using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
public class Blob
[Tooltip("Number of pixels in the blob.")]
public int pixels;
[Tooltip("Blob limits in X (pixels), Y (pixels) & Z (mm).")]
public int minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz;
//public long sumx, sumy, sumz;
/// Blob constructor.
public Blob(int x, int y, int z)
minx = maxx = x;
//sumx = x;
miny = maxy = y;
//sumy = y;
minz = maxz = z;
//sumz = z;
/// Checks if the current blob is inside the given one.
/// Blob
public bool IsInside(Blob b)
if (minx >= b.minx && maxx <= b.maxx && miny >= b.miny && maxy <= b.maxy && minz >= b.minz && maxz <= b.maxz)
return true;
return false;
/// Checks if a pixel is near or inside this blob.
/// X
/// Y
/// Z
/// Tolerance in X- & Y-directions (pixels)
/// Tolerance in Z-direction (mm)
public bool IsNearOrInside(int pixX, int pixY, int pixZ, int difXY, int difZ)
if (pixX >= (minx - difXY) && pixX <= (maxx + difXY) && pixY >= (miny - difXY) && pixY <= (maxy + difXY))
if(pixZ >= (minz - difZ) && pixZ <= (maxz + difZ))
return true;
return false;
/// Adds a pixel to the blob.
/// X
/// Y
/// Z
public void AddDepthPixel(int pixX, int pixY, int pixZ)
minx = Mathf.Min(minx, pixX);
miny = Mathf.Min(miny, pixY);
minz = Mathf.Min(minz, pixZ);
maxx = Mathf.Max(maxx, pixX);
maxy = Mathf.Max(maxy, pixY);
maxz = Mathf.Max(maxz, pixZ);
//sumx += pixX;
//sumy += pixY;
//sumz += pixZ;
/// Gets the blob width.
/// Blob width
public float GetWidth()
return maxx - minx;
/// Gets the blob height.
/// Blob height
public float GetHeight()
return maxy - miny;
/// Gets the blob center.
/// Blob center
public Vector3 GetBlobCenter()
return new Vector3((minx + maxx) / 2, (miny + maxy) / 2, (minz + maxz) / 2);