444 lines
12 KiB
444 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace UniHumanoid
public class BvhException : Exception
public BvhException(string msg) : base(msg) { }
public enum Channel
public static class ChannelExtensions
public static string ToProperty(this Channel ch)
switch (ch)
case Channel.Xposition: return "localPosition.x";
case Channel.Yposition: return "localPosition.y";
case Channel.Zposition: return "localPosition.z";
case Channel.Xrotation: return "localEulerAnglesBaked.x";
case Channel.Yrotation: return "localEulerAnglesBaked.y";
case Channel.Zrotation: return "localEulerAnglesBaked.z";
throw new BvhException("no property for " + ch);
public static bool IsLocation(this Channel ch)
switch (ch)
case Channel.Xposition:
case Channel.Yposition:
case Channel.Zposition: return true;
case Channel.Xrotation:
case Channel.Yrotation:
case Channel.Zrotation: return false;
throw new BvhException("no property for " + ch);
public struct Single3
public Single x;
public Single y;
public Single z;
public Single3(Single _x, Single _y, Single _z)
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
public class BvhNode
public String Name
private set;
public Single3 Offset
private set;
public Channel[] Channels
private set;
public List<BvhNode> Children
private set;
public BvhNode(string name)
Name = name;
Children = new List<BvhNode>();
public virtual void Parse(StringReader r)
Offset = ParseOffset(r.ReadLine());
Channels = ParseChannel(r.ReadLine());
static Single3 ParseOffset(string line)
var splited = line.Trim().Split();
if (splited[0] != "OFFSET")
throw new BvhException("OFFSET is not found");
var offset = splited.Skip(1).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Select(x => float.Parse(x)).ToArray();
return new Single3(offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);
static Channel[] ParseChannel(string line)
var splited = line.Trim().Split();
if (splited[0] != "CHANNELS")
throw new BvhException("CHANNELS is not found");
var count = int.Parse(splited[1]);
if (count + 2 != splited.Length)
throw new BvhException("channel count is not match with splited count");
return splited.Skip(2).Select(x => (Channel)Enum.Parse(typeof(Channel), x)).ToArray();
public IEnumerable<BvhNode> Traverse()
yield return this;
foreach (var child in Children)
foreach (var descentant in child.Traverse())
yield return descentant;
public class EndSite : BvhNode
public EndSite(): base("")
public override void Parse(StringReader r)
r.ReadLine(); // offset
public class ChannelCurve
public float[] Keys
private set;
public ChannelCurve(int frameCount)
Keys = new float[frameCount];
public void SetKey(int frame, float value)
Keys[frame] = value;
public class Bvh
public BvhNode Root
private set;
public TimeSpan FrameTime
private set;
public ChannelCurve[] Channels
private set;
int m_frames;
public int FrameCount
get { return m_frames; }
public struct PathWithProperty
public string Path;
public string Property;
public bool IsLocation;
public bool TryGetPathWithPropertyFromChannel(ChannelCurve channel, out PathWithProperty pathWithProp)
var index = Channels.ToList().IndexOf(channel);
if (index == -1)
pathWithProp = default(PathWithProperty);
return false;
foreach(var node in Root.Traverse())
for(int i=0; i<node.Channels.Length; ++i, --index)
if (index == 0)
pathWithProp = new PathWithProperty
return true;
throw new BvhException("channel is not found");
public string GetPath(BvhNode node)
var list = new List<string>() { node.Name };
var current = node;
while (current!=null)
current = GetParent(current);
if (current != null)
list.Insert(0, current.Name);
return String.Join("/", list.ToArray());
BvhNode GetParent(BvhNode node)
foreach(var x in Root.Traverse())
if (x.Children.Contains(node))
return x;
return null;
public ChannelCurve GetChannel(BvhNode target, Channel channel)
var index = 0;
foreach (var node in Root.Traverse())
for (int i = 0; i < node.Channels.Length; ++i, ++index)
if(node==target && node.Channels[i] == channel)
return Channels[index];
throw new BvhException("channel is not found");
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}nodes, {1}channels, {2}frames, {3:0.00}seconds"
, Root.Traverse().Count()
, Channels.Length
, m_frames
, m_frames * FrameTime.TotalSeconds);
public Bvh(BvhNode root, int frames, float seconds)
Root = root;
FrameTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);
m_frames = frames;
var channelCount = Root.Traverse()
.Where(x => x.Channels!=null)
.Select(x => x.Channels.Length)
Channels = Enumerable.Range(0, channelCount)
.Select(x => new ChannelCurve(frames))
public void ParseFrame(int frame, string line)
var splited = line.Trim().Split().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();
if (splited.Length != Channels.Length)
throw new BvhException("frame key count is not match channel count");
for(int i=0; i<Channels.Length; ++i)
Channels[i].SetKey(frame, float.Parse(splited[i]));
public static Bvh Parse(string src)
using (var r = new StringReader(src))
if (r.ReadLine() != "HIERARCHY")
throw new BvhException("not start with HIERARCHY");
var root = ParseNode(r);
if (root == null)
return null;
var frames = 0;
var frameTime = 0.0f;
if (r.ReadLine() == "MOTION")
var frameSplited = r.ReadLine().Split(':');
if (frameSplited[0] != "Frames")
throw new BvhException("Frames is not found");
frames = int.Parse(frameSplited[1]);
var frameTimeSplited = r.ReadLine().Split(':');
if (frameTimeSplited[0] != "Frame Time")
throw new BvhException("Frame Time is not found");
frameTime = float.Parse(frameTimeSplited[1]);
var bvh = new Bvh(root, frames, frameTime);
for(int i=0; i<frames; ++i)
var line = r.ReadLine();
bvh.ParseFrame(i, line);
return bvh;
static BvhNode ParseNode(StringReader r, int level = 0)
var firstline = r.ReadLine().Trim();
var splited = firstline.Split();
if (splited.Length != 2)
if (splited.Length == 1)
if(splited[0] == "}")
return null;
throw new BvhException(String.Format("splited to {0}({1})", splited.Length, firstline));
BvhNode node = null;
if (splited[0] == "ROOT")
if (level != 0)
throw new BvhException("nested ROOT");
node = new BvhNode(splited[1]);
else if (splited[0] == "JOINT")
if (level == 0)
throw new BvhException("should ROOT, but JOINT");
node = new BvhNode(splited[1]);
else if (splited[0] == "End")
if (level == 0)
throw new BvhException("End in level 0");
node = new EndSite();
throw new BvhException("unknown type: " + splited[0]);
if(r.ReadLine().Trim() != "{")
throw new BvhException("'{' is not found");
// child nodes
while (true)
var child = ParseNode(r, level + 1);
if (child == null)
if(!(child is EndSite))
return node;