumb.Spread";
// Right fingers
if (n == "Right Index 1 Stretched") return "RightHand.Index.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Index 2 Stretched") return "RightHand.Index.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Index 3 Stretched") return "RightHand.Index.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Middle 1 Stretched") return "RightHand.Middle.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Middle 2 Stretched") return "RightHand.Middle.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Middle 3 Stretched") return "RightHand.Middle.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Ring 1 Stretched") return "RightHand.Ring.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Ring 2 Stretched") return "RightHand.Ring.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Ring 3 Stretched") return "RightHand.Ring.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Little 1 Stretched") return "RightHand.Little.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Little 2 Stretched") return "RightHand.Little.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Little 3 Stretched") return "RightHand.Little.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Thumb 1 Stretched") return "RightHand.Thumb.1 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Thumb 2 Stretched") return "RightHand.Thumb.2 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Thumb 3 Stretched") return "RightHand.Thumb.3 Stretched";
if (n == "Right Index Spread") return "RightHand.Index.Spread";
if (n == "Right Middle Spread") return "RightHand.Middle.Spread";
if (n == "Right Ring Spread") return "RightHand.Ring.Spread";
if (n == "Right Little Spread") return "RightHand.Little.Spread";
if (n == "Right Thumb Spread") return "RightHand.Thumb.Spread";
return n;
public void MultiplyLength(AnimationCurve curve, float mlp)
Keyframe[] keys = curve.keys;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
keys[i].time *= mlp;
curve.keys = keys;
// Add curves to the AnimationClip for each channel
public void SetCurves(ref AnimationClip clip, float maxError, float lengthMlp)
MultiplyLength(curve, lengthMlp);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(curve, maxError);
// BakerUtilities.SetTangentMode(curve);
clip.SetCurve(string.Empty, typeof(Animator), propertyName, curve);
// Clear all curves
public void Reset()
curve = new AnimationCurve();
// Record a keyframe for each channel
public void SetKeyframe(float time, float[] muscles)
curve.AddKey(time, muscles[muscleIndex]);
// Add a copy of the first frame to the specified time
public void SetLoopFrame(float time)
BakerUtilities.SetLoopFrame(time, curve);
//Manages the Animation Curves for a single Transform that is a child of the root Transform.
public class BakerTransform
public Transform transform; // The Transform component to record
// Animation curves for each channel of the Transform
public AnimationCurve
posX, posY, posZ,
rotX, rotY, rotZ, rotW;
private string relativePath; // Path relative to the root
private bool recordPosition; // Should we record the localPosition if the transform?
private Vector3 relativePosition;
private bool isRootNode;
private Quaternion relativeRotation;
// The custom constructor
public BakerTransform(Transform transform, Transform root, bool recordPosition, bool isRootNode)
this.transform = transform;
this.recordPosition = recordPosition || isRootNode;
this.isRootNode = isRootNode;
relativePath = string.Empty;
relativePath = UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(transform, root);
public void SetRelativeSpace(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
relativePosition = position;
relativeRotation = rotation;
// Add curves to the AnimationClip for each channel
public void SetCurves(ref AnimationClip clip)
if (recordPosition)
clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", posX);
clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", posY);
clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", posZ);
clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.x", rotX);
clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.y", rotY);
clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.z", rotZ);
clip.SetCurve(relativePath, typeof(Transform), "localRotation.w", rotW);
if (isRootNode) AddRootMotionCurves(ref clip);
// @todo probably only need to do it once for the clip
clip.EnsureQuaternionContinuity(); // DOH!
private void AddRootMotionCurves(ref AnimationClip clip)
if (recordPosition)
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "MotionT.x", posX);
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "MotionT.y", posY);
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "MotionT.z", posZ);
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.x", rotX);
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.y", rotY);
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.z", rotZ);
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Animator), "MotionQ.w", rotW);
// Clear all curves
public void Reset()
posX = new AnimationCurve();
posY = new AnimationCurve();
posZ = new AnimationCurve();
rotX = new AnimationCurve();
rotY = new AnimationCurve();
rotZ = new AnimationCurve();
rotW = new AnimationCurve();
public void ReduceKeyframes(float maxError)
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotX, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotY, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotZ, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(rotW, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(posX, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(posY, maxError);
BakerUtilities.ReduceKeyframes(posZ, maxError);
// Record a keyframe for each channel
public void SetKeyframes(float time)
if (recordPosition)
Vector3 pos = transform.localPosition;
if (isRootNode)
pos = transform.position - relativePosition;
posX.AddKey(time, pos.x);
posY.AddKey(time, pos.y);
posZ.AddKey(time, pos.z);
Quaternion rot = transform.localRotation;
if (isRootNode)
rot = Quaternion.Inverse(relativeRotation) * transform.rotation;
rotX.AddKey(time, rot.x);
rotY.AddKey(time, rot.y);
rotZ.AddKey(time, rot.z);
rotW.AddKey(time, rot.w);
// Add a copy of the first frame to the specified time
public void AddLoopFrame(float time)
// TODO change to SetLoopFrame
if (recordPosition && !isRootNode)
posX.AddKey(time, posX.keys[0].value);
posY.AddKey(time, posY.keys[0].value);
posZ.AddKey(time, posZ.keys[0].value);
rotX.AddKey(time, rotX.keys[0].value);
rotY.AddKey(time, rotY.keys[0].value);
rotZ.AddKey(time, rotZ.keys[0].value);
rotW.AddKey(time, rotW.keys[0].value);