using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using com.rfilkov.kinect; namespace com.rfilkov.components { public class UserAvatarMatcher : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Humanoid model used for avatar instatiation.")] public GameObject avatarModel; [Tooltip("Smooth factor used by the avatar controller.")] public float smoothFactor = 10f; [Tooltip("If enabled, makes the avatar position relative to this camera to be the same as the player's position to the sensor.")] public Camera posRelativeToCamera; [Tooltip("Whether the avatar is facing the player or not.")] public bool mirroredMovement = true; [Tooltip("Whether the avatar is allowed to move vertically or not.")] public bool verticalMovement = true; [Tooltip("Whether the avatar's feet must stick to the ground.")] public bool groundedFeet = false; [Tooltip("Whether to apply the humanoid model's muscle limits or not.")] public bool applyMuscleLimits = false; private KinectManager kinectManager; private int maxUserCount = 0; private ulong userChecksum = 0; private Dictionary alUserAvatars = new Dictionary(); void Start() { kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; } void Update() { ulong checksum = GetUserChecksum(out maxUserCount); if (userChecksum != checksum) { userChecksum = checksum; List alAvatarToRemove = new List(alUserAvatars.Keys); for (int i = 0; i < maxUserCount; i++) { ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(i); if (userId == 0) continue; if (alAvatarToRemove.Contains(userId)) alAvatarToRemove.Remove(userId); if (!alUserAvatars.ContainsKey(userId)) { Debug.Log("Creating avatar for userId: " + userId + ", Time: " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup); // create avatar for the user int userIndex = kinectManager.GetUserIndexById(userId); GameObject avatarObj = CreateUserAvatar(userId, userIndex); alUserAvatars[userId] = avatarObj; } } // remove the missing users from the list foreach (ulong userId in alAvatarToRemove) { if (alUserAvatars.ContainsKey(userId)) { Debug.Log("Destroying avatar for userId: " + userId + ", Time: " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup); GameObject avatarObj = alUserAvatars[userId]; alUserAvatars.Remove(userId); // destroy the user's avatar DestroyUserAvatar(avatarObj); } } } } // returns the checksum of current users private ulong GetUserChecksum(out int maxUserCount) { maxUserCount = 0; ulong checksum = 0; if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) { maxUserCount = kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount(); //ulong csMask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; for (int i = 0; i < maxUserCount; i++) { ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(i); //userId &= csMask; if (userId != 0) { checksum += userId; //checksum &= csMask; } } } return checksum; } // creates avatar for the given user private GameObject CreateUserAvatar(ulong userId, int userIndex) { GameObject avatarObj = null; if (avatarModel) { Vector3 userPos = new Vector3(userIndex, 0, 0); Quaternion userRot = Quaternion.Euler(!mirroredMovement ? : new Vector3(0, 180, 0)); avatarObj = Instantiate(avatarModel, userPos, userRot); = "User-" + userId; AvatarController ac = avatarObj.GetComponent(); if (ac == null) { ac = avatarObj.AddComponent(); ac.playerIndex = userIndex; ac.smoothFactor = smoothFactor; ac.posRelativeToCamera = posRelativeToCamera; ac.mirroredMovement = mirroredMovement; ac.verticalMovement = verticalMovement; ac.groundedFeet = groundedFeet; ac.applyMuscleLimits = applyMuscleLimits; } } return avatarObj; } // destroys the avatar and refreshes the list of avatar controllers private void DestroyUserAvatar(GameObject avatarObj) { if (avatarObj) { Destroy(avatarObj); } } } }