using UnityEngine; using GraphicsFormat = UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat; namespace Akvfx { public sealed class PointCloudBaker : MonoBehaviour { #region Editable attributes [SerializeField] DeviceSettings _deviceSettings = null; [SerializeField] RenderTexture _colorTexture = null; [SerializeField] RenderTexture _positionTexture = null; [SerializeField] Shader _shader = null; #endregion #region Internal objects ThreadedDriver _driver; Material _material; ComputeBuffer _xyTable; (Texture2D color, Texture2D depth) _temporaries; #endregion #region MonoBehaviour implementation void Start() { // Start capturing via the threaded driver. _driver = new ThreadedDriver(_deviceSettings); // Temporary objects for convertion shader _material = new Material(_shader); _temporaries = ( new Texture2D(2048, 1536, GraphicsFormat.B8G8R8A8_SRGB, 0), new Texture2D(2048 * 2, 1536, GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm, 0) ); } void OnDestroy() { if (_material != null) Destroy(_material); _xyTable?.Dispose(); if (_temporaries.color != null) Destroy(_temporaries.color); if (_temporaries.depth != null) Destroy(_temporaries.depth); _driver?.Dispose(); } RenderBuffer[] _mrt = new RenderBuffer[2]; unsafe void Update() { // Try initializing XY table if it's not ready. if (_xyTable == null) { var data = _driver.XYTable; if (data.IsEmpty) return; // Table is not ready. // Allocate and initialize the XY table. _xyTable = new ComputeBuffer(data.Length, sizeof(float)); _xyTable.SetData(data); } // Try retrieving the last frame. var (color, depth) = _driver.LockLastFrame(); if (color.IsEmpty || depth.IsEmpty) return; // Load the frame data into the temporary textures. _temporaries.color.LoadRawTextureData(color.Span); _temporaries.depth.LoadRawTextureData(depth.Span); _temporaries.color.Apply(); _temporaries.depth.Apply(); // We don't need the last frame any more. _driver.ReleaseLastFrame(); // Invoke the unprojection shader. _material.SetTexture("_ColorTexture", _temporaries.color); _material.SetTexture("_DepthTexture", _temporaries.depth); _material.SetBuffer("_XYTable", _xyTable); _material.SetFloat("_MaxDepth", _deviceSettings.maxDepth); var prevRT =; GraphicsExtensions.SetRenderTarget(_colorTexture, _positionTexture); Graphics.Blit(null, _material, 0); = prevRT; } #endregion } }