2371 lines
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2371 lines
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using Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
public abstract class DepthSensorBase : MonoBehaviour, DepthSensorInterface
// max depth distance in mm, used for initializing data arrays and compute buffers
public const int MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM = 10000;
[Tooltip("Device streaming mode, in means of connected sensor, recording or disabled.")]
public KinectInterop.DeviceStreamingMode deviceStreamingMode = KinectInterop.DeviceStreamingMode.ConnectedSensor;
[Tooltip("Index of the depth sensor in the list of currently connected sensors.")]
public int deviceIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Path to the recording file, if the streaming mode is PlayRecording.")]
public string recordingFile = string.Empty;
//[Tooltip("Sensor position in space.")]
//public Vector3 devicePosition = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);
//[Tooltip("Sensor rotation in space.")]
//public Vector3 deviceRotation = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
//[Tooltip("Whether the body tracking for this sensor is enabled or not.")]
//internal bool bodyTrackingEnabled = false;
[Tooltip("Minimum distance in meters, used for creating the depth-related images.")]
[Range(0f, 10f)]
public float minDistance = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Maximum distance in meters, used for creating the depth-related images.")]
[Range(0f, 10f)]
public float maxDistance = 10f;
[Tooltip("Resolution of the generated point-cloud textures.")]
public PointCloudResolution pointCloudResolution = PointCloudResolution.DepthCameraResolution;
public enum PointCloudResolution : int { DepthCameraResolution = 0, ColorCameraResolution = 1 }
[Tooltip("Render texture, used for point-cloud vertex mapping. The texture resolution should match the depth or color image resolution.")]
public RenderTexture pointCloudVertexTexture = null;
[Tooltip("Render texture, used for point-cloud color mapping. The texture resolution should match the depth or color image resolution.")]
public RenderTexture pointCloudColorTexture = null;
// initial parameters
protected KinectInterop.FrameSource frameSourceFlags;
protected bool isSyncDepthAndColor = false;
protected bool isSyncBodyAndDepth = false;
// initial pose parameters
protected Vector3 initialPosePosition = Vector3.zero;
protected Quaternion initialPoseRotation = Quaternion.identity;
protected Matrix4x4 matTransformPose = Matrix4x4.identity;
protected Matrix4x4 matLocalPose = Matrix4x4.identity;
// frame numbers
//protected ulong colorFrameNumber = 0;
//protected ulong depthFrameNumber = 0;
//protected ulong infraredFrameNumber = 0;
//protected ulong poseFrameNumber = 0;
// raw color data
protected byte[] rawColorImage = null;
protected ulong rawColorTimestamp = 0;
protected ulong currentColorTimestamp = 0;
protected object colorFrameLock = new object();
// raw depth data
protected ushort[] rawDepthImage = null;
protected ulong rawDepthTimestamp = 0;
protected ulong currentDepthTimestamp = 0;
protected object depthFrameLock = new object();
// raw infrared data
protected ushort[] rawInfraredImage = null;
protected ulong rawInfraredTimestamp = 0;
protected ulong currentInfraredTimestamp = 0;
protected object infraredFrameLock = new object();
// raw pose data
protected Vector3 rawPosePosition = Vector3.zero;
protected Quaternion rawPoseRotation = Quaternion.identity;
protected ulong rawPoseTimestamp = 0;
protected ulong currentPoseTimestamp = 0;
protected object poseFrameLock = new object();
// sensor pose data
protected Vector3 sensorPosePosition;
protected Quaternion sensorPoseRotation;
protected Vector3 sensorRotOffset = Vector3.zero;
protected bool sensorRotFlipZ = false;
protected bool sensorRotIgnoreY = false;
public float sensorRotValueY = 0f;
// body tracker
protected BodyTracking bodyTracker = null;
protected k4abt_skeleton_t bodySkeletonData;
protected bool bIgnoreZCoordinates = false;
protected bool bIgnoreInferredJoints = false;
protected int btQueueCount = 0;
protected int btQueueWaitTime = 0;
protected ulong btQueueTime = 0;
protected System.Threading.Thread bodyTrackerThread = null;
protected System.Threading.AutoResetEvent bodyTrackerStopEvent = null;
//private Capture bodyInputCapture = null;
private Capture bodyOutputCapture = null;
private object bodyCaptureLock = new object();
// raw body data
protected byte[] rawBodyIndexImage = null;
protected uint trackedBodiesCount = 0;
protected List<KinectInterop.BodyData> alTrackedBodies = null;
protected ulong rawBodyTimestamp = 0;
protected ulong currentBodyTimestamp = 0;
protected object bodyTrackerLock = new object();
// depth image data
protected int[] depthHistBufferData = null;
protected int[] equalHistBufferData = null;
protected int histDataTotalPoints = 0;
protected ulong lastDepthImageTimestamp = 0;
protected object depthImageDataLock = new object();
// infrared image data
protected float minInfraredValue = 0f;
protected float maxInfraredValue = 0f;
// body image data
protected int[] depthBodyBufferData = null;
protected int[] equalBodyBufferData = null;
protected int histBodyTotalPoints = 0;
protected ulong lastBodyImageTimestamp = 0;
protected object bodyImageDataLock = new object();
// last updated depth coord-frame time
protected ulong lastDepthCoordFrameTime = 0;
// point cloud vertex shader
protected ComputeShader pointCloudVertexShader = null;
protected int pointCloudVertexKernel = -1;
protected Vector2Int pointCloudVertexRes = Vector2Int.zero;
protected RenderTexture pointCloudVertexRT = null;
protected ComputeBuffer pointCloudSpaceBuffer = null;
protected ComputeBuffer pointCloudDepthBuffer = null;
// point cloud color shader
protected ComputeShader pointCloudColorShader = null;
protected int pointCloudColorKernel = -1;
protected Vector2Int pointCloudColorRes = Vector2Int.zero;
protected RenderTexture pointCloudColorRT = null;
protected ComputeBuffer pointCloudCoordBuffer = null;
protected Texture2D pointCloudAlignedColorTex = null;
//// depth2space coords frame
//protected Vector3[] depth2SpaceCoordFrame = null;
//protected ulong lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime = 0;
//protected object depth2SpaceFrameLock = new object();
// space tables
protected Vector3[] depth2SpaceTable = null;
protected Vector3[] color2SpaceTable = null;
//protected ushort[] lastDepthDataBuf = null;
// depth2color coords frame
protected byte[] depth2ColorDataFrame = null;
protected Vector2[] depth2ColorCoordFrame = null;
protected ulong lastDepth2ColorFrameTime = 0;
protected object depth2ColorFrameLock = new object();
// color2depth coords frame
protected ushort[] color2DepthDataFrame = null;
protected Vector2[] color2DepthCoordFrame = null;
protected ulong lastColor2DepthFrameTime = 0;
protected object color2DepthFrameLock = new object();
// color2depth shader
protected ComputeShader colorDepthShader = null;
protected int colorDepthKernel = -1;
protected bool colorDepthShaderInited = false;
protected virtual void Awake()
// init raw sensor pose
rawPosePosition = Vector3.zero;
rawPoseRotation = Quaternion.identity;
rawPoseTimestamp = (ulong)DateTime.Now.Ticks;
sensorPosePosition = transform.position;
sensorPoseRotation = transform.rotation;
// initial pose params
initialPosePosition = transform.position;
initialPoseRotation = transform.rotation;
matTransformPose.SetTRS(initialPosePosition, initialPoseRotation, Vector3.one);
public abstract KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform GetSensorPlatform();
//public virtual bool InitSensorInterface(bool bCopyLibs, ref bool bNeedRestart)
// bNeedRestart = false;
// return true;
//public virtual void FreeSensorInterface(bool bDeleteLibs)
public abstract List<KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo> GetAvailableSensors();
public virtual KinectInterop.SensorData OpenSensor(KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags, bool bSyncDepthAndColor, bool bSyncBodyAndDepth)
// save the parameters for later
frameSourceFlags = dwFlags;
isSyncDepthAndColor = bSyncDepthAndColor && ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor) != 0) && ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth) != 0);
isSyncBodyAndDepth = bSyncBodyAndDepth && ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody) != 0) && ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth) != 0);
return null;
public virtual void CloseSensor(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
// stop body tracking, if needed
// dispose coord mapping shaders
public virtual void InitSensorData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager)
//if (sensorData.depthImage != null)
// depthImageBufferData = new int[sensorData.depthImage.Length];
// depth image data
if (kinectManager.getDepthFrames == KinectManager.DepthTextureType.DepthTexture)
depthHistBufferData = new int[MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
equalHistBufferData = new int[MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
sensorData.depthHistBufferData = new int[equalHistBufferData.Length];
depthHistBufferData = null;
equalHistBufferData = null;
sensorData.depthHistBufferData = null;
// body image data
if (kinectManager.getBodyFrames == KinectManager.BodyTextureType.UserTexture)
depthBodyBufferData = new int[MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
equalBodyBufferData = new int[MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
sensorData.bodyHistBufferData = new int[equalBodyBufferData.Length];
depthBodyBufferData = null;
equalBodyBufferData = null;
sensorData.bodyHistBufferData = null;
lock (bodyTrackerLock)
// save the needed KM settings
bIgnoreZCoordinates = kinectManager.ignoreZCoordinates;
bIgnoreInferredJoints = kinectManager.ignoreInferredJoints;
public virtual void PollSensorFrames(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
public virtual void PollCoordTransformFrames(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
public virtual void ProcessSensorDataInThread(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
// depth-image data
if (lastDepthImageTimestamp != rawDepthTimestamp && rawDepthImage != null && depthHistBufferData != null)
lock (depthImageDataLock)
Array.Clear(depthHistBufferData, 0, depthHistBufferData.Length);
Array.Clear(equalHistBufferData, 0, equalHistBufferData.Length);
histDataTotalPoints = 0;
int depthMinDistance = (int)(minDistance * 1000f);
int depthMaxDistance = (int)(maxDistance * 1000f);
for (int i = 0; i < rawDepthImage.Length; i++)
int depth = rawDepthImage[i];
int limDepth = (depth <= MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM) ? depth : 0;
if (limDepth > 0)
equalHistBufferData[0] = depthHistBufferData[0];
for (int i = 1; i < depthHistBufferData.Length; i++)
equalHistBufferData[i] = equalHistBufferData[i - 1] + depthHistBufferData[i];
// make depth 0 equal to the max-depth
equalHistBufferData[0] = equalHistBufferData[equalHistBufferData.Length - 1];
lastDepthImageTimestamp = rawDepthTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("lastDepthImageTimestamp: " + lastDepthImageTimestamp);
// body-image data
if (lastBodyImageTimestamp != rawBodyTimestamp && rawDepthImage != null && rawBodyIndexImage != null && depthBodyBufferData != null)
lock (bodyImageDataLock)
Array.Clear(depthBodyBufferData, 0, depthBodyBufferData.Length);
Array.Clear(equalBodyBufferData, 0, equalBodyBufferData.Length);
histBodyTotalPoints = 0;
int depthMinDistance = (int)(minDistance * 1000f);
int depthMaxDistance = (int)(maxDistance * 1000f);
for (int i = 0; i < rawDepthImage.Length; i++)
int depth = rawDepthImage[i];
int limDepth = (depth <= MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM) ? depth : 0;
if (rawBodyIndexImage[i] != 255 && limDepth > 0)
if(histBodyTotalPoints > 0)
for (int i = 1; i < depthBodyBufferData.Length; i++)
equalBodyBufferData[i] = equalBodyBufferData[i - 1] + depthBodyBufferData[i];
lastBodyImageTimestamp = rawBodyTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("lastBodyImageTimestamp: " + lastBodyImageTimestamp);
// ...
// set the frame timestamps
if (currentColorTimestamp != rawColorTimestamp)
// new color frame
currentColorTimestamp = rawColorTimestamp;
if (currentDepthTimestamp != rawDepthTimestamp)
// new depth frame
currentDepthTimestamp = rawDepthTimestamp;
if (currentInfraredTimestamp != rawInfraredTimestamp)
// new depth frame
currentInfraredTimestamp = rawInfraredTimestamp;
if (currentPoseTimestamp != rawPoseTimestamp)
// new pose frame
currentPoseTimestamp = rawPoseTimestamp;
if (currentBodyTimestamp != rawBodyTimestamp)
// new body frame
currentBodyTimestamp = rawBodyTimestamp;
public virtual bool UpdateSensorData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager, bool isPlayMode)
// color frame
lock (colorFrameLock)
if (rawColorImage != null && sensorData.lastColorFrameTime != currentColorTimestamp && !isPlayMode)
Texture2D colorImageTex2D = sensorData.colorImageTexture as Texture2D;
if (colorImageTex2D != null)
sensorData.lastColorFrameTime = currentColorTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("UpdateColorTimestamp: " + currentColorTimestamp);
// depth frame
lock (depthFrameLock)
if (rawDepthImage != null && sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime != currentDepthTimestamp && !isPlayMode)
// depth image
if (sensorData.depthImage != null)
//Buffer.BlockCopy(rawDepthImage, 0, sensorData.depthImage, 0, rawDepthImage.Length * sizeof(ushort));
KinectInterop.CopyBytes(rawDepthImage, sizeof(ushort), sensorData.depthImage, sizeof(ushort));
sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime = currentDepthTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("UpdateDepthTimestamp: " + currentDepthTimestamp);
// depth hist frame
if (equalHistBufferData != null && sensorData.lastDepthHistTime != lastDepthImageTimestamp && !isPlayMode)
if (sensorData.depthHistBufferData != null)
KinectInterop.CopyBytes(equalHistBufferData, sizeof(int), sensorData.depthHistBufferData, sizeof(int));
sensorData.depthHistTotalPoints = histDataTotalPoints;
sensorData.lastDepthHistTime = lastDepthImageTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("UpdateDepthHistTimestamp: " + lastDepthImageTimestamp);
// infrared frame
lock (infraredFrameLock)
if (rawInfraredImage != null && sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime != currentInfraredTimestamp && !isPlayMode)
if (sensorData.infraredImage != null)
//Buffer.BlockCopy(rawInfraredImage, 0, sensorData.infraredImage, 0, rawInfraredImage.Length * sizeof(ushort));
KinectInterop.CopyBytes(rawInfraredImage, sizeof(ushort), sensorData.infraredImage, sizeof(ushort));
sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime = currentInfraredTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("UpdateInfraredTimestamp: " + currentDepthTimestamp);
// save the current pose frame time
ulong lastSensorPoseFrameTime = sensorData.lastSensorPoseFrameTime;
// pose frame
lock (poseFrameLock)
if (sensorData.lastSensorPoseFrameTime != currentPoseTimestamp && !isPlayMode)
Quaternion localPoseRot = rawPoseRotation;
if (sensorRotIgnoreY)
Vector3 localPoseRotEuler = localPoseRot.eulerAngles;
localPoseRotEuler.y = sensorRotValueY;
localPoseRot = Quaternion.Euler(localPoseRotEuler);
Quaternion corrPoseRotation = Quaternion.Euler(sensorRotOffset) * localPoseRot;
Vector3 corrPoseRotEuler = corrPoseRotation.eulerAngles;
corrPoseRotEuler.z = -corrPoseRotEuler.z;
corrPoseRotation = Quaternion.Euler(corrPoseRotEuler);
matLocalPose.SetTRS(rawPosePosition, corrPoseRotation, Vector3.one);
Matrix4x4 matTransform = matTransformPose * matLocalPose;
sensorPosePosition = matTransform.GetColumn(3);
sensorPoseRotation = matTransform.rotation;
sensorData.sensorPosePosition = sensorPosePosition;
sensorData.sensorPoseRotation = sensorPoseRotation;
sensorData.lastSensorPoseFrameTime = currentPoseTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("UpdatePoseTimestamp: " + currentPoseTimestamp);
// check if the pose data has changed
if (lastSensorPoseFrameTime != sensorData.lastSensorPoseFrameTime)
if (kinectManager.getPoseFrames != KinectManager.PoseUsageType.RawPoseData)
switch (kinectManager.getPoseFrames)
case KinectManager.PoseUsageType.DisplayInfo:
if(kinectManager.statusInfoText != null)
kinectManager.statusInfoText.text = string.Format("Sensor position: ({0:F2}, {1:F2}, {2:F2}), rotation: {3}",
sensorPosePosition.x, sensorPosePosition.y, sensorPosePosition.z, sensorPoseRotation.eulerAngles);
case KinectManager.PoseUsageType.UpdateTransform:
transform.position = sensorPosePosition; // sensorData.sensorPosePosition;
transform.rotation = sensorPoseRotation; // sensorData.sensorPoseRotation;
//sensorData.sensorTransformUpdated = true;
// body frame
lock (bodyTrackerLock)
if (sensorData.lastBodyFrameTime != currentBodyTimestamp)
// body index image
if (rawBodyIndexImage != null && sensorData.bodyIndexImage != null)
sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime = currentBodyTimestamp;
KinectInterop.CopyBytes(rawBodyIndexImage, sizeof(byte), sensorData.bodyIndexImage, sizeof(byte));
// number of bodies
sensorData.trackedBodiesCount = trackedBodiesCount;
// create the needed slots
if (sensorData.alTrackedBodies.Length < trackedBodiesCount)
//sensorData.alTrackedBodies.Add(new KinectInterop.BodyData((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count));
Array.Resize<KinectInterop.BodyData>(ref sensorData.alTrackedBodies, (int)trackedBodiesCount);
for(int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++)
sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i] = new KinectInterop.BodyData((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++)
//sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i] = alTrackedBodies[i];
//KinectInterop.CopyBytes<KinectInterop.BodyData>(alTrackedBodies[i], ref sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i]);
alTrackedBodies[i].CopyTo(ref sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i]);
//KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i];
//Debug.Log(" (U)User ID: " + bodyData.liTrackingID + ", body: " + i + ", pos: " + bodyData.kinectPos);
sensorData.lastBodyFrameTime = currentBodyTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("UpdateBodyTimestamp: " + currentBodyTimestamp);
// body hist frame
lock (bodyImageDataLock)
if (equalBodyBufferData != null && sensorData.lastBodyHistTime != lastBodyImageTimestamp && !isPlayMode)
if (sensorData.bodyHistBufferData != null)
KinectInterop.CopyBytes(equalBodyBufferData, sizeof(int), sensorData.bodyHistBufferData, sizeof(int));
sensorData.bodyHistTotalPoints = histBodyTotalPoints;
sensorData.lastBodyHistTime = lastBodyImageTimestamp;
//Debug.Log("UpdateBodyHistTimestamp: " + lastBodyImageTimestamp);
return true;
// returns the point cloud texture resolution
public Vector2Int GetPointCloudTexResolution(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
Vector2Int texRes = Vector2Int.zero;
switch (pointCloudResolution)
case PointCloudResolution.DepthCameraResolution:
texRes = new Vector2Int(sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
case PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution:
texRes = new Vector2Int(sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight);
if(texRes == Vector2Int.zero)
throw new Exception("Unsupported point cloud resolution: " + pointCloudResolution + " or the respective image is not available.");
return texRes;
// creates the point-cloud vertex shader and its respective buffers, as needed
protected virtual bool CreatePointCloudVertexShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData.depthCamIntr == null || sensorData.depthCamIntr.distType == KinectInterop.DistortionType.None)
return false;
pointCloudVertexRes = GetPointCloudTexResolution(sensorData);
if (pointCloudVertexRT == null)
pointCloudVertexRT = new RenderTexture(pointCloudVertexRes.x, pointCloudVertexRes.y, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
pointCloudVertexRT.enableRandomWrite = true;
if (pointCloudVertexShader == null)
pointCloudVertexShader = Resources.Load("PointCloudVertexShaderAll") as ComputeShader;
pointCloudVertexKernel = pointCloudVertexShader != null ? pointCloudVertexShader.FindKernel("BakeVertexTex") : -1;
if (pointCloudSpaceBuffer == null)
int spaceBufferLength = pointCloudVertexRes.x * pointCloudVertexRes.y * 3;
pointCloudSpaceBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(spaceBufferLength, sizeof(float));
// depth2space table
//Debug.Log("Started creating space tables...");
//float fTimeStart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
//int depthImageLength = pointCloudVertexRes.x * pointCloudVertexRes.y;
//Vector3[] depth2SpaceTable = new Vector3[depthImageLength];
//for (int dy = 0, di = 0; dy < pointCloudVertexRes.y; dy++)
// for (int dx = 0; dx < pointCloudVertexRes.x; dx++, di++)
// {
// Vector2 depthPos = new Vector2(dx, dy);
// depth2SpaceTable[di] = pointCloudResolution == PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution ?
// MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, depthPos, 1000) : MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, depthPos, 1000);
// }
depth2SpaceTable = pointCloudResolution == PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution ?
GetColorCameraSpaceTable(sensorData) : GetDepthCameraSpaceTable(sensorData);
//// parallelize for gaining time
//System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, pointCloudVertexRes.y, dy =>
// int di = dy * pointCloudVertexRes.x;
// for (var dx = 0; dx < pointCloudVertexRes.x; dx++, di++)
// {
// Vector2 depthPos = new Vector2(dx, dy);
// depth2SpaceTable[di] = pointCloudResolution == PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution ?
// MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, depthPos, 1000) : MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, depthPos, 1000);
// }
//Debug.Log("depth2SpaceTable: " + depth2SpaceTable);
depth2SpaceTable = null;
//Debug.Log("Finished creating space tables in " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - fTimeStart) + "s");
if (pointCloudDepthBuffer == null)
int depthBufferLength = pointCloudVertexRes.x * pointCloudVertexRes.y / 2;
pointCloudDepthBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (pointCloudResolution == PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution && color2DepthDataFrame == null)
color2DepthDataFrame = new ushort[sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight];
return true;
// disposes the point-cloud vertex shader and its respective buffers
protected virtual void DisposePointCloudVertexShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (pointCloudSpaceBuffer != null)
pointCloudSpaceBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudDepthBuffer != null)
pointCloudDepthBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudCoordBuffer != null)
// K2 color camera resolution
pointCloudCoordBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudVertexRT != null)
pointCloudVertexRT = null;
if (color2DepthDataFrame != null)
color2DepthDataFrame = null;
if (color2DepthCoordFrame != null)
color2DepthDataFrame = null;
if (pointCloudVertexShader != null)
pointCloudVertexShader = null;
// updates the point-cloud vertex shader with the actual data
protected virtual bool UpdatePointCloudVertexShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (pointCloudVertexShader != null && sensorData.depthImage != null && pointCloudVertexRT != null &&
sensorData.lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime != sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)
sensorData.lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
if (pointCloudResolution == PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution)
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(pointCloudDepthBuffer, color2DepthDataFrame, color2DepthDataFrame.Length >> 1, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(pointCloudDepthBuffer, sensorData.depthImage, sensorData.depthImage.Length >> 1, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeShaderInt2(pointCloudVertexShader, "PointCloudRes", pointCloudVertexRes.x, pointCloudVertexRes.y);
KinectInterop.SetComputeShaderFloat2(pointCloudVertexShader, "SpaceScale", sensorData.sensorSpaceScale.x, sensorData.sensorSpaceScale.y);
pointCloudVertexShader.SetInt("MinDepth", (int)(minDistance * 1000f));
pointCloudVertexShader.SetInt("MaxDepth", (int)(maxDistance * 1000f));
pointCloudVertexShader.SetBuffer(pointCloudVertexKernel, "SpaceTable", pointCloudSpaceBuffer);
pointCloudVertexShader.SetBuffer(pointCloudVertexKernel, "DepthMap", pointCloudDepthBuffer);
pointCloudVertexShader.SetTexture(pointCloudVertexKernel, "PointCloudVertexTex", pointCloudVertexRT);
pointCloudVertexShader.Dispatch(pointCloudVertexKernel, pointCloudVertexRes.x / 8, pointCloudVertexRes.y / 8, 1);
if (pointCloudVertexTexture != null)
Graphics.Blit(pointCloudVertexRT, pointCloudVertexTexture);
return true;
return false;
// creates the point-cloud color shader and its respective buffers, as needed
protected virtual bool CreatePointCloudColorShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
//renderDepthAlignedColorTexture.enableRandomWrite = true;
//if (pointCloudColorRT == null)
// pointCloudColorRT = new RenderTexture(sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
// pointCloudColorRT.enableRandomWrite = true;
// pointCloudColorRT.Create();
pointCloudColorRes = GetPointCloudTexResolution(sensorData);
if(pointCloudResolution == PointCloudResolution.DepthCameraResolution)
if (pointCloudAlignedColorTex == null)
pointCloudAlignedColorTex = new Texture2D(sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight, sensorData.colorImageFormat, false);
if (depth2ColorDataFrame == null)
depth2ColorDataFrame = new byte[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight * sensorData.colorImageStride];
return true;
// disposes the point-cloud color shader and its respective buffers
protected virtual void DisposePointCloudColorShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (pointCloudCoordBuffer != null)
// K2 depth camera resolution
pointCloudCoordBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudColorRT)
pointCloudColorRT = null;
if (pointCloudAlignedColorTex != null)
pointCloudAlignedColorTex = null;
if (depth2ColorDataFrame != null)
depth2ColorDataFrame = null;
if (depth2ColorCoordFrame != null)
depth2ColorCoordFrame = null;
if (pointCloudColorShader != null)
pointCloudColorShader = null;
// updates the point-cloud color shader with the actual data
protected virtual bool UpdatePointCloudColorShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
Texture texColor = null;
if (pointCloudResolution == PointCloudResolution.DepthCameraResolution)
if (pointCloudAlignedColorTex != null && depth2ColorDataFrame != null && sensorData.lastDepth2ColorFrameTime != lastDepth2ColorFrameTime)
lock (depth2ColorFrameLock)
sensorData.lastDepth2ColorFrameTime = lastDepth2ColorFrameTime;
if (pointCloudColorRT != null)
Graphics.CopyTexture(pointCloudAlignedColorTex, pointCloudColorRT);
texColor = pointCloudAlignedColorTex;
texColor = sensorData.colorImageTexture;
if(texColor != null)
Graphics.Blit(texColor, pointCloudColorTexture);
return true;
return false;
// creates the color-depth shader and its respective buffers, as needed
protected virtual bool CreateColorDepthShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (color2DepthDataFrame == null)
color2DepthDataFrame = new ushort[sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight];
if (sensorData.colorDepthTexture == null)
sensorData.colorDepthTexture = new RenderTexture(sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
//sensorData.colorDepthTexture.enableRandomWrite = true;
colorDepthShaderInited = true;
return true;
// disposes the color-depth shader and its respective buffers
protected virtual void DisposeColorDepthShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (color2DepthDataFrame != null)
color2DepthDataFrame = null;
if (sensorData.colorDepthTexture != null)
sensorData.colorDepthTexture = null;
if (pointCloudDepthBuffer != null)
pointCloudDepthBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudCoordBuffer != null)
pointCloudCoordBuffer = null;
if (color2DepthCoordFrame != null)
color2DepthCoordFrame = null;
if (colorDepthShader != null)
colorDepthShader = null;
colorDepthShaderInited = false;
// updates the color-depth shader with the actual data
protected virtual bool UpdateColorDepthShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (color2DepthDataFrame != null)
if(sensorData.usedColorDepthBufferTime == sensorData.lastColorDepthBufferTime && sensorData.lastColorDepthBufferTime != lastColor2DepthFrameTime)
if (sensorData.colorImageTexture != null)
Graphics.Blit(sensorData.colorImageTexture, sensorData.colorDepthTexture);
int bufferLength = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight / 2;
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.colorDepthBuffer, color2DepthDataFrame, bufferLength, sizeof(uint));
sensorData.lastColorDepthBufferTime = lastColor2DepthFrameTime;
return true;
return false;
// creates the depth-tex shader and its respective buffers, as needed
protected virtual bool CreateDepthTexShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
Shader depthTexShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/DepthTexShader");
if (depthTexShader != null)
sensorData.depthTexMaterial = new Material(depthTexShader);
if (sensorData.depthImageBuffer == null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
sensorData.depthImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
return true;
// disposes the depth-tex shader and its respective buffers
protected virtual void DisposeDepthTexShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData.depthTexTexture != null)
sensorData.depthTexTexture = null;
if (sensorData.depthImageBuffer != null)
sensorData.depthImageBuffer = null;
sensorData.depthTexMaterial = null;
// creates the infrared-tex shader and its respective buffers, as needed
protected virtual bool CreateInfraredTexShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
Shader infraredTexShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/DepthTexShader");
if (infraredTexShader != null)
sensorData.infraredTexMaterial = new Material(infraredTexShader);
if (sensorData.infraredImageBuffer == null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
sensorData.infraredImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.infraredImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
return true;
// disposes the infrared-tex shader and its respective buffers
protected virtual void DisposeInfraredTexShader(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData.infraredTexTexture != null)
sensorData.infraredTexTexture = null;
if (sensorData.infraredImageBuffer != null)
sensorData.infraredImageBuffer = null;
sensorData.infraredTexMaterial = null;
// updates transformed frame textures, if needed
public virtual bool UpdateTransformedFrameTextures(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager)
// depth2space frame
if (pointCloudVertexTexture != null)
if (pointCloudVertexShader != null || CreatePointCloudVertexShader(sensorData))
if (pointCloudVertexShader != null)
// depth2color frame
if (pointCloudColorTexture != null)
if (pointCloudColorShader != null || pointCloudAlignedColorTex != null || CreatePointCloudColorShader(sensorData))
if (pointCloudColorShader != null || pointCloudAlignedColorTex != null)
// color2depth
if (sensorData.colorDepthBuffer != null)
if(colorDepthShaderInited || CreateColorDepthShader(sensorData))
// depth-tex
if (sensorData.depthTexTexture != null)
if (sensorData.depthTexMaterial != null || CreateDepthTexShader(sensorData))
//UpdateDepthTexShader(sensorData); // code moved to UpdateSensorTextures()
if (sensorData.depthTexMaterial != null)
// infrared-tex
if (sensorData.infraredTexTexture != null)
if (sensorData.infraredTexMaterial != null || CreateInfraredTexShader(sensorData))
//UpdateInfraredTexShader(sensorData); // code moved to UpdateSensorTextures()
if (sensorData.infraredTexMaterial != null)
return true;
public virtual bool UpdateSensorTextures(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager, ulong prevDepthFrameTime)
// check if the depth data has changed
if (prevDepthFrameTime != sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)
// depth texture
if (sensorData.depthImageTexture != null && sensorData.depthImageMaterial != null &&
sensorData.lastDepthImageTime != sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)
if (sensorData.depthImageBuffer != null && sensorData.depthImage != null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.depthImageBuffer, sensorData.depthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (sensorData.depthHistBuffer != null && sensorData.depthHistBufferData != null)
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.depthHistBuffer, sensorData.depthHistBufferData, sensorData.depthHistBufferData.Length, sizeof(int));
sensorData.depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.depthImageWidth);
sensorData.depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_MinDepth", (int)(minDistance * 1000f));
sensorData.depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_MaxDepth", (int)(maxDistance * 1000f));
sensorData.depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_TotalPoints", sensorData.depthHistTotalPoints);
sensorData.depthImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", sensorData.depthImageBuffer);
sensorData.depthImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_HistMap", sensorData.depthHistBuffer);
Graphics.Blit(null, sensorData.depthImageTexture, sensorData.depthImageMaterial);
sensorData.lastDepthImageTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
//Debug.Log("DepthTextureTimestamp: " + sensorData.lastDepthImageTime);
// infrared texture
if (sensorData.infraredImageTexture != null && sensorData.infraredImageMaterial != null &&
sensorData.lastInfraredImageTime != sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime)
if (sensorData.infraredImageBuffer != null && sensorData.infraredImage != null)
int infraredBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.infraredImageBuffer, sensorData.infraredImage, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
sensorData.infraredImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.depthImageWidth);
sensorData.infraredImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.infraredImageMaterial.SetFloat("_MinValue", minInfraredValue);
sensorData.infraredImageMaterial.SetFloat("_MaxValue", maxInfraredValue);
sensorData.infraredImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_InfraredMap", sensorData.infraredImageBuffer);
Graphics.Blit(null, sensorData.infraredImageTexture, sensorData.infraredImageMaterial);
sensorData.lastInfraredImageTime = sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime;
//Debug.Log("InfraredTextureTimestamp: " + sensorData.lastInfraredImageTime);
// user texture & body texture
if (sensorData.bodyImageTexture != null && sensorData.bodyImageMaterial != null &&
sensorData.lastBodyImageTime != sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime)
if (sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer != null && rawBodyIndexImage != null)
int bodyIndexBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 4;
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer, rawBodyIndexImage, bodyIndexBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (sensorData.bodyHistBuffer != null && sensorData.bodyHistBufferData != null)
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.bodyHistBuffer, sensorData.bodyHistBufferData, sensorData.bodyHistBufferData.Length, sizeof(int));
float minDist = kinectManager.minUserDistance != 0f ? kinectManager.minUserDistance : minDistance;
float maxDist = kinectManager.maxUserDistance != 0f ? kinectManager.maxUserDistance : maxDistance;
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.depthImageWidth);
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_MinDepth", (int)(minDist * 1000f));
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_MaxDepth", (int)(maxDist * 1000f));
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_BodyIndexMap", sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer);
if(kinectManager.getBodyFrames == KinectManager.BodyTextureType.UserTexture)
if (sensorData.depthImageBuffer != null && sensorData.depthImage != null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.depthImageBuffer, sensorData.depthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", sensorData.depthImageBuffer);
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_HistMap", sensorData.bodyHistBuffer);
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TotalPoints", sensorData.bodyHistTotalPoints);
//sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_FirstUserIndex", sensorData.firstUserIndex);
Color[] bodyIndexColors = kinectManager.GetBodyIndexColors();
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial.SetColorArray("_BodyIndexColors", bodyIndexColors);
Graphics.Blit(null, sensorData.bodyImageTexture, sensorData.bodyImageMaterial);
sensorData.lastBodyImageTime = sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime;
//Debug.Log("BodyTextureTimestamp: " + sensorData.lastBodyImageTime);
// depth-tex
if (sensorData.depthTexMaterial != null &&
sensorData.lastDepthTexTime != sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)
if (sensorData.depthImageBuffer != null && sensorData.depthImage != null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.depthImageBuffer, sensorData.depthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
sensorData.depthTexMaterial.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", sensorData.depthImageBuffer);
sensorData.depthTexMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.depthImageWidth);
sensorData.depthTexMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.depthTexMaterial.SetInt("_MinDepth", (int)(minDistance * 1000f));
sensorData.depthTexMaterial.SetInt("_MaxDepth", (int)(maxDistance * 1000f));
Graphics.Blit(null, sensorData.depthTexTexture, sensorData.depthTexMaterial);
sensorData.lastDepthTexTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
//Debug.Log("DepthTexTimestamp: " + sensorData.lastDepthTexTime);
// infrared-tex
if (sensorData.infraredTexMaterial != null &&
sensorData.lastInfraredTexTime != sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime)
if (sensorData.infraredImageBuffer != null && sensorData.infraredImage != null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(sensorData.infraredImageBuffer, sensorData.infraredImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
sensorData.infraredTexMaterial.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", sensorData.infraredImageBuffer);
sensorData.infraredTexMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.depthImageWidth);
sensorData.infraredTexMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.infraredTexMaterial.SetInt("_MinDepth", (int)(minDistance * 1000f));
sensorData.infraredTexMaterial.SetInt("_MaxDepth", (int)(maxDistance * 1000f));
Graphics.Blit(null, sensorData.infraredTexTexture, sensorData.infraredTexMaterial);
sensorData.lastInfraredTexTime = sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime;
//Debug.Log("InfraredTexTimestamp: " + sensorData.lastInfraredTexTime);
return true;
// returns sensor-to-world matrix
public virtual Matrix4x4 GetSensorToWorldMatrix()
Matrix4x4 mSensor = Matrix4x4.identity;
mSensor.SetTRS(sensorPosePosition, sensorPoseRotation, Vector3.one);
return mSensor;
// returns sensor rotation, properly adjusted for body tracking
protected Quaternion GetSensorRotationNotZFlipped(bool bInverted)
Vector3 sensorRotEuler = sensorPoseRotation.eulerAngles;
if (sensorRotFlipZ)
sensorRotEuler.z = -sensorRotEuler.z;
Quaternion sensorRot = Quaternion.Euler(sensorRotEuler);
return bInverted ? Quaternion.Inverse(sensorRot) : sensorRot;
// returns sensor transform. Please note transform updates depend on the getPoseFrames-KM setting.
public virtual Transform GetSensorTransform()
return transform;
// unprojects plane point into the space
protected virtual Vector3 UnprojectPoint(KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr, Vector2 pixel, float depth)
return Vector3.zero;
// projects space point onto a plane
protected virtual Vector2 ProjectPoint(KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr, Vector3 point)
return Vector2.zero;
// transforms a point from one space to another
protected virtual Vector3 TransformPoint(KinectInterop.CameraExtrinsics extr, Vector3 point)
return Vector3.zero;
public virtual Vector3[] GetDepthCameraSpaceTable(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData == null)
return null;
// depth2space table
int depthImageLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
if (depth2SpaceTable == null || depth2SpaceTable.Length != depthImageLength)
depth2SpaceTable = new Vector3[depthImageLength];
for (int dy = 0, di = 0; dy < sensorData.depthImageHeight; dy++)
for (int dx = 0; dx < sensorData.depthImageWidth; dx++, di++)
Vector2 depthPos = new Vector2(dx, dy);
depth2SpaceTable[di] = MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, depthPos, 1000);
return depth2SpaceTable;
public virtual Vector3[] GetColorCameraSpaceTable(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData == null)
return null;
// color2space
int colorImageLength = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight;
if (color2SpaceTable == null || color2SpaceTable.Length != colorImageLength)
color2SpaceTable = new Vector3[colorImageLength];
for (int cy = 0, ci = 0; cy < sensorData.colorImageHeight; cy++)
for (int cx = 0; cx < sensorData.colorImageWidth; cx++, ci++)
Vector2 colorPos = new Vector2(cx, cy);
color2SpaceTable[ci] = MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, colorPos, 1000);
return color2SpaceTable;
public virtual Vector3 MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 depthPos, ushort depthVal)
if (sensorData.depthCamIntr != null)
return UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos, (float)depthVal / 1000f);
return Vector3.zero;
public virtual Vector2 MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector3 spacePos)
if (sensorData.depthCamIntr != null)
return ProjectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, spacePos);
return Vector2.zero;
public virtual Vector3 MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 colorPos, ushort depthVal)
if (sensorData.colorCamIntr != null)
return UnprojectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorPos, (float)depthVal / 1000f);
return Vector3.zero;
public virtual Vector2 MapSpacePointToColorCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector3 spacePos)
if (sensorData.colorCamIntr != null)
return ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, spacePos);
return Vector2.zero;
public virtual Vector2 MapDepthPointToColorCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 depthPos, ushort depthVal)
if (sensorData.depthCamIntr != null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null && sensorData.depth2ColorExtr != null)
Vector3 depthSpacePos = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos, (float)depthVal / 1000f);
Vector3 colorSpacePos = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos);
Vector2 colorPos = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos);
return colorPos;
return Vector2.zero;
public virtual Vector2 MapColorPointToDepthCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 colorPos)
if (sensorData.depthCamIntr != null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null && sensorData.color2DepthExtr != null && sensorData.depthImage != null)
Vector3 colorSpacePos1 = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorPos, 1f);
int minDist = (int)(minDistance * 1000f);
int maxDist = (int)(maxDistance * 1000f);
int depthImageW = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
int depthImageL = sensorData.depthImage.Length;
Vector2 depthPos = Vector2.zero;
bool bFound = false;
for (int d = minDist; d < maxDist; d++)
Vector3 colorSpacePos = colorSpacePos1 * (d * 0.001f);
Vector3 depthSpacePos = TransformPoint(sensorData.color2DepthExtr, colorSpacePos);
depthPos = ProjectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthSpacePos);
int di = (int)(depthPos.y + 0.5f) * depthImageW + (int)(depthPos.x + 0.5f);
if (di >= 0 && di < depthImageL)
int z = sensorData.depthImage[di];
if ((z != 0) && (z <= d))
bFound = true;
return bFound ? depthPos : Vector2.zero;
return Vector2.zero;
//public virtual bool MapDepthFrameToSpaceCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref Vector3[] vSpaceCoords)
// if (vSpaceCoords == null)
// {
// vSpaceCoords = new Vector3[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight];
// }
// if (InitCoordMapperSpaceTables(sensorData, true, false))
// {
// for (int dy = 0, di = 0; dy < sensorData.depthImageHeight; dy++)
// {
// for (int dx = 0; dx < sensorData.depthImageWidth; dx++, di++)
// {
// if (sensorData.depthImage[di] != 0)
// {
// float depthVal = (float)sensorData.depthImage[di] / 1000f;
// vSpaceCoords[di] = depth2SpaceTable[di] * depthVal;
// }
// else
// {
// vSpaceCoords[di] = Vector3.zero;
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// return false;
//public virtual bool MapDepthFrameToColorData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref byte[] vColorFrameData)
// return false;
//public virtual bool MapColorFrameToDepthData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref ushort[] vDepthFrameData)
// return false;
//public virtual bool MapDepthFrameToColorCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref Vector2[] vColorCoords)
// if (sensorData.depthCamIntr != null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null && sensorData.depth2ColorExtr != null)
// {
// int depthImageW = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
// int depthImageH = sensorData.depthImageHeight;
// int mapImageLen = depthImageW * depthImageH;
// if (vColorCoords == null || vColorCoords.Length != mapImageLen)
// {
// vColorCoords = new Vector2[mapImageLen];
// }
// for (int dy = 0, dIndex = 0; dy < depthImageH; dy++)
// {
// for (int dx = 0; dx < depthImageW; dx++, dIndex++)
// {
// ushort depthVal = sensorData.depthImage[dIndex];
// if (depthVal != 0)
// {
// Vector2 depthPos = new Vector2(dx, dy);
// Vector3 depthSpacePos = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos, (float)depthVal / 1000f);
// Vector3 colorSpacePos = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos);
// vColorCoords[dIndex] = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos);
// }
// else
// {
// vColorCoords[dIndex] = new Vector2(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity);
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// return false;
//public virtual bool MapColorFrameToDepthCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref Vector2[] vDepthCoords)
// if (sensorData.depthCamIntr != null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null && sensorData.depth2ColorExtr != null)
// {
// int depthImageW = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
// int depthImageH = sensorData.depthImageHeight;
// int mapImageLen = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight;
// if (vDepthCoords == null || vDepthCoords.Length != mapImageLen)
// {
// vDepthCoords = new Vector2[mapImageLen];
// }
// int colorWidth = sensorData.colorCamIntr.width;
// int colorHeight = sensorData.colorCamIntr.height;
// for (int dy = 0, dIndex = 0; dy < depthImageH; dy++)
// {
// for (int dx = 0; dx < depthImageW; dx++, dIndex++)
// {
// ushort depthVal = sensorData.depthImage[dIndex];
// if (depthVal != 0)
// {
// float depth = (float)depthVal / 1000f;
// Vector2 depthPos1 = new Vector2(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f);
// Vector3 depthSpacePos1 = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos1, depth);
// Vector3 colorSpacePos1 = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos1);
// Vector2 colorPos1 = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos1);
// int colorPos1X = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos1.x);
// int colorPos1Y = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos1.y);
// Vector2 depthPos2 = new Vector2(dx + 0.5f, dy + 0.5f);
// Vector3 depthSpacePos2 = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos2, depth);
// Vector3 colorSpacePos2 = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos2);
// Vector2 colorPos2 = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos2);
// int colorPos2X = (int)(colorPos2.x + 0.5f);
// int colorPos2Y = (int)(colorPos2.y + 0.5f);
// if (colorPos1X < 0 || colorPos1Y < 0 || colorPos2X >= colorWidth || colorPos2Y >= colorHeight)
// continue;
// // Transfer between the depth pixels and the pixels inside the rectangle on the other image
// for (int y = colorPos1Y; y <= colorPos2Y; y++)
// {
// int cIndex = y * colorWidth + colorPos1X;
// for (int x = colorPos1X; x <= colorPos2X; x++, cIndex++)
// {
// vDepthCoords[cIndex] = new Vector2(dx, dy);
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// //vDepthCoords[cIndex] = new Vector2(float.NegativeInfinity, float.NegativeInfinity);
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// estimates horizontal and vertical FOV
protected void EstimateFOV(KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr)
//intr.hFOV = (Mathf.Atan2(intr.ppx + 0.5f, intr.fx) + Mathf.Atan2(intr.width - (intr.ppx + 0.5f), intr.fx)) * 57.2957795f;
//intr.vFOV = (Mathf.Atan2(intr.ppy + 0.5f, intr.fy) + Mathf.Atan2(intr.height - (intr.ppy + 0.5f), intr.fy)) * 57.2957795f;
intr.hFOV = 2f * Mathf.Atan2((float)intr.width * 0.5f, intr.fx) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
intr.vFOV = 2f * Mathf.Atan2((float)intr.height * 0.5f, intr.fy) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
// initializes the body-data structures and start the body tracking
protected virtual bool InitBodyTracking(KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Calibration calibration, bool bCreateTracker)
if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth) != 0) // check for depth stream
string bodyTrackingPath = KinectInterop.BODY_TRACKING_TOOLS_FOLDER;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyTrackingPath) && bodyTrackingPath[bodyTrackingPath.Length - 1] != '/' && bodyTrackingPath[bodyTrackingPath.Length - 1] != '\\')
bodyTrackingPath += "/";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyTrackingPath) && !bodyTrackingPath.EndsWith("/tools/") && !bodyTrackingPath.EndsWith("\\tools\\") && !bodyTrackingPath.EndsWith("\\tools/"))
bodyTrackingPath += "tools/";
Debug.LogWarning("BT-Folder not found: " + bodyTrackingPath);
// copy the needed libraries
KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "cublas64_100.dll", ".");
KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "cudart64_100.dll", ".");
KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "cudnn64_7.dll", ".");
//KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "k4abt.dll", ".");
KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "onnxruntime.dll", ".");
KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "vcomp140.dll", ".");
if(KinectInterop.IsFileExist(bodyTrackingPath + "dnn_model_2_0.onnx"))
KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "dnn_model_2_0.onnx", ".");
KinectInterop.CopyFolderFile(bodyTrackingPath, "dnn_model.onnx", ".");
if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBodyIndex) != 0)
rawBodyIndexImage = new byte[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight];
sensorData.bodyIndexImage = new byte[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight];
alTrackedBodies = new List<KinectInterop.BodyData>();
sensorData.alTrackedBodies = new KinectInterop.BodyData[0]; // new List<KinectInterop.BodyData>();
trackedBodiesCount = 0;
sensorData.trackedBodiesCount = 0;
btQueueCount = 0;
btQueueWaitTime = MAX_BODY_QUEUE_LENGTH <= 1 ? 0 : -1;
//Debug.Log("MaxQueueLen: " + MAX_BODY_QUEUE_LENGTH + ", WaitTime: " + btQueueWaitTime);
if (bCreateTracker)
bodyTracker = new BodyTracking(calibration, k4abt_sensor_orientation_t.K4ABT_SENSOR_ORIENTATION_DEFAULT, false);
bodySkeletonData = bodyTracker.CreateBodySkeleton();
//Debug.Log("Body tracker successfully created.");
// start body-tracker thread
bodyTrackerStopEvent = new System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(false);
bodyTrackerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(() => BodyTrackerThread(sensorData));
bodyTrackerThread.Name = "BT-" + GetType().Name + deviceIndex;
bodyTrackerThread.IsBackground = true;
Debug.LogWarning("Body tracked not started! Please enable the depth stream, to allow tracking the users.");
catch (System.Exception ex)
Debug.LogError("Can't create body tracker for " + GetType().Name + deviceIndex + "!");
return (bodyTracker != null);
// stops the body tracker and releases its data
protected virtual void StopBodyTracking(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (bodyTrackerThread != null)
//Debug.Log("Stopping BT thread: " + bodyTrackerThread.Name);
// stop the frame-polling thread
bodyTrackerThread = null;
bodyTrackerStopEvent = null;
//Debug.Log("BT thread stopped.");
if (bodyTracker != null)
// wait for all enqueued frames to pop
int maxWaitTime = 5000;
while (btQueueCount > 0 && maxWaitTime > 0)
IntPtr bodyFrameHandle = bodyTracker.PollBodyFrame(1000);
if(bodyFrameHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
Image bodyIndexImage = bodyTracker.GetBodyIndexMap(bodyFrameHandle);
Capture btCapture = bodyTracker.GetCapture(bodyFrameHandle);
bodyFrameHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
lock (bodyCaptureLock)
maxWaitTime -= 1000;
if(btQueueCount > 0 && maxWaitTime <= 0)
Debug.LogWarning("Timed out waiting to pop all BT-frames. QueueCount: " + btQueueCount);
bodyTracker = null;
lock (bodyCaptureLock)
btQueueCount = 0;
btQueueWaitTime = 0;
//Debug.Log("Body tracker disposed.");
// polls for new body frame
protected virtual Capture PollBodyFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Capture capture)
Capture bodyCapture = null;
if(bodyOutputCapture != null)
lock (bodyCaptureLock)
bodyCapture = bodyOutputCapture;
bodyOutputCapture = null;
// push the new capture
return bodyCapture;
// polls the body tracker for frames and updates the body-related data in a thread
private void BodyTrackerThread(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData == null)
while (!bodyTrackerStopEvent.WaitOne(0))
//Capture sensorCapture = null;
bool bGetBodyData = bodyOutputCapture == null;
Capture bodyCapture = PollBodyFrameInternal(sensorData, bGetBodyData/**, sensorCapture*/);
if (bodyOutputCapture == null)
lock (bodyCaptureLock)
bodyOutputCapture = bodyCapture;
catch (Exception ex)
// maximum queue length
private const int MAX_BODY_QUEUE_LENGTH = 1;
// pushes new body frame into bt-processing queue, if possible
private bool PushBodyFrameInternal(Capture capture)
bool bEnqueued = false;
if (capture != null && capture.Depth != null && (btQueueCount < MAX_BODY_QUEUE_LENGTH /**|| rawBodyTimestamp == sensorData.lastBodyFrameTime*/))
bEnqueued = bodyTracker.EnqueueCapture(capture, btQueueWaitTime);
if (bEnqueued)
//Debug.Log("QueuedBodyTimestamp: " + capture.Depth.DeviceTimestamp.Ticks + ", QueueLen: " + (btQueueCount + 1));
lock (bodyCaptureLock)
// queued
btQueueTime = (ulong)DateTime.Now.Ticks;
//Debug.Log("Push btQueueCount: " + btQueueCount);
//if (btQueueWaitTime > 0)
// btQueueWaitTime--;
//Debug.LogWarning("Adding capture to BT queue failed! QueueCount: " + btQueueCount);
return bEnqueued;
// internal body-tracking polling method (used by the BT-thread)
private Capture PollBodyFrameInternal(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool bGetBodyData/**, Capture capture*/)
Capture btCapture = null;
if (bodyTracker != null && btQueueCount > 0)
// check for body frame
//bool bCheckBodyFrame = (rawColorImage != null && rawColorTimestamp == sensorData.lastColorFrameTime) ||
// (rawDepthImage != null && rawDepthTimestamp == sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime) ||
// (rawInfraredImage != null && rawInfraredTimestamp == sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime);
//IntPtr bodyFrameHandle = bCheckBodyFrame ? bodyTracker.PollBodyFrame(0) : IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr bodyFrameHandle = bodyTracker.PollBodyFrame(0);
if (bodyFrameHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
lock (bodyCaptureLock)
if (btQueueCount > 0)
//Debug.Log("Poll btQueueCount: " + btQueueCount);
lock (bodyTrackerLock)
if(rawBodyIndexImage != null)
Image bodyIndexImage = bodyTracker.GetBodyIndexMap(bodyFrameHandle);
bodyIndexImage.CopyBytesTo(rawBodyIndexImage, 0, 0, rawBodyIndexImage.Length);
rawBodyTimestamp = bodyTracker.GetBodyFrameTimestampUsec(bodyFrameHandle);
trackedBodiesCount = bodyTracker.GetNumberOfBodies(bodyFrameHandle);
//Debug.Log("RawBodyTimestamp: " + rawBodyTimestamp + ", QueueLen: " + btQueueCount);
// get body tracking capture
btCapture = bodyTracker.GetCapture(bodyFrameHandle);
// create the needed slots
while (alTrackedBodies.Count < trackedBodiesCount)
alTrackedBodies.Add(new KinectInterop.BodyData((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count));
// get sensor-to-world matrix
Matrix4x4 sensorToWorld = GetSensorToWorldMatrix();
Quaternion sensorRotInv = GetSensorRotationNotZFlipped(true);
float scaleX = sensorData.sensorSpaceScale.x * 0.001f;
float scaleY = sensorData.sensorSpaceScale.y * 0.001f;
for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++)
KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData = alTrackedBodies[i];
bodyData.liTrackingID = bodyTracker.GetBodyId(bodyFrameHandle, (uint)i);
bodyData.iBodyIndex = i;
bodyData.bIsTracked = true;
bodyTracker.GetBodySkeleton(bodyFrameHandle, (uint)i, ref bodySkeletonData);
for (int jBT = 0; jBT < (int)k4abt_joint_type.K4ABT_JOINT_COUNT; jBT++)
k4abt_joint_t jointBT = bodySkeletonData.joints[jBT];
int j = BtJoint2JointType[jBT];
if (j >= 0)
KinectInterop.JointData jointData = bodyData.joint[j];
jointData.trackingState = (KinectInterop.TrackingState)jointBT.confidence_level; // KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked; // always tracked?
float jPosZ = (bIgnoreZCoordinates && j > 0) ? bodyData.joint[0].kinectPos.z : jointBT.position.Z * 0.001f;
jointData.kinectPos = new Vector3(jointBT.position.X * 0.001f, jointBT.position.Y * 0.001f, jointBT.position.Z * 0.001f);
jointData.position = sensorToWorld.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(jointBT.position.X * scaleX, jointBT.position.Y * scaleY, jPosZ));
jointData.orientation = new Quaternion(jointBT.orientation.X, jointBT.orientation.Y, jointBT.orientation.Z, jointBT.orientation.W);
jointData.orientation = sensorRotInv * jointData.orientation;
if (j == 0)
bodyData.kinectPos = jointData.kinectPos;
bodyData.position = jointData.position;
bodyData.orientation = jointData.orientation;
bodyData.joint[j] = jointData;
// estimate additional joints
CalcBodySpecialJoints(ref bodyData);
// calculate bone dirs
KinectInterop.CalcBodyJointDirs(ref bodyData);
// calculate joint orientations
CalcBodyJointOrients(ref bodyData);
// body orientation
bodyData.normalRotation = bodyData.joint[0].normalRotation;
bodyData.mirroredRotation = bodyData.joint[0].mirroredRotation;
alTrackedBodies[i] = bodyData;
//Debug.Log(" (T)User ID: " + bodyData.liTrackingID + ", body: " + i + ", pos: " + bodyData.kinectPos);
bodyFrameHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
//// check for timeout
//ulong currentTime = (ulong)DateTime.Now.Ticks;
//if (btQueueCount > 0 && (currentTime - btQueueTime) >= 10000000) // 1 sec.
// // timeout
// //Debug.LogWarning("Timed out waiting for bt-frame to pop! QueueCount: " + btQueueCount);
// btQueueTime = currentTime;
// //btQueueCount--;
//// enqueue capture
//if (capture != null && capture.Depth != null && (btQueueCount < MAX_BODY_QUEUE_LENGTH /**|| rawBodyTimestamp == sensorData.lastBodyFrameTime*/))
// if (bodyTracker.EnqueueCapture(capture, btQueueWaitTime))
// {
// //Debug.Log("QueuedBodyTimestamp: " + capture.Depth.DeviceTimestamp.Ticks + ", QueueLen: " + (btQueueCount + 1));
// // queued
// btQueueCount++;
// btQueueTime = currentTime;
// //if (btQueueWaitTime > 0)
// // btQueueWaitTime--;
// }
// else
// {
// Debug.LogWarning("Adding capture to BT queue failed! QueueCount: " + btQueueCount);
// //btQueueWaitTime++;
// }
return btCapture;
private static readonly int[] BtJoint2JointType =
// estimates additional joints for the given body
protected virtual void CalcBodySpecialJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
//// hand left
// int e = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft;
// int w = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft;
// int h = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft;
// KinectInterop.JointData jointData = bodyData.joint[h];
// jointData.trackingState = bodyData.joint[w].trackingState;
// jointData.orientation = bodyData.joint[w].orientation;
// Vector3 posWrist = bodyData.joint[w].kinectPos;
// Vector3 posElbow = bodyData.joint[e].kinectPos;
// jointData.kinectPos = posWrist + (posWrist - posElbow) * 0.25f;
// posWrist = bodyData.joint[w].position;
// posElbow = bodyData.joint[e].position;
// jointData.position = posWrist + (posWrist - posElbow) * 0.25f;
// bodyData.joint[h] = jointData;
//// hand right
// int e = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight;
// int w = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight;
// int h = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight;
// KinectInterop.JointData jointData = bodyData.joint[h];
// jointData.trackingState = bodyData.joint[w].trackingState;
// jointData.orientation = bodyData.joint[w].orientation;
// Vector3 posWrist = bodyData.joint[w].kinectPos;
// Vector3 posElbow = bodyData.joint[e].kinectPos;
// jointData.kinectPos = posWrist + (posWrist - posElbow) * 0.25f;
// posWrist = bodyData.joint[w].position;
// posElbow = bodyData.joint[e].position;
// jointData.position = posWrist + (posWrist - posElbow) * 0.25f;
// bodyData.joint[h] = jointData;
//// calculates all bone directions for the given body
//protected virtual void CalcBodyJointDirs(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
// if (bodyData.bIsTracked)
// {
// for (int j = 0; j < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count; j++)
// {
// if (j == 0)
// {
// bodyData.joint[j].direction = Vector3.zero;
// }
// else
// {
// int jParent = (int)KinectInterop.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)j);
// if (bodyData.joint[j].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked &&
// bodyData.joint[jParent].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
// {
// bodyData.joint[j].direction = (bodyData.joint[j].position - bodyData.joint[jParent].position); //.normalized;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// calculates all joint orientations for the given body
protected virtual void CalcBodyJointOrients(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
if (bodyData.bIsTracked)
for (int j = 0; j < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count; j++)
if(bodyData.joint[j].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
Quaternion jointOrient = bodyData.joint[j].orientation;
Quaternion jointOrientNormal = jointOrient * _JointTurnCS[j] * _JointBaseOrient[j];
bodyData.joint[j].normalRotation = jointOrientNormal;
Vector3 mirroredAngles = jointOrientNormal.eulerAngles;
mirroredAngles.y = -mirroredAngles.y;
mirroredAngles.z = -mirroredAngles.z;
bodyData.joint[j].mirroredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mirroredAngles);
// base orientations
private static readonly Quaternion[] _JointBaseOrient =
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back), // Pelvis
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.down, Vector3.back), // ClavicleL
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.down, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.down, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.down, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.down, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward), // ClavicleR
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back), // HipL
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.forward), // HipR
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.forward),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.forward),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.forward),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back), // Nose
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.left, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.down, Vector3.back), // FingersL
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.down, Vector3.back),
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward), // FingersR
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up, Vector3.forward)
// turn cs rotations
private static readonly Quaternion[] _JointTurnCS =
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f), // Pelvis
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f),
Quaternion.Euler(180f, 0f, 180f), // ClavicleL
Quaternion.Euler(180f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(180f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f), // ClavicleR
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f),
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f), // HipL
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f),
Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, -90f), // HipR
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, -90f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, -90f),
Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f), // Nose
Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90f, -90f),
Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f),
Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f),
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f), // FingersL
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f),
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f), // FingersR
Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 180f)
// converts camera intrinsics to calibration-structure
protected Calibration GetBodyTrackerCalibration(KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr)
Calibration cal = new Calibration();
cal.ColorResolution = ColorResolution.Off;
cal.DepthMode = DepthMode.NFOV_Unbinned;
CameraCalibration camParams = new CameraCalibration();
Intrinsics camIntr = new Intrinsics();
camIntr.ParameterCount = 15;
camIntr.Parameters = new float[camIntr.ParameterCount];
camParams.ResolutionWidth = intr.width; // 640; //
camParams.ResolutionHeight = intr.height; // 576; //
// 0 float cx;
// 1 float cy;
camIntr.Parameters[0] = intr.ppx;
camIntr.Parameters[1] = intr.ppy;
// 2 float fx; /**< Focal length x */
// 3 float fy; /**< Focal length y */
camIntr.Parameters[2] = intr.fx;
camIntr.Parameters[3] = intr.fy;
// 4 float k1;
// 5 float k2;
// 6 float k3;
// 7 float k4;
// 8 float k5;
// 9 float k6;
camIntr.Parameters[4] = intr.distCoeffs.Length >= 1 ? intr.distCoeffs[0] : 0f;
camIntr.Parameters[5] = intr.distCoeffs.Length >= 2 ? intr.distCoeffs[1] : 0f;
camIntr.Parameters[6] = intr.distCoeffs.Length >= 3 ? intr.distCoeffs[2] : 0f;
camIntr.Parameters[7] = intr.distCoeffs.Length >= 4 ? intr.distCoeffs[3] : 0f;
camIntr.Parameters[8] = intr.distCoeffs.Length >= 5 ? intr.distCoeffs[4] : 0f;
camIntr.Parameters[9] = intr.distCoeffs.Length >= 6 ? intr.distCoeffs[5] : 0f;
if (intr.distType == KinectInterop.DistortionType.Theta)
camIntr.Type = CalibrationModelType.Theta;
else if (intr.distType == KinectInterop.DistortionType.Polynomial3K)
camIntr.Type = CalibrationModelType.Polynomial3K;
else if (intr.distType == KinectInterop.DistortionType.Rational6KT)
camIntr.Type = CalibrationModelType.Rational6KT;
camIntr.Type = (CalibrationModelType)intr.distType;
// 10 float codx;
// 11 float cody;
camIntr.Parameters[10] = intr.codx;
camIntr.Parameters[11] = intr.cody;
// 12 float p2;
// 13 float p1;
camIntr.Parameters[12] = intr.p2;
camIntr.Parameters[13] = intr.p1;
// 14 float metric_radius;
camIntr.Parameters[14] = intr.maxRadius;
camParams.Intrinsics = camIntr;
cal.DepthCameraCalibration = camParams;
return cal;