const { SerialPort } = require('serialport') const { DelimiterParser } = require('@serialport/parser-delimiter') const osc = require("osc") // Create an osc.js UDP Port listening on port 57121. const udpPort = new osc.UDPPort({ localAddress: "", localPort: 57129, metadata: true }); // Listen for incoming OSC messages. udpPort.on("message", function (oscMsg, timeTag, info) { console.log("An OSC message just arrived!", oscMsg); console.log("Remote info is: ", info); }); // Open the socket.; const { fft, util } = require("fft-js"); const port = new SerialPort({ path: '/dev/ttyACM0', baudRate: 115200, autoOpen: false, }) (err) { if (err) { return console.log('Error opening port: ', err.message) } // Because there's no callback to write, write errors will be emitted on the port: port.write('main screen turn on') }) // The open event is always emitted port.on('open', function () { // open logic }) // Read data that is available but keep the stream in "paused mode" //port.on('readable', function () { // console.log('Data:', //}) let signal = []; const parser = port.pipe(new DelimiterParser({ delimiter: "\n" })) parser.on("data", (data) => { let xyz = data.toString().replace(/\s/g, "").split(","); if (isNaN(xyz[0]) === false && xyz[0] !== "" && isNaN(xyz[1]) === false && xyz[1] !== "" && isNaN(xyz[2]) === false && xyz[2] !== "") { // console.log(xyz) let x = parseInt(xyz[0]); let y = parseInt(xyz[0]); let z = parseInt(xyz[0]); signal.push(Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)); } else { // console.log("nan", xyz) } if (signal.length > 16) { signal.shift(); let p = fft(signal); let mag = util.fftMag(p); // console.log(mag.slice(2,3)); console.log(Math.min(1, mag[7] / 1000)); udpPort.send({ address: "/ctrl", args: [ { type: "s", value: "hello" }, { type: "f", value: Math.min(1, mag[7] / 1000) }, ] }, "", 6010); // udpPort.send({ // address: "/processing", // args: => { // return { // type: "f", // value: m // } // }) // }, "", 6060); } });