# The development environment All developers have to use the following version of software - Unity 2018.4.3f1 (LTS) - Microsoft Visual Studio Commmunity 2017. version 15.9.13 - Pure Data 0.49.1 **64 bit** (Install via installer) # Recommended IDE - rider by jetbrains if available - Visual Studio 2017 + ReSharper # Build Pool Access my [NAS](http://quickconnect.to) QuickConnectID: gyudon Name: cylvester Pass: dortmund # How to properly clone the repo After you clone the repo. please execute ``` git submodule update --init --recursive ``` This will recursive clone all submodules from the github. ## PdBackend The unity project contains a pd binary under StreamingAssets folder PdBackend.cs monobehaviour automatically launches the Pd process when the game is started. To use this Features PdBackend should exist in the scene. ## shmem The Unity project access the Arrays in Pd patch via shmem (Shmem) object ## wix heat command execute following command under bin directory heat dir . -ag -gg -dr Cylvester -directoryid Cylvester -srd -sreg -cg UnityComponentGroup -out source.wxs -var var.UnityBuildDir