using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; /// /// Moves/rotates the attached object using the keyboard or, if the /// Oculus/SteamVR plugins are imported, by buttons on the VR controllers. /// To use VR controllers, you must also have a ZEDControllerTracker component in the scene /// that's set to track the controller you want to use. /// Used in the ZED Planetarium and Movie Screen example scenes to move the solar system/screen. /// public class ZEDTransformController : MonoBehaviour { //Public variables /// /// Rotational reference point for moving forward, backward, left, right, etc. /// [Header("Object motion relative to:")] [Tooltip("Rotational reference point for moving forward, backward, left, right, etc.")] public RelativeMotion motion; /// /// Whether to rotate in the opposite direction specified, eg rotating 'right' means counter-clockwise. /// [Tooltip("Whether to rotate in the opposite direction specified, eg rotating 'right' means counter-clockwise.")] public bool invertRotation; /// /// If true, the object will teleport to a meter in front of the ZED once it's finished initializing. /// [Tooltip("If true, the object will teleport to a meter in front of the ZED once it's finished initializing.")] public bool repositionAtStart = true; /// /// Reference to the scene's ZEDManager component. /// Used when RelativeMotion is set to Camera, for finding the current position of the ZED. /// [Tooltip("Reference to the scene's ZEDManager component. Used when RelativeMotion is set to Camera, " + "and also for positioning it at start. If left blank, the first ZED camera indexed will be set.")] public ZEDManager zedManager = null; /// /// How fast the object moves/translates, in meters per second. /// [Space(5)] [Header("Motion Options")] [Tooltip("How fast the object moves/translates, in meters per second. ")] public float movementSpeed = 0.5F; /// /// How fast the object rotates, in revolutions per second. /// [Tooltip("How fast the object rotates, in revolutions per second.")] public float rotationSpeed = 0.1f; /// /// How quickly an object gets bigger or smaller. /// Scale increases/decreases by this factor every second. /// [Tooltip("How quickly an object gets bigger or smaller. Scale increases/decreases by this factor every second.")] public float scaleSpeed = 0.25F; /// /// The largest amount to which the object can scale. /// [Tooltip("The largest amount to which the object can scale.")] public float maxScale = 2.0F; /// /// The smallest amount down to which the object can scale. /// [Tooltip("The smallest amount down to which the object can scale. ")] public float minScale = 0.25F; /// /// Optional reference to a light that is enabled only when moving. /// Used in the ZED Movie Screen sample to project a light underneath the screen when moved. /// [Space(5)] [Tooltip("Optional reference to a light that is enabled only when moving.")] public Light spotLight; //Private variables /// /// List of all ZEDControllerTrackers in the scene. Used to get input in an SDK/agnostic way. /// private List objectTrackers = new List(); /// /// Left Camera component in the ZED rig, that represents the ZED's left sensor. /// Used when RelativeMotion is set to Camera for providing relative values. /// private Camera leftCamera; /// /// Whether the object is moving/translating. /// private bool isMoving; private IEnumerator Start() { isMoving = false; if (!zedManager) { zedManager = FindObjectOfType(); if (ZEDManager.GetInstances().Count > 1) //They let the plugin auto-assign a ZED but there are multiple ZED's. Warn the user. { Debug.Log("Warning: ZEDTransformController's zedManager field was not specified, but there are multiple ZEDManagers in the scene " + "so first available ZED was assigned. This can cause the object to move relative to the wrong camera. " + "It's recommended to assign the desired ZEDManager in the Inspector."); } } //Find the available VR controllers and assigning them to our List. yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); var trackers = FindObjectsOfType(); foreach (ZEDControllerTracker_DemoInputs tracker in trackers) { objectTrackers.Add(tracker); } if (repositionAtStart) //If the user wants, move the object in front of the ZED once it's initialized. { zedManager.OnZEDReady += RepositionInFrontOfZED; } } private void Update() { Vector3 moveAxis =; //Translation. Used by keyboard only. float inputRotation = 0f; //Applied rotation, between -1 and 1. Cumulative between keyboard and controllers. float inputScale = 0f; //Applied scale change, either -1, 0 or 1. Cumulative between keyboard and controllers. //Keyboard inputs. if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) { inputRotation = -1 * (rotationSpeed * 360) * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { inputRotation = 1 * (rotationSpeed * 360) * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { moveAxis = Vector3.forward * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { moveAxis = Vector3.back * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { moveAxis = Vector3.left * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { moveAxis = Vector3.right * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R)) { moveAxis = Vector3.up * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F)) { moveAxis = Vector3.down * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } Quaternion gravity = Quaternion.identity; if (moveAxis != { isMoving = true; if (motion == RelativeMotion.Itself) { transform.Translate(moveAxis.x, moveAxis.y, moveAxis.z); } else if (motion == RelativeMotion.Camera) { gravity = Quaternion.FromToRotation(zedManager.GetZedRootTansform().up, Vector3.up); transform.localPosition += zedManager.GetMainCameraTransform().right * moveAxis.x; transform.localPosition += zedManager.GetMainCameraTransform().forward * moveAxis.z; transform.localPosition += gravity * zedManager.GetMainCameraTransform().up * moveAxis.y; } } else { isMoving = false; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0)) inputScale = 1f; else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse1)) inputScale = -1f; if (zedManager) { Vector3 moveaxis = new Vector3(); //Position change by controller. Added to keyboard version if both are applied. //Looks for any input from this controller through SteamVR. //Left controller controls rotation and increasing scale. if (objectTrackers.Count > 0) { moveaxis = objectTrackers[0].CheckNavigateUIAxis(); if (Mathf.Abs(moveaxis.x) < 0.1f) moveaxis.x = 0; //Add slight deadzone. if (Mathf.Abs(moveaxis.y) < 0.1f) moveaxis.y = 0; inputRotation += moveaxis.x * rotationSpeed * 360f * Time.deltaTime; gravity = Quaternion.FromToRotation(zedManager.GetZedRootTansform().up, Vector3.up); transform.localPosition += gravity * zedManager.GetMainCameraTransform().up * moveaxis.y * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (objectTrackers[0].CheckClickButton(ControllerButtonState.Held)) { inputScale = 1f; } } //Right controller controls translation and lowering scale. if (objectTrackers.Count > 1) { moveaxis = objectTrackers[1].CheckNavigateUIAxis(); if (Mathf.Abs(moveaxis.x) < 0.1f) moveaxis.x = 0; //Add slight deadzone. if (Mathf.Abs(moveaxis.y) < 0.1f) moveaxis.y = 0; if (moveaxis.x != 0 || moveaxis.y != 0) { isMoving = true; gravity = Quaternion.FromToRotation(zedManager.GetZedRootTansform().up, Vector3.up); transform.localPosition += zedManager.GetMainCameraTransform().right * moveaxis.x * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; transform.localPosition += gravity * zedManager.GetMainCameraTransform().forward * moveaxis.y * movementSpeed * Time.deltaTime; } else isMoving = false; if (objectTrackers[1].CheckClickButton(ControllerButtonState.Held)) { inputScale = -1f; } } } //Rotation float h = inputRotation; if (invertRotation) transform.Rotate(0, h, 0); else transform.Rotate(0, -h, 0); //Scale float s = scaleSpeed * (inputScale * Time.deltaTime); transform.localScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x + s, transform.localScale.y + s, transform.localScale.z + s); if (transform.localScale.x > maxScale) transform.localScale = new Vector3(maxScale, maxScale, maxScale); else if (transform.localScale.x < minScale) transform.localScale = new Vector3(minScale, minScale, minScale); //Enable/disable light if moving. if (spotLight != null) { SetMovementLight(); } } /// /// Turns the optional spotLight on or off depending on if the object is moving/translating. /// Also scales the light to match the object's own scale. /// void SetMovementLight() { //Enable/disable Light if the object is moving. if (!spotLight.enabled && isMoving) { spotLight.enabled = true; } else if (spotLight.enabled && !isMoving) { spotLight.enabled = false; } //Scale light with object size. if (spotLight.enabled && spotLight.type == LightType.Spot) { spotLight.spotAngle = transform.localScale.x * 180 * 2; spotLight.range = transform.localScale.x * 4f; if (spotLight.range > 2) spotLight.range = 2; } } /// /// Repositions the object to a meter in front of the ZED. /// Called by ZEDManager.OnZEDReady if repositionAtStart is enabled. /// void RepositionInFrontOfZED() { //If the ZEDManager uses Estimate Initial Position and tracking, then the position will change shortly after OnZEDReady. //We'll make a non-async call to EstimateInitialPosition to determine what the angle will be. if (zedManager.estimateInitialPosition && zedManager.enableTracking) { Vector3 initpos =; Quaternion initrot = Quaternion.identity; zedManager.zedCamera.EstimateInitialPosition(ref initrot, ref initpos); transform.position = initpos + (initrot * Vector3.forward); Quaternion newRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(initpos - transform.position, Vector3.up); transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, newRot.eulerAngles.y + 180, 0); } else { transform.position = zedManager.OriginPosition + zedManager.OriginRotation * (Vector3.forward); Quaternion newRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(zedManager.OriginPosition - transform.position, Vector3.up); transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, newRot.eulerAngles.y + 180, 0); } //If we're going to know where the floor is, then make sure the object doesn't spawn in the floor if the user is looking down. if(zedManager.estimateInitialPosition) { if (transform.position.y < 0.5f) transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0.5f, transform.position.z); } } IEnumerator RepositionAfterZEDReady() { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { print(zedManager.GetZedRootTansform().position); yield return null; } } /// /// Options for what movement will be relevant to. /// public enum RelativeMotion { Itself, //Relative to its own rotation, eg. moving forward moves where the object is facing. Camera //Relative to the camera's rotation, eg. moving forward moves where the camera/player is facing. } }