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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// KinectInterop is a class containing utility and interop functions, to call the proper sensor interface.
/// </summary>
public class KinectInterop
// body tracking sdk's tools folder - used to copy the needed libraries and files.
// TODO - change it for other OS's or install folders.
internal const string BODY_TRACKING_TOOLS_FOLDER = "C:/Program Files/Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK/tools";
/// <summary>
/// Constants used by this class and other K2-components
/// </summary>
public static class Constants
public const int MaxBodyCount = 100;
public const float MinTimeBetweenSameGestures = 0.0f;
public const float PoseCompleteDuration = 1.0f;
public const float ClickMaxDistance = 0.05f;
public const float ClickStayDuration = 2.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Depth sensor platforms.
/// </summary>
public enum DepthSensorPlatform : int
None = 0,
KinectV1 = 1,
KinectV2 = 2,
RealSense = 3,
Kinect4Azure = 4,
DummyK2 = 102
/// <summary>
/// Device streaming modes.
/// </summary>
public enum DeviceStreamingMode
Disabled = 0,
ConnectedSensor = 1,
PlayRecording = 2,
// CreateRecording = 3
// Data structures for interfacing C# with the native wrappers
/// <summary>
/// Frame-source flags.
/// </summary>
public enum FrameSource : uint
TypeNone = 0x0,
TypeColor = 0x1,
TypeInfrared = 0x2,
TypeDepth = 0x8,
TypeBodyIndex = 0x10,
TypeBody = 0x20,
TypeAudio = 0x40,
TypePose = 0x80,
TypeAll = 0xFF
/// <summary>
/// Body joint types (with new joints added)
/// </summary>
public enum JointType : int
Pelvis = 0,
SpineNaval = 1,
SpineChest = 2,
Neck = 3,
Head = 4,
ClavicleLeft = 5,
ShoulderLeft = 6,
ElbowLeft = 7,
WristLeft = 8,
HandLeft = 9,
ClavicleRight = 10,
ShoulderRight = 11,
ElbowRight = 12,
WristRight = 13,
HandRight = 14,
HipLeft = 15,
KneeLeft = 16,
AnkleLeft = 17,
FootLeft = 18,
HipRight = 19,
KneeRight = 20,
AnkleRight = 21,
FootRight = 22,
Nose = 23,
EyeLeft = 24,
EarLeft = 25,
EyeRight = 26,
EarRight = 27,
HandtipLeft = 28,
ThumbLeft = 29,
HandtipRight = 30,
ThumbRight = 31,
Count = 32
///// <summary>
///// Body joint types (with new joints mixed)
///// </summary>
//public enum JointType : int
// Pelvis = 0,
// SpineNaval = 1,
// SpineChest = 2,
// Neck = 3,
// Head = 4,
// ClavicleLeft = 5,
// ShoulderLeft = 6,
// ElbowLeft = 7,
// WristLeft = 8,
// HandLeft = 9,
// HandtipLeft = 10,
// ThumbLeft = 11,
// ClavicleRight = 12,
// ShoulderRight = 13,
// ElbowRight = 14,
// WristRight = 15,
// HandRight = 16,
// HandtipRight = 17,
// ThumbRight = 18,
// HipLeft = 19,
// KneeLeft = 20,
// AnkleLeft = 21,
// FootLeft = 22,
// HipRight = 23,
// KneeRight = 24,
// AnkleRight = 25,
// FootRight = 26,
// Nose = 27,
// EyeLeft = 28,
// EarLeft = 29,
// EyeRight = 30,
// EarRight = 31,
// Count = 32
/// <summary>
/// Joint tracking state.
/// </summary>
public enum TrackingState
NotTracked = 0,
Inferred = 1,
Tracked = 2,
HighConf = 3 // reserved for future use
///// <summary>
///// Background-removal blur type
///// </summary>
//public enum BrBlurType : int
// None = 0,
// Blur = 1,
// Median = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Container for the body-joint data.
/// </summary>
public struct JointData
// parameters filled in by the sensor interface
public JointType jointType;
public TrackingState trackingState;
public Vector3 kinectPos;
public Vector3 position;
public Quaternion orientation;
//public Vector3 posPrev;
//public Vector3 posRel;
//public Vector3 posVel;
// KM calculated parameters
public Vector3 direction;
public Quaternion normalRotation;
public Quaternion mirroredRotation;
public float lastAngle; // used by the constraints filter
public override string ToString()
return jointType.ToString();
public void CopyTo(ref JointData toJoint)
toJoint.jointType = jointType;
toJoint.trackingState = trackingState;
toJoint.kinectPos = kinectPos;
toJoint.position = position;
toJoint.orientation = orientation;
//toJoint.posPrev = posPrev;
//toJoint.posRel = posRel;
//toJoint.posVel = posVel;
toJoint.direction = direction;
toJoint.normalRotation = normalRotation;
toJoint.mirroredRotation = mirroredRotation;
/// <summary>
/// Container for the body data.
/// </summary>
public struct BodyData
// parameters filled in by the sensor interface
public ulong liTrackingID;
public int iBodyIndex;
public bool bIsTracked;
public Vector3 kinectPos;
public Vector3 position;
public Quaternion orientation;
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = (int)JointType.Count, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.Struct)]
public JointData[] joint;
// KM calculated parameters
public Quaternion normalRotation;
public Quaternion mirroredRotation;
//public HandState leftHandState;
//public TrackingConfidence leftHandConfidence;
//public HandState rightHandState;
//public TrackingConfidence rightHandConfidence;
public BodyData(int jointCount)
liTrackingID = 0;
iBodyIndex = 0;
bIsTracked = false;
kinectPos = Vector3.zero;
position = Vector3.zero;
orientation = Quaternion.identity;
normalRotation = Quaternion.identity;
mirroredRotation = Quaternion.identity;
joint = new JointData[jointCount];
for(int j = 0; j < jointCount; j++)
joint[j].jointType = (JointType)j;
joint[j].trackingState = TrackingState.NotTracked;
joint[j].kinectPos = Vector3.zero;
joint[j].position = Vector3.zero;
joint[j].orientation = Quaternion.identity;
joint[j].normalRotation = Quaternion.identity;
joint[j].mirroredRotation = Quaternion.identity;
public override string ToString()
return "Body" + iBodyIndex + ": " + liTrackingID;
public void CopyTo(ref BodyData toBody)
toBody.liTrackingID = liTrackingID;
toBody.iBodyIndex = iBodyIndex;
toBody.bIsTracked = bIsTracked;
toBody.kinectPos = kinectPos;
toBody.position = position;
toBody.orientation = orientation;
if (toBody.joint == null || toBody.joint.Length != joint.Length)
toBody.joint = new JointData[joint.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < joint.Length; j++)
joint[j].CopyTo(ref toBody.joint[j]);
toBody.normalRotation = normalRotation;
toBody.mirroredRotation = mirroredRotation;
/// <summary>
/// Sensor device info.
/// </summary>
public class SensorDeviceInfo
public string sensorId;
public string sensorName;
public FrameSource sensorCaps;
/// <summary>
/// Camera distortion type
/// </summary>
public enum DistortionType
None = 0,
ModifiedBrownConrady = 1,
InverseBrownConrady = 2,
Theta = 3,
BrownConrady = 4,
Polynomial3K = 5,
Rational6KT = 6
/// <summary>
/// Camera intrinsics
/// </summary>
public class CameraIntrinsics
public int cameraType; // camera type (specific for the sensor interface)
public int width; // Camera image width
public int height; // Camera image height
public float ppx; // Principal point in image, x
public float ppy; // Principal point in image, y
public float fx; // Focal length x
public float fy; // Focal length y
public DistortionType distType; // distortion type
public float[] distCoeffs; // radial distortion coefficient
public float codx; // Center of distortion in Z=1 plane, x (only used for Rational6KT)
public float cody; // Center of distortion in Z=1 plane, y (only used for Rational6KT)
public float p2; // Tangential distortion coefficient 2
public float p1; // Tangential distortion coefficient 1
public float maxRadius; // Metric radius
public float hFOV, vFOV;
/// <summary>
/// Camera extrinsics.
/// </summary>
public class CameraExtrinsics
public float[] rotation;
public float[] translation;
/// <summary>
/// Container for the sensor data, including color, depth, ir and body frames.
/// </summary>
public class SensorData
public DepthSensorInterface sensorInterface;
public DepthSensorPlatform sensorIntPlatform;
public Thread pollFramesThread = null;
public AutoResetEvent threadStopEvent = null;
public CameraIntrinsics depthCamIntr = null;
public CameraIntrinsics colorCamIntr = null;
public CameraExtrinsics depth2ColorExtr = null;
public CameraExtrinsics color2DepthExtr = null;
public Vector3 colorImageScale = Vector3.one;
public Vector3 depthImageScale = Vector3.one;
public Vector3 infraredImageScale = Vector3.one;
public Vector3 sensorSpaceScale = Vector3.one;
public int colorImageWidth;
public int colorImageHeight;
public TextureFormat colorImageFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
public int colorImageStride = 4;
//public byte[] colorImage;
public Texture colorImageTexture = null;
public ulong lastColorFrameTime = 0;
public ulong prevColorFrameTime = 0;
public int depthImageWidth;
public int depthImageHeight;
public ushort[] depthImage;
public ulong lastDepthFrameTime = 0;
public ulong prevDepthFrameTime = 0;
public ushort[] infraredImage;
public ulong lastInfraredFrameTime = 0;
public Vector3 sensorPosePosition;
public Quaternion sensorPoseRotation;
public ulong lastSensorPoseFrameTime = 0;
//public bool sensorTransformUpdated = false;
public byte[] bodyIndexImage;
public ulong lastBodyIndexFrameTime = 0;
public uint trackedBodiesCount = 0;
public BodyData[] alTrackedBodies;
public ulong lastBodyFrameTime = 0;
//public int firstUserIndex = 255;
public int[] depthHistBufferData;
public int depthHistTotalPoints;
public ulong lastDepthHistTime = 0;
public RenderTexture depthImageTexture;
public Material depthImageMaterial;
public ComputeBuffer depthImageBuffer;
public ComputeBuffer depthHistBuffer;
public ulong lastDepthImageTime = 0;
public RenderTexture infraredImageTexture;
public Material infraredImageMaterial;
public ComputeBuffer infraredImageBuffer;
public ulong lastInfraredImageTime = 0;
public int[] bodyHistBufferData;
public int bodyHistTotalPoints;
public ulong lastBodyHistTime = 0;
public RenderTexture bodyImageTexture;
public Material bodyImageMaterial;
public ComputeBuffer bodyIndexBuffer;
public ComputeBuffer bodyHistBuffer;
public ulong lastBodyImageTime = 0;
// public Vector3[] depth2SpaceFrame = null;
public ulong lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime = 0;
// public Vector2[] depth2ColorFrame = null;
public ulong lastDepth2ColorFrameTime = 0;
// public Vector2[] color2DepthFrame = null;
public ulong lastColor2DepthFrameTime = 0;
public ComputeBuffer colorDepthBuffer;
public RenderTexture colorDepthTexture;
public ulong lastColorDepthBufferTime = 0;
public ulong usedColorDepthBufferTime = 0;
public RenderTexture depthTexTexture;
public Material depthTexMaterial;
public ulong lastDepthTexTime = 0;
public RenderTexture infraredTexTexture;
public Material infraredTexMaterial;
public ulong lastInfraredTexTime = 0;
// graphics shader level
private static int graphicsShaderLevel = 0;
// sets the graphics shader level
public static void SetGraphicsShaderLevel(int shaderLevel)
graphicsShaderLevel = shaderLevel;
// checks if DirectX11/Direct3D-11 is turned on or not
public static bool IsDirectX11Available()
return (graphicsShaderLevel >= 50);
// returns true if the project is running on 64-bit architecture, false if 32-bit
public static bool Is64bitArchitecture()
int sizeOfPtr = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr));
return (sizeOfPtr > 4);
// copy resource asset to the target file
public static bool CopyResourceFile(string resFileName, string targetFilePath)
TextAsset textRes = Resources.Load(resFileName, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
if (textRes == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Resource not found: " + resFileName);
return false;
FileInfo targetFile = new FileInfo(targetFilePath);
if (!targetFile.Directory.Exists)
if (!targetFile.Exists || targetFile.Length != textRes.bytes.Length)
Debug.Log("Copying '" + resFileName + "' to: " + targetFilePath);
using (Stream resStream = new MemoryStream(textRes.bytes))
BinaryReader resReader = new BinaryReader(resStream);
byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; //set the size of your buffer (chunk)
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(targetFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
while (true) //loop to the end of the file
int read = resReader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (read <= 0) //check for end of file
fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
bool bFileCopied = File.Exists(targetFilePath);
return bFileCopied;
return true;
// checks if the file exists
public static bool IsFolderExist(string folderPath)
return Directory.Exists(folderPath);
// checks if the file exists
public static bool IsFileExist(string filePath)
return File.Exists(filePath);
// copy file from the source folder to the target folder
public static bool CopyFolderFile(string sourceFolderPath, string fileName, string targetFolderPath)
// //Debug.Log("Folder not found: " + folderPath);
// return false;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFolderPath) && sourceFolderPath[sourceFolderPath.Length - 1] != '/' && sourceFolderPath[sourceFolderPath.Length - 1] != '\\')
sourceFolderPath += "/";
string sourceFilePath = sourceFolderPath + fileName;
FileInfo sourceFile = new FileInfo(sourceFilePath);
if (!sourceFile.Exists)
Debug.LogWarning("File not found: " + sourceFilePath + ". Trying to find it in resources...");
return false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFolderPath) && sourceFolderPath[targetFolderPath.Length - 1] != '/' && sourceFolderPath[targetFolderPath.Length - 1] != '\\')
targetFolderPath += "/";
string targetFilePath = targetFolderPath + fileName;
FileInfo targetFile = new FileInfo(targetFilePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(targetFolderPath))
if (!targetFile.Exists || targetFile.Length != sourceFile.Length || targetFile.LastWriteTime != sourceFile.LastWriteTime)
Debug.Log("Copying '" + fileName + "' from " + sourceFolderPath + " to '" + targetFolderPath + "'");
File.Copy(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath, true);
bool bFileCopied = File.Exists(targetFilePath);
return bFileCopied;
return true;
// creates new render texture with the given dimensions and format
public static RenderTexture CreateRenderTexture(RenderTexture currentTex, int width, int height, RenderTextureFormat texFormat = RenderTextureFormat.Default)
if(currentTex != null)
RenderTexture renderTex = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0, texFormat);
renderTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
renderTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
renderTex.enableRandomWrite = true;
return renderTex;
// creates new compute buffer with the given length and stride
public static ComputeBuffer CreateComputeBuffer(ComputeBuffer currentBuf, int bufLen, int bufStride)
if(currentBuf != null)
ComputeBuffer computeBuf = new ComputeBuffer(bufLen, bufStride);
return computeBuf;
// initializes the secondary sensor data, after sensor initialization
public static void InitSensorData(SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager)
// init depth texture
if (IsDirectX11Available() && sensorData.depthImage != null &&
kinectManager.getDepthFrames == KinectManager.DepthTextureType.DepthTexture)
Shader depthImageShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/DepthHistImageShader");
if (depthImageShader != null)
if (sensorData.depthImageTexture == null || sensorData.depthImageTexture.width != sensorData.depthImageWidth || sensorData.depthImageTexture.height != sensorData.depthImageHeight)
sensorData.depthImageTexture = CreateRenderTexture(sensorData.depthImageTexture, sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.depthImageMaterial = new Material(depthImageShader);
if(sensorData.depthImageBuffer == null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
sensorData.depthImageBuffer = CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if(sensorData.depthHistBuffer == null)
sensorData.depthHistBuffer = CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.depthHistBuffer, DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1, sizeof(int));
// init infrared texture
if (IsDirectX11Available() && sensorData.infraredImage != null &&
kinectManager.getInfraredFrames == KinectManager.InfraredTextureType.InfraredTexture)
Shader infraredImageShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/InfraredImageShader");
if (infraredImageShader != null)
if (sensorData.infraredImageTexture == null || sensorData.infraredImageTexture.width != sensorData.depthImageWidth || sensorData.infraredImageTexture.height != sensorData.depthImageHeight)
sensorData.infraredImageTexture = CreateRenderTexture(sensorData.infraredImageTexture, sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.infraredImageMaterial = new Material(infraredImageShader);
if (sensorData.infraredImageBuffer == null)
int infraredBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
sensorData.infraredImageBuffer = CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.infraredImageBuffer, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
// init body texture
if (IsDirectX11Available() && sensorData.bodyIndexImage != null &&
(kinectManager.getBodyFrames == KinectManager.BodyTextureType.BodyTexture ||
kinectManager.getBodyFrames == KinectManager.BodyTextureType.UserTexture))
Shader bodyImageShader = null;
case KinectManager.BodyTextureType.BodyTexture:
bodyImageShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/UserBodyImageShader");
case KinectManager.BodyTextureType.UserTexture:
bodyImageShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/UserHistImageShader");
if (bodyImageShader != null)
if (sensorData.bodyImageTexture == null || sensorData.bodyImageTexture.width != sensorData.depthImageWidth || sensorData.bodyImageTexture.height != sensorData.depthImageHeight)
sensorData.bodyImageTexture = CreateRenderTexture(sensorData.bodyImageTexture, sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
sensorData.bodyImageMaterial = new Material(bodyImageShader);
if (sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer == null)
int bodyIndexBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 4;
sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer = CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer, bodyIndexBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (sensorData.depthImageBuffer == null)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
sensorData.depthImageBuffer = CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (sensorData.bodyHistBuffer == null)
sensorData.bodyHistBuffer = CreateComputeBuffer(sensorData.bodyHistBuffer, DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1, sizeof(int));
// invoke the sensor interface to init its proprietary data
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
sensorData.sensorInterface.InitSensorData(sensorData, kinectManager);
// closes the sensor and releases the related buffers
public static void CloseSensor(SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData == null)
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
if (sensorData.depthImageTexture)
sensorData.depthImageTexture = null;
if (sensorData.depthImageBuffer != null)
sensorData.depthImageBuffer = null;
if (sensorData.depthHistBuffer != null)
sensorData.depthHistBuffer = null;
if (sensorData.infraredImageTexture)
sensorData.infraredImageTexture = null;
if (sensorData.infraredImageBuffer != null)
sensorData.infraredImageBuffer = null;
if (sensorData.bodyImageTexture)
sensorData.bodyImageTexture = null;
if (sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer != null)
sensorData.bodyIndexBuffer = null;
if (sensorData.bodyHistBuffer != null)
sensorData.bodyHistBuffer = null;
// infoked by the sensor thread to poll for frames
public static void PollSensorFrames(SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// invoked periodically to update sensor data, if needed
public static bool UpdateSensorData(SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager, bool isPlayMode)
bool bResult = false;
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
sensorData.prevDepthFrameTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
sensorData.prevColorFrameTime = sensorData.lastColorFrameTime;
bResult = sensorData.sensorInterface.UpdateSensorData(sensorData, kinectManager, isPlayMode);
if(sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime != sensorData.prevDepthFrameTime &&
sensorData.lastColorFrameTime != sensorData.prevColorFrameTime && !isPlayMode)
sensorData.sensorInterface.UpdateTransformedFrameTextures(sensorData, kinectManager);
return bResult;
// invoked periodically to update sensor textures, as needed
public static bool UpdateSensorTextures(SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager)
bool bResult = false;
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
bResult = sensorData.sensorInterface.UpdateSensorTextures(sensorData, kinectManager, sensorData.prevDepthFrameTime);
return bResult;
// displays the given texture on the screen
public static void DisplayGuiTexture(int displayIndex, float screenWidthPercent, Vector2 imageScale, Texture imageTex)
if (imageTex == null || imageTex.width == 0 || imageTex.height == 0)
// get the screen width & height
float screenW = (float)Screen.width;
float screenH = (float)Screen.height;
float rectWidthPercent = screenWidthPercent;
float rectHeightPercent = rectWidthPercent * (float)imageTex.height / (float)imageTex.width;
float rectWidth = screenW * rectWidthPercent;
float rectHeight = screenW * rectHeightPercent;
float rectX = screenW - (displayIndex + 1) * rectWidth;
float rectY = screenH - rectHeight;
if (rectX < 0 || rectY < 0)
if (imageScale.x < 0)
rectX = screenW - displayIndex * rectWidth;
rectWidth = -rectWidth;
if (imageScale.y < 0)
rectY = screenH;
rectHeight = -rectHeight;
Rect imageRect = new Rect(rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (imageTex != null)
GUI.DrawTexture(imageRect, imageTex);
// returns the respective sensor-to-world matrix
public static Matrix4x4 GetSensorToWorldMatrix(SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
return sensorData.sensorInterface.GetSensorToWorldMatrix();
return Matrix4x4.identity;
// returns sensor transform. Please note transform updates depend on the getPoseFrames-KM setting.
public static Transform GetSensorTransform(SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
return sensorData.sensorInterface.GetSensorTransform();
return null;
// returns depth camera space coordinates for the given depth-image point
public static Vector3 MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(SensorData sensorData, Vector2 depthPos, ushort depthVal)
Vector3 vPoint = Vector3.zero;
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
vPoint = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, depthPos, depthVal);
return vPoint;
// returns depth image coordinates for the given depth camera space point
public static Vector2 MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(SensorData sensorData, Vector3 spacePos)
Vector2 vPoint = Vector2.zero;
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
vPoint = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorData, spacePos);
return vPoint;
// returns color camera space coordinates for the given color-image point
public static Vector3 MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(SensorData sensorData, Vector2 colorPos, ushort distance)
Vector3 vPoint = Vector3.zero;
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
vPoint = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, colorPos, distance);
return vPoint;
// returns color image coordinates for the given color camera space point
public static Vector2 MapSpacePointToColorCoords(SensorData sensorData, Vector3 spacePos)
Vector2 vPoint = Vector2.zero;
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
vPoint = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapSpacePointToColorCoords(sensorData, spacePos);
return vPoint;
// returns color-image coordinates for the given depth-image point
public static Vector2 MapDepthPointToColorCoords(SensorData sensorData, Vector2 depthPos, ushort depthVal)
Vector2 vPoint = Vector2.zero;
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
vPoint = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorData, depthPos, depthVal);
return vPoint;
// returns depth-image coordinates for the given color-image point
public static Vector2 MapColorPointToDepthCoords(SensorData sensorData, Vector2 colorPos)
Vector2 vPoint = Vector2.zero;
if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
vPoint = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapColorPointToDepthCoords(sensorData, colorPos);
return vPoint;
//// estimates depth-map coordinates for the given color coords
//public static Vector2 MapColorPointToDepthCoords(SensorData sensorData, Vector2 colorPos, bool bReadDepthCoordsIfNeeded)
// Vector2 vPoint = Vector2.zero;
// if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null && !float.IsInfinity(colorPos.x) && !float.IsInfinity(colorPos.y))
// {
// int cIndex = (int)colorPos.y * sensorData.colorImageWidth + (int)colorPos.x;
// //if (sensorData.color2DepthFrame != null)
// //{
// // if (cIndex >= 0 && cIndex < sensorData.color2DepthFrame.Length)
// // {
// // vPoint = sensorData.color2DepthFrame[cIndex];
// // }
// //}
// //else
// if (bReadDepthCoordsIfNeeded)
// {
// Vector2[] vDepthCoords = new Vector2[sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight];
// if (MapColorFrameToDepthCoords(sensorData, ref vDepthCoords))
// {
// if (cIndex >= 0 && cIndex < vDepthCoords.Length)
// {
// vPoint = vDepthCoords[cIndex];
// }
// }
// vDepthCoords = null;
// }
// }
// return vPoint;
//// estimates space coordinates for the current depth frame
//public static bool MapDepthFrameToSpaceCoords(SensorData sensorData, ref Vector3[] vSpaceCoords)
// bool bResult = false;
// if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// bResult = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapDepthFrameToSpaceCoords(sensorData, ref vSpaceCoords);
// }
// return bResult;
//// estimates color-map coordinates for the current depth frame
//public static bool MapDepthFrameToColorCoords(SensorData sensorData, ref Vector2[] vColorCoords)
// bool bResult = false;
// if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// bResult = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapDepthFrameToColorCoords(sensorData, ref vColorCoords);
// }
// return bResult;
//// estimates depth-map coordinates for the current color frame
//public static bool MapColorFrameToDepthCoords(SensorData sensorData, ref Vector2[] vDepthCoords)
// bool bResult = false;
// if (sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// bResult = sensorData.sensorInterface.MapColorFrameToDepthCoords(sensorData, ref vDepthCoords);
// }
// return bResult;
private static readonly Dictionary<JointType, JointType> dictParentJoint = new Dictionary<KinectInterop.JointType, JointType>
{JointType.Pelvis, JointType.Pelvis},
{JointType.SpineNaval, JointType.Pelvis},
{JointType.SpineChest, JointType.SpineNaval},
{JointType.Neck, JointType.SpineChest},
{JointType.Head, JointType.Neck},
{JointType.ClavicleLeft, JointType.SpineChest},
{JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ClavicleLeft},
{JointType.ElbowLeft, JointType.ShoulderLeft},
{JointType.WristLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft},
{JointType.HandLeft, JointType.WristLeft},
{JointType.HandtipLeft, JointType.HandLeft},
{JointType.ThumbLeft, JointType.WristLeft},
{JointType.ClavicleRight, JointType.SpineChest},
{JointType.ShoulderRight, JointType.ClavicleRight},
{JointType.ElbowRight, JointType.ShoulderRight},
{JointType.WristRight, JointType.ElbowRight},
{JointType.HandRight, JointType.WristRight},
{JointType.HandtipRight, JointType.HandRight},
{JointType.ThumbRight, JointType.WristRight},
{JointType.HipLeft, JointType.Pelvis},
{JointType.KneeLeft, JointType.HipLeft},
{JointType.AnkleLeft, JointType.KneeLeft},
{JointType.FootLeft, JointType.AnkleLeft},
{JointType.HipRight, JointType.Pelvis},
{JointType.KneeRight, JointType.HipRight},
{JointType.AnkleRight, JointType.KneeRight},
{JointType.FootRight, JointType.AnkleRight},
{JointType.Nose, JointType.Head},
{JointType.EyeLeft, JointType.Nose},
{JointType.EarLeft, JointType.EyeLeft},
{JointType.EyeRight, JointType.Nose},
{JointType.EarRight, JointType.EyeRight},
// returns the parent joint of the given joint
public static JointType GetParentJoint(JointType joint)
return dictParentJoint[joint];
private static readonly Dictionary<JointType, JointType> dictNextJoint = new Dictionary<KinectInterop.JointType, JointType>
{JointType.Pelvis, JointType.SpineNaval},
{JointType.SpineNaval, JointType.SpineChest},
{JointType.SpineChest, JointType.Neck},
{JointType.Neck, JointType.Head},
{JointType.Head, JointType.Head},
{JointType.ClavicleLeft, JointType.ShoulderLeft},
{JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft},
{JointType.ElbowLeft, JointType.WristLeft},
{JointType.WristLeft, JointType.HandLeft},
{JointType.HandLeft, JointType.HandtipLeft},
{JointType.HandtipLeft, JointType.HandtipLeft},
{JointType.ThumbLeft, JointType.ThumbLeft},
{JointType.ClavicleRight, JointType.ShoulderRight},
{JointType.ShoulderRight, JointType.ElbowRight},
{JointType.ElbowRight, JointType.WristRight},
{JointType.WristRight, JointType.HandRight},
{JointType.HandRight, JointType.HandtipRight},
{JointType.HandtipRight, JointType.HandtipRight},
{JointType.ThumbRight, JointType.ThumbRight},
{JointType.HipLeft, JointType.KneeLeft},
{JointType.KneeLeft, JointType.AnkleLeft},
{JointType.AnkleLeft, JointType.FootLeft},
{JointType.FootLeft, JointType.FootLeft},
{JointType.HipRight, JointType.KneeRight},
{JointType.KneeRight, JointType.AnkleRight},
{JointType.AnkleRight, JointType.FootRight},
{JointType.FootRight, JointType.FootRight},
{JointType.Nose, JointType.Nose},
{JointType.EyeLeft, JointType.EarLeft},
{JointType.EarLeft, JointType.EarLeft},
{JointType.EyeRight, JointType.EarRight},
{JointType.EarRight, JointType.EarRight},
// returns the next joint in the hierarchy, as to the given joint
public static JointType GetNextJoint(JointType joint)
return dictNextJoint[joint];
private static readonly Dictionary<JointType, JointType> dictMirrorJoint = new Dictionary<KinectInterop.JointType, JointType>
{JointType.Pelvis, JointType.Pelvis},
{JointType.SpineNaval, JointType.SpineNaval},
{JointType.SpineChest, JointType.SpineChest},
{JointType.Neck, JointType.Neck},
{JointType.Head, JointType.Head},
{JointType.ClavicleLeft, JointType.ClavicleRight},
{JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ShoulderRight},
{JointType.ElbowLeft, JointType.ElbowRight},
{JointType.WristLeft, JointType.WristRight},
{JointType.HandLeft, JointType.HandRight},
{JointType.HandtipLeft, JointType.HandtipRight},
{JointType.ThumbLeft, JointType.ThumbRight},
{JointType.ClavicleRight, JointType.ClavicleLeft},
{JointType.ShoulderRight, JointType.ShoulderLeft},
{JointType.ElbowRight, JointType.ElbowLeft},
{JointType.WristRight, JointType.WristLeft},
{JointType.HandRight, JointType.HandLeft},
{JointType.HandtipRight, JointType.HandtipLeft},
{JointType.ThumbRight, JointType.ThumbLeft},
{JointType.HipLeft, JointType.HipRight},
{JointType.KneeLeft, JointType.KneeRight},
{JointType.AnkleLeft, JointType.AnkleRight},
{JointType.FootLeft, JointType.FootRight},
{JointType.HipRight, JointType.HipLeft},
{JointType.KneeRight, JointType.KneeLeft},
{JointType.AnkleRight, JointType.AnkleLeft},
{JointType.FootRight, JointType.FootLeft},
{JointType.Nose, JointType.Nose},
{JointType.EyeLeft, JointType.EyeRight},
{JointType.EarLeft, JointType.EarRight},
{JointType.EyeRight, JointType.EyeLeft},
{JointType.EarRight, JointType.EarLeft},
// returns the mirror joint of the given joint
public static JointType GetMirrorJoint(JointType joint)
return dictMirrorJoint[joint];
// memcpy declaration
public delegate IntPtr MemCpyDelegate(IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, int count);
internal static readonly MemCpyDelegate Memcpy = MemCpy.GetMethod();
[DllImport("libc", EntryPoint = "memcpy", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
internal static extern IntPtr unix_memcpy(IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, int count);
[DllImport("msvcrt.dll", EntryPoint = "memcpy", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
internal static extern IntPtr win_memcpy(IntPtr dest, IntPtr src, int count);
internal static class MemCpy
internal static MemCpyDelegate GetMethod()
switch (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform)
case PlatformID.Win32NT:
return win_memcpy;
case PlatformID.Unix:
case PlatformID.MacOSX:
return unix_memcpy;
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(System.Environment.OSVersion.ToString());
// copies the given number of bytes from source to destination
public static void CopyBytes(IntPtr srcPtr, IntPtr dstPtr, int byteCount)
if (srcPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Exception("srcPtr should not be null.");
if (dstPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Exception("dstPtr should not be null.");
if (byteCount == 0)
throw new Exception("byteCount (" + byteCount + ") should be a positive number.");
Memcpy(dstPtr, srcPtr, byteCount);
// copies the source array to the destination array
public static void CopyBytes(Array srcArray, int copyElemCount, int srcElemSize, IntPtr dstPtr, int dstBlockSize)
if (srcArray == null)
throw new Exception("srcArray should not be null.");
if (dstPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Exception("dstPtr should not be null.");
int copyBytesCount = copyElemCount * srcElemSize;
if (copyBytesCount > dstBlockSize)
throw new Exception("Copied " + copyBytesCount + " bytes will overflow the destination memory. MemBlock size: " + dstBlockSize + " bytes");
if (copyBytesCount > 0)
var pSrcData = GCHandle.Alloc(srcArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
Memcpy(dstPtr, pSrcData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), copyBytesCount);
// copies the source array to the destination array
public static void CopyBytes(IntPtr srcPtr, int srcBlockSize, Array dstArray, int copyElemCount, int dstElemSize)
if (srcPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Exception("srcPtr should not be null.");
if (dstArray == null)
throw new Exception("dstArray should not be null.");
int copyBytesCount = copyElemCount * dstElemSize;
if (srcBlockSize < copyBytesCount)
throw new Exception("Copied " + copyBytesCount + " bytes are not available in the source memory. MemBlock size: " + srcBlockSize + " bytes");
if (copyBytesCount > 0)
var pDstData = GCHandle.Alloc(dstArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
Memcpy(pDstData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), srcPtr, copyBytesCount);
// copies the source array to the destination array
public static void CopyBytes(Array srcArray, int srcElemSize, Array dstArray, int dstElemSize)
if (srcArray == null)
throw new Exception("srcArray should not be null.");
if (dstArray == null)
throw new Exception("dstArray should not be null.");
if ((srcArray.Length * srcElemSize) != (dstArray.Length * dstElemSize))
throw new Exception("srcArray and dstArray should have the same byte length.");
int copyBytesCount = dstArray.Length * dstElemSize;
if (copyBytesCount > 0)
var pSrcData = GCHandle.Alloc(srcArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var pDstData = GCHandle.Alloc(dstArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
Memcpy(pDstData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), pSrcData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), copyBytesCount);
//// copies the source array to the destination array
//public static void CopyBytes<T>(T srcStruct, ref T dstStruct)
// if (srcStruct == null)
// throw new Exception("srcStruct should not be null.");
// if (dstStruct == null)
// throw new Exception("dstStruct should not be null.");
// int copyBytesCount = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
// Debug.Log("Copy " + copyBytesCount + " bytes");
// if (copyBytesCount > 0)
// {
// var pSrcData = GCHandle.Alloc(srcStruct, GCHandleType.Pinned);
// var pDstData = GCHandle.Alloc(dstStruct, GCHandleType.Pinned);
// CopyBytes(pSrcData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), pDstData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), copyBytesCount);
// pDstData.Free();
// pSrcData.Free();
// }
// borrowed from @keijiro
private static MethodInfo _setNativeDataMethod;
private static object[] _setNativeDataArgs = new object[5];
// sets compute buffer data
public static void SetComputeBufferData(ComputeBuffer computeBuffer, IntPtr dataPointer, int elemCount, int elemSize)
if (_setNativeDataMethod == null)
_setNativeDataMethod = typeof(ComputeBuffer).GetMethod("InternalSetNativeData",
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
_setNativeDataArgs[0] = dataPointer;
_setNativeDataArgs[1] = 0; // source offset
_setNativeDataArgs[2] = 0; // buffer offset
_setNativeDataArgs[3] = elemCount;
_setNativeDataArgs[4] = elemSize;
_setNativeDataMethod.Invoke(computeBuffer, _setNativeDataArgs);
// sets compute buffer data
public static void SetComputeBufferData(ComputeBuffer computeBuffer, Array data, int elemCount, int elemSize)
var pData = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
SetComputeBufferData(computeBuffer, pData.AddrOfPinnedObject(), elemCount, elemSize);
private static int[] _csIntArgs2 = new int[2];
// sets compute shader int2 params
public static void SetComputeShaderInt2(ComputeShader computeShader, string name, int x, int y)
_csIntArgs2[0] = x;
_csIntArgs2[1] = y;
computeShader.SetInts(name, _csIntArgs2);
private static float[] _shFloatArgs2 = new float[2];
// sets compute shader float2 params
public static void SetComputeShaderFloat2(ComputeShader computeShader, string name, float x, float y)
_shFloatArgs2[0] = x;
_shFloatArgs2[1] = y;
computeShader.SetFloats(name, _shFloatArgs2);
// sets compute shader float2 params
public static void SetMatShaderFloat2(Material mat, string name, Vector2 vFloat2)
mat.SetVector(name, vFloat2);
// sets compute shader float2 params
public static void SetMatShaderFloat2(Material mat, string name, float x, float y)
Vector2 vFloat2 = new Vector2(x, y);
mat.SetVector(name, vFloat2);
// reads render texture contents into tex2d (it must have the same width and height).
public static bool RenderTex2Tex2D(RenderTexture rt, ref Texture2D tex)
if (!rt || !tex || rt.width != tex.width || rt.height != tex.height)
return false;
RenderTexture currentActiveRT = RenderTexture.active;
RenderTexture.active = rt;
tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height), 0, 0);
RenderTexture.active = currentActiveRT;
return true;
// reads render texture contents into tex2d (it must have the same width and height).
public static bool RenderTex2Tex2D(RenderTexture rt, int rtX, int rtY, int rtW, int rtH, ref Texture2D tex)
if (!rt || !tex || rtW != tex.width || rtH != tex.height)
return false;
RenderTexture currentActiveRT = RenderTexture.active;
RenderTexture.active = rt;
tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(rtX, rtY, rtW, rtH), 0, 0);
RenderTexture.active = currentActiveRT;
return true;
private static Material matRender = null;
// sets up the render material, if needed
private static void SetRenderMat()
if (!matRender)
Shader shader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Internal-Colored");
matRender = new Material(shader);
matRender.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
matRender.SetInt("_SrcBlend", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha);
matRender.SetInt("_DstBlend", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
matRender.SetInt("_Cull", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode.Off);
matRender.SetInt("_ZWrite", 0);
// draws point with the given size and color
public static void DrawPoint(int x, int y, float size, Color color)
Vector3 vPoint = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
DrawPoint(vPoint, size, color);
// draws point with the given size and color
public static void DrawPoint(Vector3 vPoint, float quadSize, Color color)
if (!matRender)
_DrawPoint(vPoint, quadSize);
// draws list of points with the given size and color
public static void DrawPoints(List<Vector3> alPoints, float quadSize, Color color)
if (alPoints == null)
if (!matRender)
foreach (Vector3 v in alPoints)
_DrawPoint(v, quadSize);
// draws point with given size
private static void _DrawPoint(Vector3 v, float quadSize)
float q2 = quadSize / 2f;
GL.Vertex3(v.x - q2, v.y - q2, 0f);
GL.Vertex3(v.x - q2, v.y + q2, 0f);
GL.Vertex3(v.x + q2, v.y + q2, 0f);
GL.Vertex3(v.x + q2, v.y - q2, 0f);
// draws a line with the given width and color
public static void DrawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, float width, Color color)
Vector3 v0 = new Vector3(x0, y0, 0);
Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(x1, y1, 0);
DrawLine(v0, v1, width, color);
// draws a line with the given width and color
public static void DrawLine(Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, float lineWidth, Color color)
if (!matRender)
_DrawLine(v0, v1, lineWidth);
// draws list of lines with the given width and color
public static void DrawLines(List<Vector3> alLinePoints, float lineWidth, Color color)
if (alLinePoints == null)
if (!matRender)
for (int i = 0; i < alLinePoints.Count; i += 2)
Vector3 v0 = alLinePoints[i];
Vector3 v1 = alLinePoints[i + 1];
_DrawLine(v0, v1, lineWidth);
// draws rectangle with the given width and color
public static void DrawRect(Rect rect, float width, Color color)
Vector3 topLeft = new Vector3(rect.xMin, rect.yMin, 0);
Vector3 bottomRight = new Vector3(rect.xMax, rect.yMax, 0);
DrawRect(topLeft, bottomRight, width, color);
// draws rectangle with the given width and color
public static void DrawRect(Vector3 topLeft, Vector3 bottomRight, float lineWidth, Color color)
if (!matRender)
// top
Vector3 v0 = topLeft;
Vector3 v1 = topLeft; v1.x = bottomRight.x;
_DrawLine(v0, v1, lineWidth);
// right
v0 = v1;
v1 = bottomRight;
_DrawLine(v0, v1, lineWidth);
// bottom
v0 = v1;
v1 = topLeft; v1.y = bottomRight.y;
_DrawLine(v0, v1, lineWidth);
// left
v0 = v1;
v1 = topLeft;
_DrawLine(v0, v1, lineWidth);
// draws line from v0 to v1 with the given width
private static void _DrawLine(Vector3 v0, Vector3 v1, float lineWidth)
Vector3 n = ((new Vector3(v1.y, v0.x, 0f)) - (new Vector3(v0.y, v1.x, 0f))).normalized * lineWidth;
GL.Vertex3(v0.x - n.x, v0.y - n.y, 0f);
GL.Vertex3(v0.x + n.x, v0.y + n.y, 0f);
GL.Vertex3(v1.x + n.x, v1.y + n.y, 0f);
GL.Vertex3(v1.x - n.x, v1.y - n.y, 0f);
// converts current body frame to a single csv line. returns empty string if there is no body data
public static string GetBodyFrameAsCsv(ref BodyData[] bodyData, uint bodyCount, ulong liRelTime, Vector3 spaceScale, ref float fUnityTime, char delimiter)
// check for invalid sensor data and if the frame is still the same
if (bodyData == null)
return string.Empty;
// create the output string
System.Text.StringBuilder sbBuf = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
System.Globalization.CultureInfo invCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
fUnityTime = Time.time;
int jointCount = (int)JointType.Count;
// add information for all bodies
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++)
sbBuf.Append(bodyData[i].bIsTracked ? "1" : "0").Append(delimiter);
if (bodyData[i].bIsTracked)
// add information for the tracked body - body-id and joints
for (int j = 0; j < jointCount; j++)
JointData jointData = bodyData[i].joint[j];
if (jointData.trackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked)
Vector3 jointPos = jointData.kinectPos;
Vector3 jointRot = jointData.normalRotation.eulerAngles;
sbBuf.AppendFormat(invCulture, "{0:F3}", jointPos.x).Append(delimiter);
sbBuf.AppendFormat(invCulture, "{0:F3}", jointPos.y).Append(delimiter);
sbBuf.AppendFormat(invCulture, "{0:F3}", jointPos.z).Append(delimiter);
sbBuf.AppendFormat(invCulture, "{0:F3}", jointRot.x).Append(delimiter);
sbBuf.AppendFormat(invCulture, "{0:F3}", jointRot.y).Append(delimiter);
sbBuf.AppendFormat(invCulture, "{0:F3}", jointRot.z).Append(delimiter);
// remove the last delimiter
if (sbBuf.Length > 0 && sbBuf[sbBuf.Length - 1] == delimiter)
sbBuf.Remove(sbBuf.Length - 1, 1);
return sbBuf.ToString();
// sets current body frame from the given csv line. returns the number of bodies
public static uint SetBodyFrameFromCsv(string sCsvLine, string sDelim, ref BodyData[] bodyData,
ref Matrix4x4 sensorToWorld, bool bIgnoreZCoords, out ulong liRelTime)
liRelTime = 0;
// check for invalid sensor data and for same frame time
if (sCsvLine.Length == 0)
return 0;
// split the csv line in parts
char[] delimiters = sDelim.ToCharArray();
if (delimiters == null || delimiters.Length == 0)
return 0;
string[] alCsvParts = sCsvLine.Split(delimiters);
if (alCsvParts.Length < 7)
return 0;
System.Globalization.CultureInfo invCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
System.Globalization.NumberStyles numFloat = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float;
// body count & joint count
int.TryParse(alCsvParts[2], out int bodyCount);
int.TryParse(alCsvParts[3], out int jointCount);
// space scale
int.TryParse(alCsvParts[4], out int iSX);
int.TryParse(alCsvParts[5], out int iSY);
int.TryParse(alCsvParts[6], out int iSZ);
Vector3 sensorSpaceScale = new Vector3(iSX, iSY, iSZ);
ulong.TryParse(alCsvParts[1], out liRelTime);
if (alCsvParts[0] != "k4b" || bodyCount == 0 || jointCount == 0 || liRelTime == 0)
return 0;
//if (bodyCount != sensorData.bodyCount || jointCount != sensorData.jointCount)
// return 0;
//// update body frame data
//bodyFrame.liPreviousTime = bodyFrame.liRelativeTime;
//bodyFrame.liRelativeTime = liRelTime;
if (bodyData.Length < bodyCount)
Array.Resize<BodyData>(ref bodyData, bodyCount);
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++)
bodyData[i] = new BodyData((int)JointType.Count);
int iIndex = 7;
for (int i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++)
if (alCsvParts.Length < (iIndex + 1))
return 0;
// update the tracked-flag and body id
short bIsTracked = 0;
ulong liTrackingID = 0;
short.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex], out bIsTracked);
if (bIsTracked != 0 && alCsvParts.Length >= (iIndex + 1))
ulong.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex], out liTrackingID);
if (liTrackingID == 0)
bIsTracked = 0;
bodyData[i].bIsTracked = (bIsTracked != 0);
bodyData[i].liTrackingID = liTrackingID;
if (bIsTracked != 0)
if (jointCount != (int)JointType.Count)
// set the other joints as not tracked
for (int j = jointCount; j < (int)JointType.Count; j++)
bodyData[i].joint[j].trackingState = TrackingState.NotTracked;
// update joints' data
for (int j = 0; j < jointCount; j++)
JointData jointData = bodyData[i].joint[j];
int iTrackingState = 0;
if (alCsvParts.Length >= (iIndex + 1))
int.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex], out iTrackingState);
jointData.trackingState = (KinectInterop.TrackingState)iTrackingState;
if (iTrackingState != (int)TrackingState.NotTracked && alCsvParts.Length >= (iIndex + 6))
float.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex], numFloat, invCulture, out float x);
float.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex + 1], numFloat, invCulture, out float y);
float.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex + 2], numFloat, invCulture, out float z);
iIndex += 3;
jointData.kinectPos = new Vector3(x, y, z);
float.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex], numFloat, invCulture, out x);
float.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex + 1], numFloat, invCulture, out y);
float.TryParse(alCsvParts[iIndex + 2], numFloat, invCulture, out z);
iIndex += 3;
jointData.normalRotation = Quaternion.Euler(x, y, z);
jointData.kinectPos = Vector3.zero;
float jPosZ = (bIgnoreZCoords && j > 0) ? bodyData[i].joint[0].kinectPos.z : jointData.kinectPos.z;
jointData.position = sensorToWorld.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(jointData.kinectPos.x * sensorSpaceScale.x, jointData.kinectPos.y * sensorSpaceScale.y, jPosZ));
jointData.orientation = Quaternion.identity;
Vector3 mirroredAngles = jointData.normalRotation.eulerAngles;
mirroredAngles.y = -mirroredAngles.y;
mirroredAngles.z = -mirroredAngles.z;
jointData.mirroredRotation = Quaternion.Euler(mirroredAngles);
if (j == 0)
// set body position
bodyData[i].position = jointData.position;
bodyData[i].orientation = jointData.orientation;
bodyData[i].normalRotation = jointData.normalRotation;
bodyData[i].mirroredRotation = jointData.mirroredRotation;
bodyData[i].joint[j] = jointData;
// calculate bone directions
CalcBodyJointDirs(ref bodyData[i]);
return (uint)bodyCount;
// calculates all bone directions for the given body
public static void CalcBodyJointDirs(ref BodyData bodyData)
if (bodyData.bIsTracked)
for (int j = 0; j < (int)JointType.Count; j++)
if (j == 0)
bodyData.joint[j].direction = Vector3.zero;
int jParent = (int)GetParentJoint((JointType)j);
if (bodyData.joint[j].trackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked &&
bodyData.joint[jParent].trackingState != TrackingState.NotTracked)
bodyData.joint[j].direction = (bodyData.joint[j].position - bodyData.joint[jParent].position); //.normalized;